Nerd chat, gross -
markydown -
Getting help
Getting help
Gettin halp -
Help! I need some basic help to get me started!
Help! I need some basic help to get me started!
Halp!! i need sum like... simple halp 2 get me started! -
What if my question is not answered in this FAQ? Where else can I get support?
What if my question is not answered in this FAQ? Where else can I get support?
So like, wat if mah queztion is like... not answered in this FAQ thingy? Where else can I like.. get support? -
Account and data management
Account and data management
Account n stuff management -
How do I move my seed (account) from one pod to another?
How do I move my seed (account) from one pod to another?
So like, how do I move my account from one pod 2 another one? :o -
Can I download a copy of all of my data contained in my seed (account)?
Can I download a copy of all of my data contained in my seed (account)?
can I like... dl a copy of all my stuff on my account? -
How do I delete my seed (account)?
How do I delete my seed (account)?
how do i like... trash my account? -
How much of my information can my pod administrator see?
How much of my information can my pod administrator see?
so like... how much of my stuff can the ppl who run this pod like... see? #creepedout -
Can the administrators of other pods see my information?
Can the administrators of other pods see my information?
So like, can the ppl of other pods see my stuff? D: -
33 -
What is an aspect?
What is an aspect?
Wat is an aspect er group er whatev? -
Aspects are the way you group your contacts on diaspora*. An aspect is one of the faces you show to the world. It might be who you are at work, or who you are to your family, or who you are to your friends in a club you belong to.
Aspects are the way you group your contacts on diaspora*. An aspect is one of the faces you show to the world. It might be who you are at work, or who you are to your family, or who you are to your friends in a club you belong to.
Aspectz r like, the way u group ur BFFs on d*. an aspect is like... one of the faces u show 2 the world. sort of like wat brittany does. shes such a two-faced bitch fer sure. but like, on d* its like.. kay cuz liek u dont have 2 b showin ur grandpa ur like.. bikini picz which is like.. super gnarly... its totally tubular!!! :D -
When I post to an aspect, who sees it?
When I post to an aspect, who sees it?
when i like... make a postie 2 a aspect er whatever.. who can like.. see it? -
Do my contacts know which aspects I have put them in?
Do my contacts know which aspects I have put them in?
do like... my BFFs kno which aspects i like.. put them in? -
No. They cannot see the name of the aspect under any circumstances.
No. They cannot see the name of the aspect under any circumstances.
nah. they cant. -
If I remove someone from an aspect, or all of my aspects, are they notified of this?
If I remove someone from an aspect, or all of my aspects, are they notified of this?
So like, if i trashed some1 from an aspect, err all of mah aspects, r they like... notified of this? -
Once I have posted something, can I change the aspect(s) that can see it?
Once I have posted something, can I change the aspect(s) that can see it?
So like, once ive posted somethin, can i like.. change the aspect(z) that can like.. see it? :o