Next: Input the persons to your database and set up, what meeting parts they may be assigned to.
Next: Input the persons to your database and set up, what meeting parts they may be assigned to.
Duerno gi Persounen an d'Datebank aginn a festgeluecht, wéieng Programmpunkten hinnen zougedeelt kënne ginn. -
Then import/enter useful data like studies or <a href="settings_public_talks.html#add_public_talk_titles">public talk themes</a> to TheocBase.
Then import/enter useful data like studies or
<a href="settings_public_talks.html#add_public_talk_titles">
public talk themes</a>
to TheocBase.Elo kënne bspw. Lektiounen oder<a href="settings_public_talks.html#add_public_talk_titles">
Theme vun ëffentleche Virträg</a>
an TheocBase agedro/importéiert ginn. -
Schedule Meeting Items
Schedule Meeting Items
Programmpunkte plangen -
Import meeting schedule via epub or enter manually.
Import meeting schedule via epub or enter manually.
Plang vun der Versammlung aus EPUB-Fichier importéieren oder manuell aginn. -
On the main screen assign brothers to different program parts and/or use the editor to schedule public talks (incoming and outgoing).
On the main screen assign brothers to different program parts and/or use the editor to schedule public talks (incoming and outgoing).
Op der Haaptsäit kënne Bridder verschiddene Programmpunkten zougedeelt ginn an/oder ëffentlech Virträg geplangt ginn (Gaaschtriedner an auswäerteg Virträg). -
Use the exceptions in settings to take care of special events like circuit overseer's visit or conventions.
Use the exceptions in settings to take care of special events like circuit overseer's visit or conventions.
Mat Hëllef vun den Exceptiounen an den Astellunge kënne besonnesch Versammlungen a Besuchswochen vum Kreesopsiichter oder Kongresser berücksichtegt ginn. -
Manage Student Assignments
Manage Student Assignments
Aufgabenzoudeelungen verwalten -
Manage Territories
Manage Territories
Gebitter verwalten -
Import and edit territories.
Import and edit territories.
Gebitter importéieren a beaarbechten. -
Assign territories.
Assign territories.
Gebitter zoudeelen. -
Import and edit addresses.
Import and edit addresses.
Adressen importéieren a beaarbechten. -
Mobile-Sync | Backup and Restore
Mobile-Sync | Backup and Restore
Mobil Synchronisatioun | Sécherung a Flécke vun Daten -
In combination with TheocBase mobile app you can <a href="settings_cloud_syncing.html">sync</a> all data back and forth.
In combination with TheocBase mobile app you can
<a href="settings_cloud_syncing.html">
all data back and forth.Kombinéiert mat der mobiller TheocBase-App kënnen all d'Date<a href="settings_cloud_syncing.html">
ginn. -
Another method is to import/export data and send it via E-Mail.
Another method is to import/export data and send it via E-Mail.
D'Date kënnen im-/exportéiert ginn a per E-Mail verschéckt ginn. -
Wëllkomm -
Gebitter -
Getting Started
Getting Started
Éischt Schrëtt -
Territory Map
Territory Map
Gebittskaart -
Zoom to a Territory
Zoom to a Territory
Op ee Gebitt zoomen -
Zoom to the Full Extent of the Congregation's Territory
Zoom to the Full Extent of the Congregation's Territory
Op dat komplett Versammlungsgebitt zoomen