There be no turning back matey! Dead men tell no tales. If ye really be sure, enter ye secret below.
Privacy settins' -
Hunsaðir notendur
Hunsaðir notendur
Ye prisoners -
Free prisoner
Aye, ye account has been locked! We give ye about 20 minutes until ye be finished. Tell Davey Jones we say hello matey! Thanks for coming aboard matey!
Enter ye current secret to abandon ship.
What ye entered didnt match ye current secret.
Ya har me matey!
diaspora*'s crew be happy to have ye aboard matey! ARGH!
Yo ho ho! Take me to diaspora*
Hver ert þú?
Hver ert þú?
Who are ye? -
Í hverju ert þú að pæla?
Í hverju ert þú að pæla?
What are ye into? -
Hashtags allow ye to talk about and follow ye interests. They be a great way to find new mateys on diaspora*.
Try followin things like #treasure, #rum, #wenches, etc.
Lykilorði var breytt
Lykilorði var breytt
Secret changed. Ye can now come aboard with ye new secret. -
Breyting á lykilorði mistókst
Breyting á lykilorði mistókst
Blimey! Secret change failed! -
Skipt var um tungumál
Skipt var um tungumál
Language changed -
Tölvupóstfang %{email} virkjað
Tölvupóstfang %{email} virkjað
Email %{email} be activated -
Ekki var hægt að virkja tölvupóstfang. Rangur tengill?
Ekki var hægt að virkja tölvupóstfang. Rangur tengill?
Ye email cant be activated matey. Wrong link? -
Ekki tókst að skipta um tungumál
Ekki tókst að skipta um tungumál
Blimey! Language change failed!
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Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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