Tànneefi Mbóot
Tànneefi Mbóot
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Your account has been locked. It may take 20 minutes for us to finish closing your account. Thank you for trying diaspora*.
Please enter your current password to close your account.
The entered password didn’t match your current password.
Asalaamu aleykum! Na nga def?
Asalaamu aleykum! Na nga def?
Well, hello there! -
diaspora*’s community is happy to have you aboard!
Baax na! Indi ma ci Diaspora*
Baax na! Indi ma ci Diaspora*
Awesome! Take me to diaspora* -
Kan nga?
Kan nga?
Who are you? -
Loo bëgg?
Loo bëgg?
What are you into? -
Hashtags allow you to talk about and follow your interests. They’re also a great way to find new people on diaspora*.
Try following tags like #art, #movies, #gif, etc.
Baatujàll dafa soppi. Léegi danga mën xammeeku ak sa baatujàll bu bees.
Baatujàll dafa soppi. Léegi danga mën xammeeku ak sa baatujàll bu bees.
Password changed. You can now log in with your new password. -
Password change failed
Làkk dafa soppi
Làkk dafa soppi
Language changed -
Email %{email} activated
Email could not be activated. Wrong link?
Language change failed
Settings updated
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Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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