Need help?
Need help?
Bruchsch Hilf? -
The diaspora* community is here!
The diaspora* community is here!
d'diaspora* Community isch do für di! -
Do you:
Do you:
Hesch du: -
... have a %{link}?
... have a %{link}?
... en %{link} -
Frog -
... find a %{link}?
... find a %{link}?
... en %{link} gfunde? -
Fähler -
... have a %{link} suggestion?
... have a %{link} suggestion?
... en Vorschlag für e %{link}? -
Verbesserig -
Connect services
Connect services
Dienscht verbinde -
You can connect the following services to diaspora*:
You can connect the following services to diaspora*:
Du chasch folgendi Dienscht mit diaspora* verbinde: -
Stay updated
Stay updated
Bliib uf em laufende -
Your main stream is populated with all of your contacts, tags you follow, and posts from some creative members of the community.
Your main stream is populated with all of your contacts, tags you follow, and posts from some creative members of the community.
Din Haupt-Stream beinhaltet d'Biiträg vo all dine Kontäkt, vo de Tägs wo du folgsch und vo es paar kreative Mitglied vo de Community -
Successfully removed person from aspect.
Successfully removed person from aspect.
Person erfolgriich us em Aspekt entfernt. -
Failed to remove person from aspect.
Failed to remove person from aspect.
Person us em Aspekt entferne isch gschiiteret. -
Could not find the selected person in that aspect.
Could not find the selected person in that aspect.
Die usgwählt Person isch i dem Aspekt nöd gfinde worde. -
Läsezeichä -
Post to diaspora*
Post to diaspora*
Erstell en Biitrag bi diaspora* -
Post to diaspora* from anywhere by bookmarking this link => %{link}.
Post to diaspora* from anywhere by bookmarking this link => %{link}.
Erstell vo überall en Biitrag bi diaspora* i dem du %{link} zu dine Läsezeiche hinzuefüegsch -
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