Dark green
Dark green
Mörkgrön -
Egyptian blue
Egyptian blue
Egyptisk blå -
Magenta -
Original gray
Original gray
Originalgrå -
Original white background
Original white background
Ursprunglig vit bakgrund -
community guidelines
community guidelines
Gemenskapsriktlinjer -
Search for existing discussions relating to your enquiry or open a new thread in our %{discourse} platform
Search for existing discussions relating to your enquiry or open a new thread in our %{discourse} platform
Finn diskussioner rörande ditt ämne eller starta en ny tråd i vårt forum på %{discourse} -
You can use Markdown to insert an image from the web into a comment, just like in posts. However, you cannot upload images from your computer directly into comments. Upload them to an image-hosting service and then insert them using the image button above the publisher.
You can use Markdown to insert an image from the web into a comment, just like in posts. However, you cannot upload images from your computer directly into comments. Upload them to an image-hosting service and then insert them using the image button above the publisher.
Använd Markdown för att lägga in bilder från webben i en kommentar, precis som i ett inlägg. Du kan dock inte ladda upp bilder från din dator till kommentarer. Ladda upp dem på någon bilddelningssida och lägg därefter in bilderna i kommentarer. -
Profil -
What’s in my profile?
What’s in my profile?
Vad finns i min profil? -
Your profile is in two parts: your basic profile and your extended profile. Your basic profile contains your name, the five tags you chose to describe yourself, and your photo. Your extended profile contains your biography, location, gender, and birthday. All this information is optional – it’s up to you whether you provide it, and you can make this profile information as identifiable or anonymous as you like. Your extended profile is displayed in the left-hand column of your profile page, under your profile picture.
Your profile is in two parts: your basic profile and your extended profile. Your basic profile contains your name, the five tags you chose to describe yourself, and your photo. Your extended profile contains your biography, location, gender, and birthday. All this information is optional – it’s up to you whether you provide it, and you can make this profile information as identifiable or anonymous as you like. Your extended profile is displayed in the left-hand column of your profile page, under your profile picture.
Din profil består av två delar: din huvudsakliga profil och din utökade. Din huvudsakliga visar ditt namn, dina fem valda taggar och din bild. Din utökade visar din biografi, plats, kön och födelsedag. All denna information väljer du själv om du vill visa och hur anonym du vill göra den. Din utökade profil visas i den västra kolumnen på din profilsida, under ditt foto. -
Who sees my profile?
Who sees my profile?
Vem ser min profil? -
Your basic profile (name, profile image and #tags) is public. Your extended profile is private by default, but you can make it all publicly accessible if you want. Only people you are sharing with (meaning, you have added them to one of your aspects) can see your extended profile if you keep it private. Other people will see only your public information. Any profile information you make public can be viewed by anyone using the web, and can be indexed by search engines
Your basic profile (name, profile image and #tags) is public. Your extended profile is private by default, but you can make it all publicly accessible if you want. Only people you are sharing with (meaning, you have added them to one of your aspects) can see your extended profile if you keep it private. Other people will see only your public information. Any profile information you make public can be viewed by anyone using the web, and can be indexed by search engines
Din huvudsakliga profil (namn, foto och #taggar) är offentlig. Din utökade profil är däremot privat, men du kan göra den offentlig om du vill. Bara dem du delar med (dvs. med i dina aspekter) kan se din utökade profil om du har den privat. Andra kan endast se din offentliga information. När en profil blivit offentlig, kan vem som helst ta del av den och den kan indexeras av sökmotorer. -
What do the tags in my basic profile do?
What do the tags in my basic profile do?
Vad gör taggarna som syns i min huvudsakliga profil? -
They help people get to know you. Your profile picture will also appear on the left-hand side of the stream pages of those tags, along with anyone else who has them in their basic profile.
They help people get to know you. Your profile picture will also appear on the left-hand side of the stream pages of those tags, along with anyone else who has them in their basic profile.
De hjälper andra att lära känna dig. Din profilbild kommer synas till vänster på störmsidor för taggarna, ihop med andra som har taggarna i sina profiler. -
How do I stop someone’s posts from appearing in my stream?
How do I stop someone’s posts from appearing in my stream?
Hur tar jag bort någon från min ström? -
If you are currently sharing with that person, removing them from your aspects will stop many of their posts from appearing in your stream. A more complete method is to “ignore” that account. This will prevent any of their posts from appearing in your stream, and they will no longer be able to like or comment on your posts. They will, however, still be able to reshare your posts, comment on reshares of your posts, and their comments on posts by other people which appear in your stream will still be visible to you.
If you are currently sharing with that person, removing them from your aspects will stop many of their posts from appearing in your stream. A more complete method is to “ignore” that account. This will prevent any of their posts from appearing in your stream, and they will no longer be able to like or comment on your posts. They will, however, still be able to reshare your posts, comment on reshares of your posts, and their comments on posts by other people which appear in your stream will still be visible to you.
Delar du med personen, ta bort dem ur dina aspekter för att sluta se dess inlägg i ditt flöde. Ett mer fullständigt sätt, är att ignorera kontot. Detta motverkar alla inlägg från att dyka upp i ditt flöde och personen kommer inte kunna gilla eller kommentera dina inlägg. Men, de kommer fortfarande kunna sprida dina inlägg och kommentera dessa. Deras kommentarer av andras inlägg kommer fortfarande vara synliga för dig. -
To ignore an account, click the “ignore” icon (a circle with a diagonal line through it) at the top right of one of their posts. Their posts will instantly disappear from your stream. Alternatively, go to their profile page and click the ignore icon there. You will still be able to see their posts on their profile page, or by using the single-post view.
To ignore an account, click the “ignore” icon (a circle with a diagonal line through it) at the top right of one of their posts. Their posts will instantly disappear from your stream. Alternatively, go to their profile page and click the ignore icon there. You will still be able to see their posts on their profile page, or by using the single-post view.
För att ignorera någon, tryck ikonen "ignorera" (cirkel med ett diagonalt streck) i övre högra hörnet av inlägg. Deras inlägg kommer omedelbart försvinna ur ditt flöde. Alternativt, kan du gå till deras profilsida och trycka på ignoreraknappen där. Du kan fortfarande se personens inlägg på dennes profilsida. -
A list of people you are ignoring can be found in your account settings under Privacy. To stop ignoring someone, remove them from the list on that page.
A list of people you are ignoring can be found in your account settings under Privacy. To stop ignoring someone, remove them from the list on that page.
Du hittar listan över ignorerade personer under Sekretess bland dina kontoinställningar. För att sluta ignorera någon, ta bort personen ur listan. -
%{actors} has their birthday on %{date}. %{actors} have their birthday on %{date}. %{actors} have their birthday on %{date}. ZeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0%{actors} have their birthday on %{date}.
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1%{actors} has their birthday on %{date}.
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{actors} have their birthday on %{date}.
zeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0Ingen har födelsedag %{date}.
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 1%{actors} fyller år %{date}.
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{actors} fyller år %{date}.