What are “#Followed Tags” and how do I follow a tag?
What are “#Followed Tags” and how do I follow a tag?
Hvad er #Fulgte tags" og hvordan kan jeg følge et tag? -
After searching for a tag you can click the button at the top of the tag’s page to “follow” that tag. It will then appear in your list of followed tags in the left-hand menu. Clicking one of your followed tags takes you to that tag’s page so you can see recent posts containing that tag. Click on #Followed Tags to see a stream of posts that include any one of your followed tags. Posts containing that tag will also be included in your main stream.
After searching for a tag you can click the button at the top of the tag’s page to “follow” that tag. It will then appear in your list of followed tags in the left-hand menu. Clicking one of your followed tags takes you to that tag’s page so you can see recent posts containing that tag. Click on #Followed Tags to see a stream of posts that include any one of your followed tags. Posts containing that tag will also be included in your main stream.
Når du har søgt efter et tag, kan du klikke på knappen øverst på tag-siden for at "følge" det tag. Det vil herefter blive vist i din liste over fulgte tags i den venstre menu. Hvis du klikker på en af dine fulgte tags kommer du til det tags side, hvor du kan se de seneste indlæg der indeholder dette tag. Klik på #Fulgte tags for at se en strøm med indlæg, der omfatter et eller flere af dine fulgte tags. Indlæg indeholdende det pågældende tag vil også blive inkluderet i din hovedstrøm. -
Who are the people listed on the left-hand side of a tag page?
Who are the people listed on the left-hand side of a tag page?
Hvem er de mennesker der er anført på den venstre side af en tag-side? -
They are people who have listed that tag to describe themselves in their public profile.
They are people who have listed that tag to describe themselves in their public profile.
Det er folk der har skrevet det som et tag til at beskrive sig selv i deres offentlige profil. -
How can I filter/exclude some tags from my stream?
How can I filter/exclude some tags from my stream?
Hvordan kan jeg filtrere/fjerne tags fra min strøm? -
This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.
This is not yet available directly through diaspora*, but some %{third_party_tools} have been written that might provide this.
Dette er endnu ikke tilgængelig direkte via Diaspora, men der er blevet skrevet %{third_party_tools} som kan tilbyde dette. -
Diverse -
Is there a quick way to go back to the top of a page after I scroll down?
Is there a quick way to go back to the top of a page after I scroll down?
Er der en hurtig måde at gå tilbage til toppen af siden når jeg har rullet ned? -
Yes. After scrolling down a page, click on the grey arrow that appears in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window.
Yes. After scrolling down a page, click on the grey arrow that appears in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser window.
Ja. Når du har rullet en hel side ned, kan du klikke på den grå pil der vises i nederste højre hjørne af browservinduet. -
Are there photo or video albums?
Are there photo or video albums?
Er der billed, eller videoalbums? -
No, not currently. However you can view a person’s uploaded pictures under the Photos tab of their profile page.
No, not currently. However you can view a person’s uploaded pictures under the Photos tab of their profile page.
Nej, ikke i øjeblikket. Men du kan se en persons uploadede billeder i fotosektionen af deres profilside. -
Can I subscribe to someone’s public posts with a feed reader?
Can I subscribe to someone’s public posts with a feed reader?
Kan jeg abonnere på nogens offentlige indlæg med en feed-læser? -
Yes, but this is still not a polished feature and the formatting of the results is still pretty rough. If you want to try it anyway, go to someone’s profile page and click the feed button in your browser, or you can copy the profile URL (e.g. https://podname.org/people/somenumber) and paste it into a feed reader. The resulting feed address looks like this: https://podname.org/public/username.atom – diaspora* uses Atom rather than RSS.
Yes, but this is still not a polished feature and the formatting of the results is still pretty rough. If you want to try it anyway, go to someone’s profile page and click the feed button in your browser, or you can copy the profile URL (e.g. https://podname.org/people/somenumber) and paste it into a feed reader. The resulting feed address looks like this: https://podname.org/public/username.atom – diaspora* uses Atom rather than RSS.
Ja, men denne funktion er stadig ret upoleret og formateringen af resultaterne er stadig temmelig grov. Hvis du ønsker at prøve det alligevel, så gå til en profilside og klik på feed-knappen i din browser. Du kan også kopiere profilens URL (dvs. https://podnavn.org/people/et_tal) og indsætte den i en feed-læser. Den resulterende feed-adresse vil se sådan ud: https://joindiaspora.com/public/username.atom - Diaspora bruger Atom og ikke RSS. -
Is there a diaspora* app for Android or iOS?
Is there a diaspora* app for Android or iOS?
Findes der en Diaspora-app til Android eller IOS? -
There have been several Android apps in development by community members. Some are long-abandoned projects and so do not work well with the current version of diaspora*. Don’t expect much from these apps at the moment. There is currently no app for iOS. The best way to access diaspora* from your mobile device is through a browser, because we’ve designed a mobile version of the site which should work well on all devices, although it does not yet have complete functionality.
There have been several Android apps in development by community members. Some are long-abandoned projects and so do not work well with the current version of diaspora*. Don’t expect much from these apps at the moment. There is currently no app for iOS. The best way to access diaspora* from your mobile device is through a browser, because we’ve designed a mobile version of the site which should work well on all devices, although it does not yet have complete functionality.
Der har været flere Android-apps under udvikling. Flere af disse er forladte projekter og fungerer derfor ikke godt sammen med den aktuelle version af Diaspora. Forvent ikke meget af disse apps. Der er ingen app til iOS. I øjeblikket er den bedste måde at få adgang til Diaspora fra din mobile enhed gennem en browser, fordi vi har udviklet en mobil version af hjemmesiden som bør virke godt på alle enheder, selvom den endnu ikke har fuld funktionalitet. -
Sender ... -
You can use %{markdown_link} to format your post
You can use %{markdown_link} to format your post
Du kan bruge %{markdown_link} til at formatere dine indlæg -
Enter the image value
Enter the image value
Skriv billedværdien -
Enter the code in the box:
Enter the code in the box:
Skriv koden i boksen: -
The secret code did not match with the image
The secret code did not match with the image
Den hemmelige kode passede ikke med billedet