In the <strong>Settings</strong> select the <strong>Access Control</strong> page.
In the
select the<strong>
Access Control</strong>
page.Wiel an den<strong>
. -
Hiwäis: -
Only those users appear in the list, that have already access to the shared TheocBase folder in your DropBox account. It is possible to assign multiple roles.
Only those users appear in the list, that have already access to the shared TheocBase folder in your DropBox account. It is possible to assign multiple roles.
An der Lëscht erschénge nëmmen déi Benotzer, déi ewell Zougrëff op den TheocBase-Uerdner an dengem DropBox-Kont hunn. -
Restart TheocBase to apply the changes.
Restart TheocBase to apply the changes.
Start TheocBase nei, fir d'Ännerungen z'iwwerhuelen. -
After the list of users is loaded, select in the user's row the check box of the role that should be assigned.
After the list of users is loaded, select in the user's row the check box of the role that should be assigned.
Nodeems d'Benotzerlëscht geluede gouf, aktivéier an der Zeil vum Benotzer d'Kontrollkëscht vun der Roll, déi zougewise soll ginn. -
<strong>Administrator:</strong> Edit congregation settings and user permissions; delete cloud data
Edit congregation settings and user permissions; delete cloud data<strong>
Beschaffe vun Astellunge vun der Versammlung a Benotzerberechtegungen; Cloud-Date läschen -
Getting Started
Getting Started
Éischt Schrëtt -
TheocBase uses role-based access control for users that have access to the shared data in the cloud. Roles provide a set of permissions. Thus a person assigned to a certain role is granted the set of permissions provided by that role.
TheocBase uses role-based access control for users that have access to the shared data in the cloud. Roles provide a set of permissions. Thus a person assigned to a certain role is granted the set of permissions provided by that role.
TheocBase benotzt eng rollebaséiert Zougrëffskontroll fir Benotzer, déi Zougrëff op déi fräiginn Daten aus der Cloud hunn. Rolle stellen eng Rei vu Berechtegunge bereet. Sou erhält eng Persoun, déi enger bestëmmter Roll zougewisen ass, déi fir des Roll bereetgestallte Berechtegungen. -
By default, each user is automatically assigned to the basic <strong>Publisher</strong> role. The exception to this is the one person who shares the data file. That person is always assigned the <strong>Administrator</strong> role. It is also possible to assign the <strong>Administrator</strong> role to an additional user to assist with administrator functions.
By default, each user is automatically assigned to the basic
role. The exception to this is the one person who shares the data file. That person is always assigned the<strong>
role. It is also possible to assign the<strong>
role to an additional user to assist with administrator functions.Standardméisseg gëtt all Benotzer automatesch d'Basis-Roll<strong>
zougewisen. Eng Ausnahm heibäi bild d'Persoun, déi d'Datendatei deelt. Dëser Persoun gëtt ëmmer d'Roll<strong>
zougewisen. Et ass och méiglech, engem weidere Benotzer d'Roll<strong>
zouzeweisen, fir bei Administrateursfunktiounen ze hëllefen. -
The administrator’s role centers around maintaining and setting up the basic environment. This includes granting other users and himself any roles needed to accomplish the tasks related to that user’s assignments in the congregation.
The administrator’s role centers around maintaining and setting up the basic environment. This includes granting other users and himself any roles needed to accomplish the tasks related to that user’s assignments in the congregation.
D'Roll vum Administrateur konzentréiert sech op d'Fleeg an d'Ariichte vun de grondleeënden Astellungen. Dozou gehéiert och, anere Benotzer a sech selwer d'Rollen zouzeweisen, déi zur Erfëllung vun den Aufgabe vun all Benotzer an der Versammlung néideg sinn. -
The <strong>Administrator</strong> role does NOT inherently include all other permissions. This is in order to allow the owner of the cloud storage to work safely with the data files while limiting his access to only the necessary information. In case of a need, though, he can temporarily grant himself more roles/permissions to fix an issue.
role does NOT inherently include all other permissions. This is in order to allow the owner of the cloud storage to work safely with the data files while limiting his access to only the necessary information. In case of a need, though, he can temporarily grant himself more roles/permissions to fix an issue.D'<strong>
ëmfaasst grondsätzlech NET all aner Berechtegungen. Dëst déngt dozou, dem Besëtzer vum Cloud-Späicher ee séchert Schaffe mat den Datendateien z'erméiglechen a gläichzäiteg säin Zougrëff op déi noutwenneg Informatiounen ze limitéieren. Wann et néideg ass, kann hien sech fir kuerz Zäit weider Rollen/Berechtegunge ginn, fir ee Problem ze léisen. -
<strong>Life and Ministry Meeting Chairman:</strong> View publishers, availabilities and midweek meeting settings; edit midweek meeting schedule; send reminders; print midweek meeting worksheets
Life and Ministry Meeting Chairman:</strong>
View publishers, availabilities and midweek meeting settings; edit midweek meeting schedule; send reminders; print midweek meeting worksheets<strong>
Virsëtzenden vun Eist Liewen an Déngscht als Chrëscht:</strong>
Uweise vu Verkënneger, Verfügbarkeet an Astellunge fir d'Versammlung an der Woch; Plang vun der Versammlung an der Woch beaarbechten; Erënnerunge schécken; Virsëtzblieder fir d'Versammlung an der Woch printen -
<strong>Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer:</strong> Edit publishers, availabilities, special events, midweek meeting schedule and settings; print assignment slips
Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer:</strong>
Edit publishers, availabilities, special events, midweek meeting schedule and settings; print assignment slips<strong>
Opsiichter fir Eist Liewen an Déngscht als Chrëscht:</strong>
Beaarbechte vu Verkënneger, Disponibilitéiten, besonnesch Evenementer, Plang fir d'Versammlung an der Woch an Astellungen, Aufgabenziedelen printen -
Printing Tags - Weekend Meeting
Printing Tags - Weekend Meeting
Printlabels - Versammlung um Weekend -
Printing Tags
Printing Tags
Printlabel -
Weekend Meeting
Weekend Meeting
Versammlung um Weekend -
Weekend Meeting Printing Tags
Weekend Meeting Printing Tags
Printlabel fir d'Versammlung um Weekend -
Label -
Wäert -