A mention is a link to a person’s profile page that appears in a post. When someone is mentioned they receive a notification that calls their attention to the post.
A mention is a link to a person’s profile page that appears in a post. When someone is mentioned they receive a notification that calls their attention to the post.
Unha mención é unha ligazón a páxina de perfil de unha persoa que aparece nunha publicación. Cando alguén é mencionada recibe unha notificación que atrae a súa atención sobre a publicación. -
How do I mention someone when making a post?
How do I mention someone when making a post?
Como menciono alguén ao facer unha publicación? -
Type the “@” sign and start typing their name. A drop-down menu should appear to let you select them more easily. Note that it is only possible to mention people you have added to an aspect.
Type the “@” sign and start typing their name. A drop-down menu should appear to let you select them more easily. Note that it is only possible to mention people you have added to an aspect.
Escribe o signo "@" e comeza a escribir o seu nome. Un menú despregable aparecerá para permitirche escollelo facilmente. Aviso: só podes mencionar a xente que engadiches nalgún aspecto. -
Can I mention someone in a comment?
Can I mention someone in a comment?
Podo mencionar a alguén nun comentario? -
Since version, yes! You can mention someone in a comment the same way you would do it in a post, by typing “@” and then start typing their name. Please note that when you comment on a post which is not public, you can only mention users who have already interacted with the post.
Since version, yes! You can mention someone in a comment the same way you would do it in a post, by typing “@” and then start typing their name. Please note that when you comment on a post which is not public, you can only mention users who have already interacted with the post.
Si!, desde a versión pode mencionar a alguén nun comentario do mesmo xeito que faría nunha publicación, escribindo "@" e comezando a escribir o seu nome. Cando comenta nunha publicación que non é pública, só pode mencionar usuarias que xa interactuaron coa publicación. -
Is there a way to see the posts in which I have been mentioned?
Is there a way to see the posts in which I have been mentioned?
Hai xeito de saber en qué publicacións fun mencionada? -
Yes, click “@Mentions” in the left-hand column on your home page.
Yes, click “@Mentions” in the left-hand column on your home page.
Si, pulse en "@Mencións" na columna esquerda da páxina de inicio. -
Pods -
What is a pod?
What is a pod?
Qué é un pod? -
A pod is a server running the diaspora* software and connected to the diaspora* network. “Pod” is a metaphor referring to pods on plants which contain seeds, in the way that a server contains a number of user accounts. There are many different pods. You can add friends from other pods and communicate with them. There’s no need to open an account on different pods! One is enough – in this way, you can think of a diaspora* pod as similar to an email provider. There are public pods, private pods, and with some effort you can even run your own.
A pod is a server running the diaspora* software and connected to the diaspora* network. “Pod” is a metaphor referring to pods on plants which contain seeds, in the way that a server contains a number of user accounts. There are many different pods. You can add friends from other pods and communicate with them. There’s no need to open an account on different pods! One is enough – in this way, you can think of a diaspora* pod as similar to an email provider. There are public pods, private pods, and with some effort you can even run your own.
Un pod é un servidor executando o software diaspora* e conectado a rede diaspora*. "Pod" é unha metáfora ("vaina") que fai referencia as vainas de plantas que conteñen sementes, de algún xeito servidores que conteñen contas de usuarias. Hai moitos tipos de pods. Pode engadir amigas de outros pods (instancias) e comunicar con elas. Non é preciso abir conta en diferentes pods! Un é suficiente – así, pode pensar nun pod de diaspora* dun xeito similar ao provedor de correo-e. Hai pods públicos, pods privados, e con un pequeno esforzo vostede pode instalar o seu propio pod. -
I just joined a pod, how can I find people to share with?
I just joined a pod, how can I find people to share with?
Xa me unín a un pod, cómo podo atopar xente coa que compartir? -
If you want to invite your friends to join diaspora*, use the invitation link or the email link in the side-bar. Follow #tags to discover others who share your interests, and add those who post things that interest you to an aspect. Shout out that you’re #newhere in a public post.
If you want to invite your friends to join diaspora*, use the invitation link or the email link in the side-bar. Follow #tags to discover others who share your interests, and add those who post things that interest you to an aspect. Shout out that you’re #newhere in a public post.
Se quere convidar aos seus amigos a unirse a diaspora*, utilice a ligazón de de convite ou a ligazón de correo-e na barra lateral. Pode seguir #etiquetas para descubrir a outras persoas usuarias que comparten os seus intereses e engadir a esas persoas que publican cousas que lle interesan a algún dos seus Aspectos. Publique un artigo utilizando a etiqueta #NovoAquí #NewHere nunha publicación pública. -
How do I use the search box to find particular individuals?
How do I use the search box to find particular individuals?
Como utilizar a caixa de busca para buscar unha persoa en concreto? -
You can search for people by entering their username or their diaspora* name (the name that is shown on their profile). If neither of these methods work, enter their full diaspora* ID (username@podname.org). If your search doesn’t work the first time, it could be due to network latency. Try it again.
You can search for people by entering their username or their diaspora* name (the name that is shown on their profile). If neither of these methods work, enter their full diaspora* ID (username@podname.org). If your search doesn’t work the first time, it could be due to network latency. Try it again.
Pode buscar xente introducindo o seu nome de usuaria ou o nome en diaspora* (o nome que se mostra no perfil). Se nada de esto funciona introduza o seu ID diaspora* (usuaria@nomedepod.org). Se a busca non funciona inicialmente pode ser debido a latencia da rede, inténteo de novo. -
Posts and posting
Posts and posting
Publicando artigos -
How do I hide a post?
How do I hide a post?
Cómo oculto unha publicación? -
If you point your mouse at the top of a post, an X appears on the right. Click it to hide the post and mute notifications about it. You can still see the post if you visit the profile page of the person who posted it.
If you point your mouse at the top of a post, an X appears on the right. Click it to hide the post and mute notifications about it. You can still see the post if you visit the profile page of the person who posted it.
Se sitúa o punteiro sobre a parte superior da publicación, un X aparece a dereita. Púlseo para agochar a publicación e acale as notificións sobre ela. Podería seguir vendo a publicación se visita a páxina de perfil de quen a publicou. -
How can I format the text in my posts (bold, italics, etc.)?
How can I format the text in my posts (bold, italics, etc.)?
Como lle dou formato ao texto nas miñas publicacións (resaltar, cursiva,etc.)? -
diaspora* uses a simplified system called %{markdown}. The publisher has buttons to make it easy to format your text. If you want to format your post manually, you can find the full Markdown syntax %{here}. The preview tab means you can see how your message will look before you share it. Remember that you can’t edit it once posted, so use the preview to make sure it’s perfect before pressing Share!
diaspora* uses a simplified system called %{markdown}. The publisher has buttons to make it easy to format your text. If you want to format your post manually, you can find the full Markdown syntax %{here}. The preview tab means you can see how your message will look before you share it. Remember that you can’t edit it once posted, so use the preview to make sure it’s perfect before pressing Share!
diaspora* utiliza un sistema simplificado chamado %{markdown}. O cadro de edición ten botóns para facilitarche a tarefa. Se queres darlle formato a publicación de xeito manual podes atopar unha guía sobre o formato Markdown %{here}. A pestana de vista previa permíteche ver como será vista a mensaxe antes de compartila. Lembra que non poderás editala unha vez publicada, así que usa a vista previa para asegurarte de que aparece tal como desexas. -
How do I insert images into posts?
How do I insert images into posts?
Como inserto imaxes nas publicacións?