Click <strong>Share</strong>.
.Klick op<strong>
. -
Select <strong>Can edit</strong>.
Can edit</strong>
dierf beaarbechten</strong>
. -
Getting Started
Getting Started
Éischt Schrëtt -
Reset Cloud Data
Reset Cloud Data
Clouddaten zrécksetzen -
Opgepasst: -
Disconnect the Cloud Storage
Disconnect the Cloud Storage
Connectioun zum Cloudspäicher trennen -
Before editing data, make sure you have loaded the recent changes and likewise synchronize also when you have finished your editing. Otherwise, if similar changes can be found in the cloud, your local changes may be overwritten as you synchronize; as administrator you will be notified about such a conflict.
Before editing data, make sure you have loaded the recent changes and likewise synchronize also when you have finished your editing. Otherwise, if similar changes can be found in the cloud, your local changes may be overwritten as you synchronize; as administrator you will be notified about such a conflict.
Pass drop op, déi lescht Ännerunge per Synchronisatioun ze lueden, iers du d'Date veränners, a synchroniséier no denger Beaarbechtung d'Daten. Sos kéinten deng Ännerunge beim Synchroniséieren iwwerschriwwe ginn, wann an der Cloud déi selwecht Daten ewell geännert goufen; als Administrateur gëss du bei sou engem Konflikt informéiert. -
On synchronizing as <strong>administrator</strong> with another device after this time, a dialog appears with the message, that the cloud data has been deleted. The dialog needs to be confirmed with <strong>Yes</strong> or <strong>Continue</strong>, in order to discard the local data on that device and replace it by the cloud data. As a <strong>non-administrator</strong> these steps take place automatically.
On synchronizing as
with another device after this time, a dialog appears with the message, that the cloud data has been deleted. The dialog needs to be confirmed with<strong>
, in order to discard the local data on that device and replace it by the cloud data. As a<strong>
these steps take place automatically.Gëtt uschléissend als<strong>
op engem aneren Apparat synchroniséiert, erschéngt een Dialog mam Hiwäis, dass d'Cloud-Date geläscht goufen. Den Dialog muss mat<strong>
confirméiert ginn, fir déi lokal Daten ze verwerfen an duerch d'Cloud-Daten z'ersetzen.<strong>
Ouni Administrateursrechter</strong>
gëtt dëst automatesch ausgeféiert. -
Settings - Access Control
Settings - Access Control
Astellungen - Zougankskontroll -
Astellungen -
Access Control
Access Control
Zouganksberechtegungen -
The following list provides the available roles with their respective permissions:
The following list provides the available roles with their respective permissions:
Déi follgend Lëscht enthält déi disponibel Rolle mat hire jeeweilege Berechtegungen: -
<strong>Publisher:</strong> View and print midweek and weekend meeting schedule; view the congregation's territory; view special events
View and print midweek and weekend meeting schedule; view the congregation's territory; view special events<strong>
Plang vun der Versammlung ënnert der Woch an um Weekend uweisen a printen; Versammlungsgebitt uweisen; Besonnesch Ereegnisser uweisen -
<strong>Elder:</strong> View congregation settings, list of public talks, songs and publishers
View congregation settings, list of public talks, songs and publishers<strong>
Astellunge fir d'Versammlung, Lëscht vun den ëffentleche Virträg, Lidder a Verkënneger uweisen -
<strong>Public Talk Coordinator:</strong> Edit weekend meeting schedule and settings, special events; manage list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets
Public Talk Coordinator:</strong>
Edit weekend meeting schedule and settings, special events; manage list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets<strong>
Beaarbechte vum Plang fir d'Versammlung um Weekend, den Astellungen dofir an de besonnegen Evenementer; Lëscht vun den ëffentleche Riedner verwalten; Printe vun de Blieder vun der Versammlung um Weekend -
<strong>Territory Servant:</strong> Edit publishers, territories and corresponding settings; print all territory related sheets
Territory Servant:</strong>
Edit publishers, territories and corresponding settings; print all territory related sheets<strong>
Verkënneger, Gebitter an entspriechend Astellunge beaarbechten; Printe vu Blieder déi sech op Gebitter bezéien. -
<strong>Service Overseer:</strong> View territory assignments and addresses; print all territory related sheets
Service Overseer:</strong>
View territory assignments and addresses; print all territory related sheets<strong>
Zouweisunge vu Gebitter an Adressen uweisen; Printe vu Blieder déi sech op Gebitter bezéien. -
<strong>Secretary:</strong> Edit publishers
Edit publishers<strong>
Verkënneger beaarbeschten -
<strong>Coordinator of the Body of Elders:</strong> Edit publishers, special events, midweek meeting schedule and settings; view weekend meeting settings, permissions and list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets
Coordinator of the Body of Elders:</strong>
Edit publishers, special events, midweek meeting schedule and settings; view weekend meeting settings, permissions and list of public speakers; print all weekend meeting related sheets<strong>
Koordinator vun der Ältestenschaft:</strong>
Beaarbechte vu Verkënneger, Besonnesch Ereegnesser, Plang vun der Versammlung ënnert der Woch an d'Astellungen dofir; Uweise vun Astellunge fir d'Versammlung um Weekend, Berechtegungen a Lëscht vun den ëffentleche Riedner; Printe vu Blieder vun der Versammlung um Weekend. -
Assign a Role to a User
Assign a Role to a User
Engem Benotzer eng Roll zouweisen