iam est sēpositum.
iam est sēpositum.
is already taken. -
necesse est monodica esse inter cīvis sociōs.
necesse est monodica esse inter cīvis sociōs.
must be unique among this user’s contacts. -
Hui, euge? iam eandem epistulam impertīverās!
Hui, euge? iam eandem epistulam impertīverās!
That good, eh? You've already reshared that post! -
Corrige errōrēs sequēntēs et recōnāre.
Corrige errōrēs sequēntēs et recōnāre.
Correct the following errors and try again. -
Esne certē tē velle faciem delēre?
Esne certē tē velle faciem delēre?
Are you sure you want to delete this aspect? -
Rename -
Sociī in faciem possunt inter sē vidērī.
Sociī in faciem possunt inter sē vidērī.
Contacts in this aspect are able to see each other. -
Sociī in faciem nōn possunt inter sē vidērī.
Sociī in faciem nōn possunt inter sē vidērī.
Contacts in this aspect are not able to see each other. -
Update -
Updating -
Sociōs plūrēs cōnscrībere dēbēs!
Sociōs plūrēs cōnscrībere dēbēs!
You should add some more contacts! -
Sociōs plūrēs %{invite_link} aut potes quaerere.
Sociōs plūrēs %{invite_link} aut potes quaerere.
You can search or %{invite_link} more contacts. -
Aut potes impertīre cum %{link}
Aut potes impertīre cum %{link}
Or you can share with %{link} -
cīvitātis celebritās
cīvitātis celebritās
Community spotlight -
adde faciem
adde faciem
+ Add an aspect -
Vērē %{name} demptum est.
Vērē %{name} demptum est.
%{name} was successfully removed. -
%{name} could not be removed.
Your aspect, %{name}, has been successfully edited.
Your aspect, %{name}, had too long name to be saved.
Failed to add contact to aspect.
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