Let’s see what they have to say! #sayhello
Let’s see what they have to say! #sayhello
I couldn’t stop ignoring that user. #evasion
I couldn’t stop ignoring that user. #evasion
In %{count} aspect In %{count} aspects oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1In %{count} aspect
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything elseIn %{count} aspects
Објављујем... -
Дели -
What’s on your mind?
What’s on your mind?
Шта вам је на уму? -
Discard post
Discard post
Одбаци објаву -
Hey everyone, I’m #%{new_user_tag}.
Hey everyone, I’m #%{new_user_tag}.
I’m interested in %{tags}.
I’m interested in %{tags}.
Thanks for the invite,
Thanks for the invite,
Хвала на позиву, -
Захтеви -
Invite your friends
Invite your friends
Позовите пријатеље -
Invite people by email
Invite people by email
Помоћу email -
Control your audience
Control your audience
Use #hashtags to classify your posts and find people who share your interests. Call out awesome people with @Mentions
Use #hashtags to classify your posts and find people who share your interests. Call out awesome people with @Mentions
Use this dropdown to change visibility of your post. (We suggest you make this first one public.)
Use this dropdown to change visibility of your post. (We suggest you make this first one public.)
Користите овај падајући мени како бисте променили видљивост вашег поста. (Предлажемо да први буде јаван.) -
Set up connected services
Set up connected services
Уреди повезане сервисе -
Подели -
Public messages will be available for others outside of diaspora* to see.
Public messages will be available for others outside of diaspora* to see.
Јавне поруке биће видљиве ван diaspora*.
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