Edit the Schedules
Edit the Schedules
Pläne bearbeiten -
Import Schedules
Import Schedules
Pläne importieren -
Assign meeting parts
Assign meeting parts
Programmpunkte zuteilen -
Settings - Songs
Settings - Songs
Einstellungen - Lieder -
Einstellungen -
Lieder -
Adding the List of Songs
Adding the List of Songs
Liste der Lieder hinzufügen -
In the <strong>Settings</strong> select the <strong>Songs</strong> page.
In the
select the<strong>
page.Wähle in den<strong>
die Seite<strong>
aus. -
Enter the songs according to the instructions in the dialog.
Enter the songs according to the instructions in the dialog.
Gib die Lieder ein, wie im Dialog beschrieben. -
Tipp: -
Make necessary corrections making sure there are only song numbers and titles.
Make necessary corrections making sure there are only song numbers and titles.
Nötige Änderungen vornehmen und sicherstellen, dass nur Liednummern und -titel enthalten sind. -
Press the <strong>Next</strong> button and choose a language.
Press the
button and choose a language.Klicke auf die Schaltfläche<strong>
und wähle eine Sprache aus. -
Press the <strong>OK</strong> button and review what you have pasted.
Press the
button and review what you have pasted.Drücke die<strong>
-Taste und überprüfe, was du eingefügt hast. -
When satisfied with the song list, press the <strong>Save to Database</strong> button.
When satisfied with the song list, press the
Save to Database</strong>
button.Wenn du mit der Liste der Lieder zufrieden bist, klicke auf die Schaltfläche<strong>
In Datenbank speichern</strong>
. -
After pressing the <img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" /> button, the <strong>Wizard</strong> dialog opens.
After pressing the
<img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" />
button, the<strong>
dialog opens. -
To switch the order of the song's title and number you can use regular expressions (regex) or wildcards in the replace dialog of many text editors, e.g. enter <strong><span class="nobr">(.+) (\d+)</span></strong> or <strong><span class="nobr">(<*) (<[0-9]@>)</span></strong> in the <strong>Find</strong> field and enter <strong><span class="nobr">$2 $1</span></strong> or <strong><span class="nobr">\2 \1</span></strong> in the corresponding <strong>Replace</strong> field.
To switch the order of the song's title and number you can use regular expressions (regex) or wildcards in the replace dialog of many text editors, e.g. enter
<strong><span class="nobr">
(.+) (\d+)</span></strong>
or<strong><span class="nobr">
(<*) (<[0-9]@>)</span></strong>
in the<strong>
field and enter<strong><span class="nobr">
$2 $1</span></strong>
or<strong><span class="nobr">
\2 \1</span></strong>
in the corresponding<strong>
field. -
Territories - Working with the territory data in a geographic information system (GIS)
Territories - Working with the territory data in a geographic information system (GIS)
Gebiete - Arbeiten mit den Gebietsdaten in einem Geographischen Informations System (GIS) -
Gebiete -
Add Territory Layers to a QGIS Project
Add Territory Layers to a QGIS Project
Gebiets-Ebene zu einem QGIS-Projekt hinzufügen -
Open or create a new project in QGIS.
Open or create a new project in QGIS.
Öffnen oder Erstellen eines neuen Projektes in QGIS.