Be excellent to each other! ♥
Be excellent to each other! ♥
Vær gode ved hinanden! ♥ -
There are no members yet.
There are no members yet.
Der er endnu ingen medlemmer. -
The CSRF token is invalid. Please sign in and try again.
The CSRF token is invalid. Please sign in and try again.
CSFR-token er ikke gyldigt. Log ind og prøv igen. -
You need to add some contacts before you can start a conversation
You need to add some contacts before you can start a conversation
Du skal tilføje nogle kontakter før du kan starte en samtale -
You have been invited by %{inviter} to join this pod but you are already logged in.
You have been invited by %{inviter} to join this pod but you are already logged in.
Du er blevet inviteret af %{inviter} til at tilslutte dig denne pod, men du er allerede logget ind. -
Invitations are closed on this diaspora* pod.
Invitations are closed on this diaspora* pod.
Der er lukket for invitationer på denne Diaspora-pod. -
Failed to like.
Failed to like.
Du kunne ikke "synes om". -
We received an unauthorized request from your account, %{name}
We received an unauthorized request from your account, %{name}
Vi har modtaget en ikke-autoriseret forespørgsel fra din konto, %{name} -
Hello %{name}, diaspora* has detected an attempt to access your session which might be unauthorised. To avoid any chance of your data being compromised, you have been signed out. Don’t worry; you can safely sign in again now. A request has been made using a incorrect or missing CSRF token. This might be completely innocent, but it could be a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack. This could have been caused by: - An add-on manipulating the request or making requests without the token; - A tab left open from a past session; - Another website making requests, with or without your permission; - Various other external tools; - Malicious code trying to access your data. For more information on CSRF see [%{link}](%{link}). If you see this message repeatedly, please check the points above, including any browser add-ons. Thank you, The diaspora* email robot!
Hello %{name},
diaspora* has detected an attempt to access your session which might be unauthorised. To avoid any chance of your data being compromised, you have been signed out. Don’t worry; you can safely sign in again now.
A request has been made using a incorrect or missing CSRF token. This might be completely innocent, but it could be a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack.
This could have been caused by:
- An add-on manipulating the request or making requests without the token;
- A tab left open from a past session;
- Another website making requests, with or without your permission;
- Various other external tools;
- Malicious code trying to access your data.
For more information on CSRF see [%{link}](%{link}).
If you see this message repeatedly, please check the points above, including any browser add-ons.
Thank you,
The diaspora* email robot!Goddag %{name},
Diaspora har opdaget et forsøg på at skaffe sig adgang til din session der kan være uautoriseret. For at sikre dine data er du blevet logget ud. Ingen grund til bekymring - du kan roligt logge ind igen nu.
Forespørgslen er sket med et fejlagtigt eller manglende CSRF-token. Dette kan sagtens være helt uskyldigt, men det kan også være et cross-site request forgery (CSRF) angreb.
Årsagen kan være:
- En program-tilføjelse der manipulerer forespørgslen eller forespørger uden token;
- Der er en tab åben fra din sidste session;
- Et andet website har lavet forespørgslen med eller uden din tilladelse;
- Forskellige andre eksterne redskaber;
- Ondsindet kode der forsøger at tilgå dine data.
For mere information om CSRF, se [%{link}](%{link}).
Hvis du bliver ved med at se denne meddelelse, så undersøg venligst punkterne ovenfor, inklusive dine browser-add-ons.
Mange tak,
Diaspora e-mail-robotten! -
There is one unreviewed report. There are no unreviewed reports. There are %{count} unreviewed reports. ZeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0There are no unreviewed reports.
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1There is one unreviewed report.
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything elseThere are %{count} unreviewed reports.
zeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0Alle rapporter er gennemset.
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1Der er en ugennemset rapport.
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything elseDer er %{count} ugennemsete rapporter.
Failed to reshare.
Failed to reshare.
Du kunne ikke dele indlægget. -
Default aspects selected for posting
Default aspects selected for posting
Standard aspekt når du lægger indlæg op -
%{actors} has mentioned you in a <a href='%{comment_path}'>comment</a> to the post %{post_link}. %{actors} have mentioned you in a <a href='%{comment_path}'>comment</a> to the post %{post_link}. oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1%{actors} has mentioned you in a
<a href='%{comment_path}'>
to the post %{post_link}.otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{actors} have mentioned you in a
<a href='%{comment_path}'>
to the post %{post_link}.
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1%{actors} har nævnt dig i en
<a href="%{comment_path}">
til dette indlæg: %{post_link}.otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{actors} har nævnt dig i en
<a href="%{comment_path}">
til dette indlæg: %{post_link}.
%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted comment. %{actors} mentioned you in a deleted comment. oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted comment.
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{actors} mentioned you in a deleted comment.
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1%{actors} har nævnt dig i en slettet kommentar.
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{actors} har nævnt dig i en slettet kommentar.
Mentioned in comment
Mentioned in comment
Nævnt i kommentar -
You were mentioned in a comment to a limited post.
You were mentioned in a comment to a limited post.
Du er blevet nævnt i en kommentar i et lukket indlæg. -
Reply to or view this conversation >
Reply to or view this conversation >
Se eller skriv et svar til denne samtale > -
you are mentioned in a comment
you are mentioned in a comment
Du er blevet nævnt i en kommentar. -
Failed to unlike.
Failed to unlike.
Kunne ikke fjerne "synes om". -
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