<strong>Frequency</strong> or the number of assignments or utilizations
or the number of assignments or utilizations<strong>
vun Zoudeelungen -
<strong>Assignment, Meeting part</strong>, <strong>Theme</strong> or public talk <strong>Number</strong>
Assignment, Meeting part</strong>
or public talk<strong>
Zoudeelung, Programmdeel</strong>
vum ëffentleche Virtrag -
<strong>Weeks idle</strong>, or the least number of weeks without <i>any</i> assignments between the current week and the closest assignment (before or after the current week)
Weeks idle</strong>
, or the least number of weeks without<i>
assignments between the current week and the closest assignment (before or after the current week)<strong>
Wochen ouni Zoudeelung</strong>
oder déi geréngsten Unzuel vu Wochen ouni<i>
Zoudeelung tëscht der aktueller Woch an der nächster Zoudeelung (virun oder no der aktueller Woch) -
Detailer -
The items in the list can contain additional details such as warnings, classifications or a brief history:
The items in the list can contain additional details such as warnings, classifications or a brief history:
D'Inscriptiounen an der Lëscht kennen zousätzlech Detailer wéi Warnungen, Klassifizéierungen oder e kuerzen Historique enthalen: -
Warnungen -
<img src="../images/warning_inactive_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> Unavailable due to break or holiday etc.
<img src="../images/warning_inactive_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Unavailable due to break or holiday etc.<img src="../images/warning_inactive_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Net disponibel wéinst enger Paus oder Congé etc. -
<img src="../images/warning_busy_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> Additional assignment on the same day, or in case of speakers a public talk in the same week or another assignment to be away in the same month
<img src="../images/warning_busy_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Additional assignment on the same day, or in case of speakers a public talk in the same week or another assignment to be away in the same month<img src="../images/warning_busy_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Weider Zoudeelung um selwischten Dag, bei Virtragsriedner een ëffentlechen Virtrag an der selwischter Woch, een auswäertege Virtrag am selwischte Mount -
<img src="../images/warning_family_member_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> Additional assignment of a family member on the same day
<img src="../images/warning_family_member_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Additional assignment of a family member on the same day<img src="../images/warning_family_member_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Deen Dag besteet eng Zoudeelung vun engem Familljemember -
Classifications help you to quickly identify the most appropriate entries for a current selection, e.g. those who have been used for certain assignments less frequently or not recently. The range of values is divided into subranges, which are represented by unique symbols:
Classifications help you to quickly identify the most appropriate entries for a current selection, e.g. those who have been used for certain assignments less frequently or not recently. The range of values is divided into subranges, which are represented by unique symbols:
Klassifikatiounen hëllefen, séier déi passend Persoun fir eng aktuell Aufgab ze fannen, z.B. ween a leschter Zäit seelen oder méi laang net méi fir eng bestëmmten Zoudeelung agedeelt gouf. Dëse Wäert ass ënnerdeelt an Ënnerberäicher eendeiteg Symboler stellen se duer: -
<span>Frequency range</span> <br><span>The frequency range of assignments or selections is indicated by the number of checked boxes:</span> <br><span>☐☐☐☐☐ no record of an assignment or selection yet</span> <br><span>☑☐☐☐☐ low</span> <br><span>☑☑☐☐☐ below average</span> <br><span>☑☑☑☐☐ average</span> <br><span>☑☑☑☑☐ above average</span> <br><span>☑☑☑☑☑ high</span>
Frequency range</span>
The frequency range of assignments or selections is indicated by the number of checked boxes:</span>
☐☐☐☐☐ no record of an assignment or selection yet</span>
☑☐☐☐☐ low</span>
☑☑☐☐☐ below average</span>
☑☑☑☐☐ average</span>
☑☑☑☑☐ above average</span>
☑☑☑☑☑ high</span>
D'Heefegkeet vun den Zoudeelunge gëtt duerch d'Kreep an de Këschten duergestallt:</span>
☐☐☐☐☐ bis elo keng Zoudeelung</span>
☑☐☐☐☐ niddreg</span>
☑☑☐☐☐ ënnerduerchschnëttlech</span>
☑☑☑☐☐ Duerchschnëtt</span>
☑☑☑☑☐ iwwerduerchschnëttlech</span>
☑☑☑☑☑ héig</span>
