error -
... have a %{link} suggestion?
... have a %{link} suggestion?
• Sugieras una %{link}. -
idea -
Connect services
Connect services
Conectar servicios -
You can connect the following services to diaspora*:
You can connect the following services to diaspora*:
Puedes conectar los siguientes servicios a Diaspora: -
Stay updated
Stay updated
Mantente actualizado -
Your main stream is populated with all of your contacts, tags you follow, and posts from some creative members of the community.
Your main stream is populated with all of your contacts, tags you follow, and posts from some creative members of the community.
Tu entrada principal esta formada por todos tus contactos, las etiquetas que sigues, y publicaciones de algunos miembros creativos de la comunidad. -
Successfully removed person from aspect.
Successfully removed person from aspect.
La persona se ha eliminado exitosamente del aspecto -
Failed to remove person from aspect.
Failed to remove person from aspect.
No se pudo eliminar a la persona del aspecto -
Could not find the selected person in that aspect.
Could not find the selected person in that aspect.
No se pudo encontrar a la persona seleccionada en ese aspecto -
Marcador -
Post to diaspora*
Post to diaspora*
Publica en Diaspora -
Post to diaspora* from anywhere by bookmarking this link => %{link}.
Post to diaspora* from anywhere by bookmarking this link => %{link}.
Publica en Diaspora desde cualquier lugar, agregando a tus marcadores este enlace => %{link}. -
Comentar -
Comentando… -
Start a conversation
Start a conversation
Inicia una conversación -
Contactos -
Looks like you need to add some contacts!
Looks like you need to add some contacts!
¡Parece que necesitas añadir algunos contactos! -
Check out %{community_spotlight}
Check out %{community_spotlight}
Echa un vistazo a %{community_spotlight} -
Community spotlight
Community spotlight
Lo más destacado de la comunidad
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