Hiwäis: -
Opgepasst: -
Tipp: -
Remove a Territory's Boundary
Remove a Territory's Boundary
Eng Gebittsgrenz ewechmaachen -
Draw a Territory's Boundary
Draw a Territory's Boundary
Gebittsgrenz anzeechnen -
Select a territory in the territory list box or in the map.
Select a territory in the territory list box or in the map.
Wiel d'Gebitt am Gebittslëschtefeld oder op der Kaart aus. -
<a href="#add_territory">Add territories</a> by clicking the <img src="../images/territory_add_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button [3]. You can <a href="#draw_territory_boundary">draw the boundaries</a> on the map and <a href="#split_territory">split territories</a>. It is also possible to <a href="#import_territory_boundaries">import territories</a> through a KML-file and <a href="territories_addresses.html#import_territory_addresses">import addresses</a> through a CSV-file [5].
<a href="#add_territory">
Add territories</a>
by clicking the <img src="../images/territory_add_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button [3]. You can<a href="#draw_territory_boundary">
draw the boundaries</a>
on the map and<a href="#split_territory">
split territories</a>
. It is also possible to<a href="#import_territory_boundaries">
import territories</a>
through a KML-file and<a href="territories_addresses.html#import_territory_addresses">
import addresses</a>
through a CSV-file [5].<a href="#add_territory">
Gebitt bäisetzen</a>
duerch Klick op déi <img src="../images/territory_add_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Schaltfläch [3]. Du kanns d'<a href="#draw_territory_boundary">
op der Kaart zeechnen a<a href="#split_territory">
Gebitter deelen</a>
. Et ass och méiglech, aus enger KML-Datei<a href="#import_territory_boundaries">
Gebitter z'importéieren</a>
a mëttels enger CSV-Datei<a href="territories_addresses.html#import_territory_addresses">
Adressen z'importéieren</a>
[5]. -
You can cancel drawing by pressing the <strong>Escape</strong> key and undo the last point by pressing the <strong>Backspace</strong> key.
You can cancel drawing by pressing the
key and undo the last point by pressing the<strong>
key.Mat der<strong>
-Tast kanns du d'Zeechnen ofbriechen a mat der<strong>
de leschte Schrëtt réckgängeg maachen. -
Split a Territory
Split a Territory
Ee Gebitt deelen -
Split territory
Split territory
Gebitt deelen -
It is possible to split a territory and divide it into two parts. Each part will inherit the territory attributes (besides the territory number) and the record of assignments, while the addresses and streets will be divided according to the new boundaries.
It is possible to split a territory and divide it into two parts. Each part will inherit the territory attributes (besides the territory number) and the record of assignments, while the addresses and streets will be divided according to the new boundaries.
Et ass méiglech, ee Gebitt an zwee Deeler opzedeelen. Béid Deeler ierwen d'Gebittseegenschaften (net d'Gebittsnummer) an d'Lëscht vun den Zoudeelungen. D'Adressen an d'Stroossen ginn entspriechend de neie Grenzen opgedeelt. -
Click the <img src="../images/boundary_split_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> button.
Click the
<img src="../images/boundary_split_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
button.Klick de<img src="../images/boundary_split_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Knäppchen. -
Click along the path [3] where you want to divide the territory.
Click along the path [3] where you want to divide the territory.
Klick eng Linn [3] un der d'Gebitt gedeelt soll ginn. -
Click around the area [5] you want to cut off. This part will be used to create a new territory.
Click around the area [5] you want to cut off. This part will be used to create a new territory.
Klick ronderëm de Beräich [5], dee vum Gebitt ofgetrennt soll ginn. Dëse gëtt fir d'Erstellen vun engem neie Gebitt benotzt. -
Click with the right mouse button on the map to finish drawing and to split the selected territory.
Click with the right mouse button on the map to finish drawing and to split the selected territory.
Klick mat der rietser Maustast op d'Kaart, fir d'Zeechnen ofzeschléissen an d'Gebitt ze deelen. -
Getting Started
Getting Started
Éischt Schrëtt -
Show/Hide Streets
Show/Hide Streets
Strossen uweisen/verstoppen -
Join Territories
Join Territories
Gebitter zesummeleeën -
Right-click the territory in the map you want to join to the selected territory.
Right-click the territory in the map you want to join to the selected territory.
Rietsklick an d'Gebitt dat s du dem selektionéierte Gebitt wëlls bäifügen. -