<span>Time range</span> <br><span>A time range is represented by one of the following moon phase symbols:</span> <br><span>🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (shortest to the longest time range)</span>
Time range</span>
A time range is represented by one of the following moon phase symbols:</span>
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (shortest to the longest time range)</span>
Eng Zäitspann gëtt duerch ee vun de follgende Moundphasesymboler duergestallt:</span>
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (kierzt bis längst Zäitspann)</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">Timeline</a></span> <br><span>A timeline, representing 4 weeks before and after the selected week, may accompany the symbol of the time range classification, and highlights the most recent filtered assignments.</span> <br><span>The closest assignments, independently of any filters, are displayed as an arc below (weekend) or above (midweek) the week's marker. The highlighted part of it represents the assignment's meeting section.</span> <br><span> Assisting or supplementary parts are displayed as outlined symbols.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">
A timeline, representing 4 weeks before and after the selected week, may accompany the symbol of the time range classification, and highlights the most recent filtered assignments.</span>
The closest assignments, independently of any filters, are displayed as an arc below (weekend) or above (midweek) the week's marker. The highlighted part of it represents the assignment's meeting section.</span>
Assisting or supplementary parts are displayed as outlined symbols.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_timeline">
Eng Zäitleescht, déi 4 Wochen no a virun der selektionéierter Woch duerstellt, kann d'Symbol vun der Zäitberäichsklassifizéierung begleeden an hieft déi neiste gefiltert Zoudeelungen ervir.</span>
Déi nächstgeleeën Aufgab, onofhängeg vun de Filteren, ginn als Bou ënnert (Weekend) oder iwwert (Wochemëtt) der Wochemarkéierung ugewisen. Déi ervirgehuewe Partie vum Bou stellt de Bespriechungsoofschnëtt vun der Aufgab duer.</span>
Ënnerstëtzend oder komplimentéierend Deeler ginn als Symbol mat Rand ugewisen.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">History</a></span> <br><span>Up to three additional lines may be used to display a brief historical record in the details. The number of displayed lines can be adjusted in the settings [6].</span> <br><span>In case of assignments, a checkbox indicates completed assignments. Canceled assignments have no checkbox and other labels are striked through. If the role of an assignee in a meeting part is assistant or supplementary, the checkbox is displayed behind a vertical bar.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">
Up to three additional lines may be used to display a brief historical record in the details. The number of displayed lines can be adjusted in the settings [6].</span>
In case of assignments, a checkbox indicates completed assignments. Canceled assignments have no checkbox and other labels are striked through. If the role of an assignee in a meeting part is assistant or supplementary, the checkbox is displayed behind a vertical bar.</span>
<span><a id="lookup_control_details_history">
Bis zu 3 zousätzlechen Zeile kënne gebraucht ginn, fir e kuerzen Historique an den Detailer unzeweisen [6].</span>
Am Fall vun Zoudeelunge weist eng Kontrollkëscht ofgeschlossen Zoudeelungen un. Ofgebrachen Zoudeelungen hu keng Kontrollkëscht an aner Kennzeechnungen sinn duerchgestrach. Wann d'Roll vun engem Participant an engem Versammlungsdeel Assistent oder Stellvertrieder ass, da gëtt d'Kontrollkëscht hannert dem vertikale Balken ugewisen.</span>
Astellungen -
how many lines of historical records to display
how many lines of historical records to display
wéi vill Zeilen am Historique ugewise solle ginn -
whether to include or not parts of other kind of meetings
whether to include or not parts of other kind of meetings
ob eng aner Aart vu Programmdeel abezu soll ginn oder net -
the labeling of assignments
the labeling of assignments
Zoudeelungsbezeechnungen -
The settings are shared by different controls if used for a similar purpose, e.g. to select various <i>student assignments</i>.
The settings are shared by different controls if used for a similar purpose, e.g. to select various
student assignments</i>
.Astellunge gi vu verschiddenen Kontrollen zesumme benotzt, wann se fir een änlechen Zweck benotzt ginn, z.B. fir verschidden<i>
. -
Reset Default Settings
Reset Default Settings
Zrécksetzen op d'Standardastellungen