No results found
No results found
Nekas netika atrasts. -
Kontakti -
is invalid.
is invalid.
nav derīgs. -
is already taken.
is already taken.
ir aizņemts. -
is invalid. We only allow letters, numbers, and underscores.
is invalid. We only allow letters, numbers, and underscores.
nav derīgs. Ir atļauti tikai burti, cipari un apakšsvītras. -
is already taken.
is already taken.
ir aizņemts. -
is already taken.
is already taken.
ir aizņemts. -
must be unique among this user’s contacts.
must be unique among this user’s contacts.
ir jābūt unikālam starp lietotāja kontaktiem. -
That good, eh? You've already reshared that post!
That good, eh? You've already reshared that post!
Baigi labais, jā? Tu jau esi dalījies ar šo ierakstu! -
Correct the following errors and try again.
Correct the following errors and try again.
Izlabojiet sekojošās kļūdas un mēģiniet vēlreiz. -
Are you sure you want to delete this aspect?
Are you sure you want to delete this aspect?
Vai jūs tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo grupu? -
pārsaukt -
Contacts in this aspect are able to see each other.
Contacts in this aspect are able to see each other.
Kontakti šajā grupā var redzēt viens otru. -
Contacts in this aspect are not able to see each other.
Contacts in this aspect are not able to see each other.
Kontakti šajā grupā neredz viens otru. -
atjaunot -
atjauno -
You should add some more contacts!
You should add some more contacts!
Pievieno vairāk cilvēku! -
You can search or %{invite_link} more contacts.
You can search or %{invite_link} more contacts.
Tu vari meklēt vai uzaicināt vairāk cilvēku. -
Or you can share with %{link}
Or you can share with %{link}
Vai arī tu vari dalīties ar saiti %{link} -
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