Hashapass/Hashapass web
<x id="START_H2" />About Hashapass<x id="END_H2" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />Hashapass is a password generator which uses a mathematic formula to create new passwords based on a "master" password and a parameter.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />The formula is calculated in the safety of your web browser, without any information being transmitted over the Internet.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />The generated password is computed as the first 8 characters of the Base64 encoding of HMAC-SHA1(master password, parameter). HMAC-SHA1 is defined on byte arrays, so only the lowest-significant byte of the Unicode code point for each character of the master password and parameter is used in the calculation of the HMAC-SHA1.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />There's no secret to this formula: <x id="START_LINK_1" />SHA1<x id="END_LINK" />, <x id="START_LINK_2" />HMAC<x id="END_LINK" /> and <x id="START_LINK_3" />Base64<x id="END_LINK" /> are all well-known algorithms, which guarantees that other people can implement products that are compatible with Hashapass.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
<x id="START_H2" />
About Hashapass<x id="END_H2" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
Hashapass is a password generator which uses a mathematic formula to create new passwords based on a "master" password and a parameter.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
The formula is calculated in the safety of your web browser, without any information being transmitted over the Internet.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
The generated password is computed as the first 8 characters of the Base64 encoding of HMAC-SHA1(master password, parameter). HMAC-SHA1 is defined on byte arrays, so only the lowest-significant byte of the Unicode code point for each character of the master password and parameter is used in the calculation of the HMAC-SHA1.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
There's no secret to this formula:<x id="START_LINK_1" />
SHA1<x id="END_LINK" />
,<x id="START_LINK_2" />
HMAC<x id="END_LINK" />
and<x id="START_LINK_3" />
Base64<x id="END_LINK" />
are all well-known algorithms, which guarantees that other people can implement products that are compatible with Hashapass.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
<x id="START_H2"></x>
A propos de Hashapass<x id="END_H2"></x><x id="START_PARAGRAPH"></x>
Hashapass est un générateur de mots de passe qui utilise une formule mathématique pour générer de nouveaux mots de passe à partir d'un mot de passe principal et d'un paramètre.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH"></x><x id="START_PARAGRAPH"></x>
La formule est calculée en toute sécurité dans votre navigateur Internet, sans qu'aucune information ne soit transmise sur Internet.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH"></x><x id="START_PARAGRAPH"></x>
Le mot de passe est formé par les 8 premiers caractères de l'encodage Base64 du HMAC-SHA1(mot de passe principal, paramètre). HMAC-SHA1 est défini sur des tableaux d'octets, donc pour chaque caractère du mot de passe principal ou du paramètre seul les octets de moins de signification du code point Unicode est pris en considération.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH"></x><x id="START_PARAGRAPH"></x>
Il n'y a pas de secret dans cette formule :<x id="START_LINK_1"></x>
SHA1<x id="END_LINK"></x>
,<x id="START_LINK_2"></x>
HMAC<x id="END_LINK"></x>
et<x id="START_LINK_3"></x>
Base64<x id="END_LINK"></x>
sont des algorithmes bien connus, ce qui garantit que d'autres personnes puissent réaliser des produits compatibles avec Hashapass.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH"></x>
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About Hashapass