
  1. If you prefer to get this money back, please <a href="http://help.webtranslateit.com">fill in a support request</a> and we will refund you %{amount}€ instead.
    If you prefer to get this money back, please <a href="http://help.webtranslateit.com">fill in a support request</a> and we will refund you %{amount} instead.
    modifié par Edouard .
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  2. modifié par Edouard .
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  3. If you prefer to get this money back, please <a href="https://webtranslateit.com/support">fill in a support request</a> and we will refund you %{amount}€ instead.
    If you prefer to get this money back, please <a href="https://webtranslateit.com/support">fill in a support request</a> and we will refund you %{amount} instead.
    modifié par Edouard .
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  4. If you prefer to get this money back, please <a href="https://webtranslateit.com/support">fill in a support request</a> and we will refund you %{amount}€ instead.
    If you prefer to get this money back, please <a href="https://webtranslateit.com/support">fill in a support request</a> and we will refund you %{amount} instead.
    modifié par Estelle .
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