13 oct. de 09:01 to 09:03
Edouard changed 5 translations in French and English on WebTranslateIt. Hide changes

In français:

  1. {"one" => "%{count} segment trouvé dans le project <a href=\"%{link}\">%{name}</a>", "other" => "%{count} segments trouvés dans le project <a href=\"%{link}\">%{name}</a>"}
    {"one" => "%{count} segment trouvé dans le project %{name}", "other" => "%{count} segments trouvés dans le project %{name}"}
    modifié par WebTranslateIt AutoTranslate .
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    Translated by AutoTranslate from segment number.human.format.delimiter.

    modifié par Edouard .
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  1. %{count} segment trouvé dans le project <a href="%{link}">%{name}</a>%{count} segments trouvés dans le project <a href="%{link}">%{name}</a>
    oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : n in 0..1

    %{count} segment trouvé dans le project <a href="%{link}">%{name}</a>

    otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else

    %{count} segments trouvés dans le project <a href="%{link}">%{name}</a>

    modifié par WebTranslateIt AutoTranslate .
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    Translated by AutoTranslate from segment number.human.format.delimiter.

  2. %{count} utilisateurUtilisateurs illimités%{count} utilisateurs
    zeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0

    Utilisateurs illimités

    oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : n in 0..1

    %{count} utilisateur

    otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else

    %{count} utilisateurs

    modifié par Edouard .
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In anglais:

  1. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and SEPA payments. We also accept payments by invoice starting from the Medium plan for a minimum period of 6 months. Please contact <a href="mailto:finance@webtranslateit.com?subject=Payment by invoice">finance@webtranslateit.com</a> for more information.
    We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and SEPA payments. We also accept payments by invoice starting from the Medium plan for a minimum period of 6 months. Please contact <a href="mailto:finance@webtranslateit.com?subject=Payment by invoice">finance@webtranslateit.com</a> for more information.

    We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and SEPA payments. We also accept payments by invoice starting from the Medium plan for a minimum period of 6 months. Please contact <a href="mailto:finance@webtranslateit.com?subject=Payment by invoice">finance@webtranslateit.com</a> for more information.

    modifié par Estelle .
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  2. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and SEPA payments. We also accept payments by invoice starting for a minimum period of 6 months. Please contact <a href="mailto:finance@webtranslateit.com?subject=Payment by invoice">finance@webtranslateit.com</a> for more information.
    We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and SEPA payments. We also accept payments by invoice starting for a minimum period of 6 months. Please contact <a href="mailto:finance@webtranslateit.com?subject=Payment by invoice">finance@webtranslateit.com</a> for more information.

    We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and SEPA payments. We also accept payments by invoice starting for a minimum period of 6 months. Please contact <a href="mailto:finance@webtranslateit.com?subject=Payment by invoice">finance@webtranslateit.com</a> for more information.

    modifié par Edouard .
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  1. <h3>Coming Soon</h3><ul><li>GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations</li></ul>
    <h3>Coming Soon</h3><ul><li>GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations</li></ul>

    <h3>Coming Soon</h3><ul><li>GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations</li></ul>

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. <h3>Coming Soon</h3> <ul> <li>GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations</li> </ul>
    <h3>Coming Soon</h3> <ul> <li>GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations</li> </ul>

    <h3>Coming Soon</h3> 
      <li>GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket integrations</li> 

    modifié par Edouard .
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  1. <h3>Coming Soon</h3><ul><li>Translation Memory Management</li><li>Auto-Translate</li></ul>
    <h3>Coming Soon</h3><ul><li>Translation Memory Management</li><li>Auto-Translate</li></ul>

    <h3>Coming Soon</h3><ul><li>Translation Memory Management</li><li>Auto-Translate</li></ul>

    modifié via l’API .
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  2. <h3>Coming Soon</h3> <ul> <li>Translation Memory Management</li> <li>Auto-Translate</li> </ul>
    <h3>Coming Soon</h3> <ul> <li>Translation Memory Management</li> <li>Auto-Translate</li> </ul>

    <h3>Coming Soon</h3> 
      <li>Translation Memory Management</li> 

    modifié par Edouard .
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13 oct. de 09:01 to 09:03