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By creating an account you accept the %{terms_link}.
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Your diaspora* account has been flagged for removal due to inactivity
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You are not currently ignoring any other user
1 person tagged with %{tag} No one tagged with %{tag} %{count} people tagged with %{tag} ZeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0No one tagged with %{tag}
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 11 person tagged with %{tag}
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{count} people tagged with %{tag}
There’s a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out.
There’s a new comment on a limited post in diaspora* for you to check out.
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o – Open the first link in the current post
Your personal data is ready for download, %{name}
Your personal data is ready for download, %{name}
Hello %{name}, Your data has been processed and is ready for download by following [this link](%{url}). Cheers, The diaspora* email robot!
Hello %{name},
Your data has been processed and is ready for download by following [this link](%{url}).
The diaspora* email robot! -
We’re sorry, there was an issue with your data, %{name}
We’re sorry, there was an issue with your data, %{name}
Hello %{name} We’ve encountered an issue while processing your personal data for download. If this issue persists, please contact your podmin for help. Sorry, The diaspora* email robot!
Hello %{name}
We’ve encountered an issue while processing your personal data for download.
If this issue persists, please contact your podmin for help.
The diaspora* email robot! -
We are currently processing your data. Please check back in a few moments.
We are currently processing your data. Please check back in a few moments.
Strip metadata such as location, author, and camera model from uploaded images (recommended)
Strip metadata such as location, author, and camera model from uploaded images (recommended)
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The account of %{name} is scheduled to be locked. It will be processed in a few moments...
The account of %{name} is scheduled to be locked. It will be processed in a few moments...