Can I reshare a private post to selected aspects?
Can I reshare a private post to selected aspects?
Podo compartir unha publicación privada en determinados aspectos? -
No, it is not possible to reshare any private post. This is to respect the intentions of the original poster, who shared it only with a particular group of people.
No, it is not possible to reshare any private post. This is to respect the intentions of the original poster, who shared it only with a particular group of people.
Non, non é posible compartir ningunha publicación privada. Esto acontece para respetar as intencións da usuaria orixinal, que comparteu só para un determinado grupo de persoas. -
Compartindo -
What happens when I add someone to one of my aspects, or when someone adds me to one of their aspects?
What happens when I add someone to one of my aspects, or when someone adds me to one of their aspects?
Que acontece cando engado alguén a un dos meus aspectos, ou cando alguén me engade a un dos seus? -
Let’s say that Amy adds Ben to an aspect, but Ben has not (yet) added Amy to an aspect:
Let’s say that Amy adds Ben to an aspect, but Ben has not (yet) added Amy to an aspect:
Digamos que Anxos engade a Benito a un aspecto, pero Benito por agora aínda non engadeu a Anxos a ningún dos seus: -
Ben will receive a notification that Amy has “started sharing” with Ben.
Ben will receive a notification that Amy has “started sharing” with Ben.
Benito recibirá unha notificación de que Anxos "comezou a compartir" con Benito. -
Amy will start to see Ben’s public posts in her stream.
Amy will start to see Ben’s public posts in her stream.
Anxos comezará a ver as publicacións públicas de Benito no seu fluxo. -
Amy will not see any of Ben’s private posts.
Amy will not see any of Ben’s private posts.
Anxos non verá ningunha publicación privada de Benito. -
Ben will not see Amy’s public or private posts in his stream.
Ben will not see Amy’s public or private posts in his stream.
Benito non verá ningunha publicación pública ou privada de Anxos no seu fluxo. -
But if Ben goes to Amy’s profile page, then he will see the private posts that Amy makes to the aspect that she has placed him in (as well as her public posts, which anyone can see there).
But if Ben goes to Amy’s profile page, then he will see the private posts that Amy makes to the aspect that she has placed him in (as well as her public posts, which anyone can see there).
Mais se Benito vai a páxina de perfil de Anxos, entón verá as publicacións limitadas que Anxos fixo para o aspecto no que situou a Benito (así como as publicacións públicas, que calquera pode ver alí). -
Ben will be able to see Amy’s private profile (biography, location, gender, birthday).
Ben will be able to see Amy’s private profile (biography, location, gender, birthday).
Benito poderá ver o perfil privado de Anxos (biografía, localización, xénero, nacemento). -
Amy will appear under “Only sharing with me” on Ben’s contacts page.
Amy will appear under “Only sharing with me” on Ben’s contacts page.
Anxos aparecerá baixo "Só compartindo conmigo" na páxina de contactos de Benito. -
This is known as asymmetrical sharing. If and when Ben also adds Amy to an aspect then it would become mutual sharing, with both Amy’s and Ben’s public posts and relevant private posts appearing in each other’s streams, and Amy would be able to view Ben’s private profile. They would then also be able to send each other private messages.
This is known as asymmetrical sharing. If and when Ben also adds Amy to an aspect then it would become mutual sharing, with both Amy’s and Ben’s public posts and relevant private posts appearing in each other’s streams, and Amy would be able to view Ben’s private profile. They would then also be able to send each other private messages.
Esto coñécese como compartición asimétrica. Cando Benito engada tamén a Anxos en algún aspecto entón será unha compartición mútua, incluíndo tanto as publicacións públicas de Anxos e Benito e as publicacións limitadas relevantes aparecendo nos fluxos respectivos, e Anxos poderá ver o perfil privado de Benito. Entón tamén poderán enviarse mutuamente mensaxes privadas. -
Who are the people listed under “Only sharing with me” on my contacts page?
Who are the people listed under “Only sharing with me” on my contacts page?
Quen son as persoas na miña páxina de contactos baixo "Só compartindo conmigo"? -
These are people that have added you to one of their aspects, but who are not (yet) in any of your aspects. In other words, they are sharing with you, but you are not sharing with them: you can think of this as them “following” you. If you add them to an aspect, they will then appear under that aspect and not under “Only sharing with me”. See above.These are people that have added you to one of their aspects, but who are not (yet) in any of your aspects. In other words, they are sharing with you, but you are not sharing with them: you can think of this as them “following” you. If you add them to an aspect, they will then appear under that aspect and not under “Only sharing with me”. See above.Estas persoas engadírona a vostede en un dos seus aspectos, pero (aínda) non están en ningún dos de vostede. En outras palabras, están compartindo con vostede, pero vostede non comparte con elas: pode entendelo como que a están "seguindo". Se vostede as engade en un aspecto aparecerán baixo ese aspecto e non baixo "Só compartindo conmigo". Mire arriba.
Is there a list of people whom I have added to one of my aspects, but who have not added me to one of theirs?
Is there a list of people whom I have added to one of my aspects, but who have not added me to one of theirs?
Existe unha lista de persoas que eu engadín en algún aspecto pero que non me engadiron aos seus? -
No, but you can see whether or not someone is sharing with you by visiting their profile page. If they are, there will be a green tick next to their diaspora* ID. If they are not, there will be a gray circle.
No, but you can see whether or not someone is sharing with you by visiting their profile page. If they are, there will be a green tick next to their diaspora* ID. If they are not, there will be a gray circle.
Non, pero pode ver se alguén comparte con vostede visitando a súa páxina de perfil. Si o está, aparecer unha marca verde xunto ao seu ID de diaspora*. Se non, aparece un círculo gris. -
When I add someone to an aspect, can they see older posts that I have already posted to that aspect?
When I add someone to an aspect, can they see older posts that I have already posted to that aspect?
Cando engado a alguén a un aspecto, pode ver publicacións antigas que eu publiquei para ese aspecto? -
No. They will only be able to see new posts to that aspect. They (and everyone else) can see your older public posts on your profile page, and they may also see them in their stream.
No. They will only be able to see new posts to that aspect. They (and everyone else) can see your older public posts on your profile page, and they may also see them in their stream.
Non. Só poderá ver as novas publicacións de ese aspecto. Poderá (e calquera outra) ver as publicacións públicas na súa páxina de perfil e tamén poderán velas no seu fluxo. -