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Account and data management
Account and data management
Konto- samt datainställningar -
How do I move my seed (account) from one pod to another?
How do I move my seed (account) from one pod to another?
Hur flyttar jag mitt frö (konto) från en pod till en annan? -
Version of diaspora* provides the first stage of account migration: you can now export all your data from the “Account” section of the user settings. Keep your data safely! In a future release you will be able to migrate your whole account, including posts and contacts, to another pod.
Version of diaspora* provides the first stage of account migration: you can now export all your data from the “Account” section of the user settings. Keep your data safely! In a future release you will be able to migrate your whole account, including posts and contacts, to another pod.
Diaspora* version börjar ett steg för att kunna migrera konton: du kan nu exportera all din data från kontosektionen, bland användarinställningarna. Håll din data skyddad! I senare versioner av Diaspora* kommer du kunna migrera hela konton, inklusive foton och kontakter, till en annan pod. -
Can I download a copy of all of my data contained in my seed (account)?
Can I download a copy of all of my data contained in my seed (account)?
Kan jag ladda ner en kopia av all data på mitt frö (konto)? -
Yes. At the bottom of the Account tab of your settings page you will find two buttons: one for downloading your data and one for downloading your photos.
Yes. At the bottom of the Account tab of your settings page you will find two buttons: one for downloading your data and one for downloading your photos.
Ja. Längst ned på kontofliken, i inställningsmenyn, finns en knapp för att ladda ner din data och en för dina bilder. -
How do I delete my seed (account)?
How do I delete my seed (account)?
Hur tar jag bort mitt frö (konto)? -
Go to the bottom of your settings page and click the “Close account” button. You will be asked to enter your password to complete the process. Remember, if you close your account, you will <strong>never</strong> be able to re-register your username on that pod.
Go to the bottom of your settings page and click the “Close account” button. You will be asked to enter your password to complete the process. Remember, if you close your account, you will
be able to re-register your username on that pod.Längst ner på sidan för inställningar finns knappen "Stäng kontot". För att avsluta kontot, måste du bekräfta med det med ditt lösenord. Du ska veta att du<strong>
kommer att kunna registrera dig med samma användarnamn på podden igen. -
How much of my information can my pod administrator see?
How much of my information can my pod administrator see?
Hur mycket av min personliga information kan min pod-administratör se? -
In short: everything. Communication between pods is always encrypted (using SSL and diaspora*’s own transport encryption), but the storage of data on pods is not encrypted. If they wanted to, the database administrator for your pod (usually the person running the pod) could access all your profile data and everything that you post (as is the case for most websites that store user data). This is why we give you the choice which pod you sign up to, so you can choose a pod whose admin you are happy to trust with your data. Running your own pod provides more privacy since you then control access to the database.
In short: everything. Communication between pods is always encrypted (using SSL and diaspora*’s own transport encryption), but the storage of data on pods is not encrypted. If they wanted to, the database administrator for your pod (usually the person running the pod) could access all your profile data and everything that you post (as is the case for most websites that store user data). This is why we give you the choice which pod you sign up to, so you can choose a pod whose admin you are happy to trust with your data. Running your own pod provides more privacy since you then control access to the database.
Kommunikationen mellan podar är alltid krypterad, både med SSL och Diasporas egna krypteringssystem. Informationen i varje pod är dock inte krypterad. Podarnas administratörer kan komma åt all din profildata och alla dina inlägg. (Precis administratörer för andra webbplatser kommer åt datan de hanterar.) Om du vill vara mer säker kan du administrera din egen pod, eftersom du då kontrollerar åtkomsten till databasen. -
Can the administrators of other pods see my information?
Can the administrators of other pods see my information?
Kan adminstratörer av andra pods se min information? -
Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.
Once you are sharing with someone on another pod, any posts you share with them and a copy of your profile data are stored (cached) on their pod, and are accessible to that pod’s database administrator. When you delete a post or profile data it is deleted from your pod and a delete request is sent to any other pods where it had previously been stored. Your images are never stored on any pod but your own; only links to them are transmitted to other pods.
När du delar med dig med till någon på en annan pod, kommer alla inlägg du delar med till dem samt en kopia av din profil att tillfälligt sparas på deras pod. Då kan också dess administratör komma åt din data. När du tar bort ett inlägg eller tar bort hela din profil, försvinner den också från de poddar där den tidigare sparats. Dina bilder sparas däremot aldrig på någon annan pod än den du är registrerad på; de länkas endast till andra poddar. -
Aspekter -
What is an aspect?
What is an aspect?
Vad är en Aspekt? -
Aspects are the way you group your contacts on diaspora*. An aspect is one of the faces you show to the world. It might be who you are at work, or who you are to your family, or who you are to your friends in a club you belong to.
Aspects are the way you group your contacts on diaspora*. An aspect is one of the faces you show to the world. It might be who you are at work, or who you are to your family, or who you are to your friends in a club you belong to.
Det är med aspekter som du grupperar dina kontakter på Diaspora*. En aspekt är ett av dina gränssnitt mot världen. Ett sådant gränssnitt skulle kunna visa vem du är på din arbetsplats, med din familj eller vem du är med dina polare i en förening. -
When I post to an aspect, who sees it?
When I post to an aspect, who sees it?
Vem ser det inlägg jag gjort i en aspekt? -
If you make a limited post, it will only be visible to the people you had placed in that aspect (or aspects, if it is made to multiple aspects) before making the post. Contacts you have who aren’t in the aspect have no way of seeing the post. Limited posts will never be visible to anyone who you haven’t placed into one of your aspects.
If you make a limited post, it will only be visible to the people you had placed in that aspect (or aspects, if it is made to multiple aspects) before making the post. Contacts you have who aren’t in the aspect have no way of seeing the post. Limited posts will never be visible to anyone who you haven’t placed into one of your aspects.
Om du skulle göra ett inlägg med begränsad spridning, kommer det bara vara synligt för dem du har i just den aspekten (eller de aspekterna, om det skickas till flertalet aspekter). Kontakter som inte finns i aspekten kommer inte att kunna se inlägget. Bara offentliga inlägg kommer att bli synliga för dina kontakter som inte ligger i någon aspekt. -
Can I restrict the posts in my stream to just those from certain aspects?
Can I restrict the posts in my stream to just those from certain aspects?
Kan jag begränsa dem inlägg jag ser till särskilda aspekter? -
Yes. Click “My aspects” in the side-bar and then click individual aspects in the list to select or deselect them. Only the posts by people in the selected aspects will appear in your stream.
Yes. Click “My aspects” in the side-bar and then click individual aspects in the list to select or deselect them. Only the posts by people in the selected aspects will appear in your stream.
Ja. Välj "Mina aspekter" i sidolisten och markera eller avmarkera aspekter i listen genom att klicka på dem. Bara inlägg från personer i de valda aspekterna kommer synas i ditt flöde.