Hiwäis: -
The necessary fields may vary from country to country.
The necessary fields may vary from country to country.
Déi erfuerderlech Felder kënne vu Land zu Land ënnerschiddlech sinn. -
Tipp: -
You can choose a default address type in the <a href="settings_territories.html#default_address_type">settings</a>.
You can choose a default address type in the
<a href="settings_territories.html#default_address_type">
.Du kanns an den<a href="settings_territories.html#default_address_type">
e Standardadresstyp festleeën. -
Import Addresses
Import Addresses
Adressen importéieren -
The first row of the CSV-file must contain the field names.
The first row of the CSV-file must contain the field names.
Déi éischt Zeil vun der CSV-Datei muss de Numm vum Feld enthalen. -
Edit an Address
Edit an Address
Eng Adress beaarbechten -
Zoom to an Address
Zoom to an Address
Op eng Adress zoomen -
Double-click an address in the addresses list box on the <strong>Addresses</strong> tab.
Double-click an address in the addresses list box on the
tab.Klick duebel op eng Adress am Adresselëschtefeld an der Regësterkaart<strong>
. -
The map is refreshed and displays the selected address in the center.
The map is refreshed and displays the selected address in the center.
D'Kaart gëtt aktualiséiert a weist déi ausgewielten Adress zentréiert un. -
Drag the marker to the new position and release the mouse button.
Drag the marker to the new position and release the mouse button.
Zéi d'Markéierung an déi nei Positioun a looss d'Maustast lass. -
Select the territory to which you want to assign an address.
Select the territory to which you want to assign an address.
Wiel dat Gebitt aus, dem eng Adress zougeuerdent soll ginn. -
Remove an Address
Remove an Address
Eng Adress ewechmaachen -
Adressen -
Settings - Territories
Settings - Territories
Astellungen - Gebitter -
Astellungen -
Gebitter -
Uertschaften -
Add a City to the List
Add a City to the List
Füg eng Uertschaft der Lëscht bäi -
Remove a City from the List
Remove a City from the List
Eng Uertschaft aus der Lëscht ewechmaachen
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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