The Lookup Control
The Lookup Control
Otsimise seaded -
search box [1]
search box [1]
otsingukast [1] -
filter buttons [2]
filter buttons [2]
filtrinupud [2] -
grouping and sorting to arrange the list [3]
grouping and sorting to arrange the list [3]
rühmitamine ja sortimine loendi korrastamiseks [3] -
items displayed as tiles with multiple lines to present additional details [4]
items displayed as tiles with multiple lines to present additional details [4]
üksused, mis kuvatakse mitme reaga paanidena, et esitada täiendavaid üksikasju [4] -
section headers [5] to separate grouped items
section headers [5] to separate grouped items
jaotiste päised [5] rühmitatud üksuste eraldamiseks -
menu with further settings [6]
menu with further settings [6]
menüü koos täiendavate seadistustega [6] -
The Search Bar
The Search Bar
Otsinguriba -
In order to quickly find an entry in the list, type the text in the <strong>search box [1]</strong> at the top, and then press <strong>Enter</strong> to filter the list.
In order to quickly find an entry in the list, type the text in the
search box [1]</strong>
at the top, and then press<strong>
to filter the list.Loendist kirje kiireks leidmiseks tippige tekst ülaosas olevasse<strong>
otsingukasti [1]</strong>
ja seejärel vajutage loendi filtreerimiseks<strong>
. -
The Filter Buttons
The Filter Buttons
Filtri nupud -
The <strong>filter buttons [2]</strong> may not be available in all instances, but if they are, they can have either of the following two functions:
filter buttons [2]</strong>
may not be available in all instances, but if they are, they can have either of the following two functions:<strong>
Filtri nupud [2]</strong>
ei pruugi olla kõigil juhtudel saadaval, kuid kui need on, võib neil olla üks kahest järgmisest funktsioonist: -
Filter items in the list
Filter items in the list
Filtreeri loendis olevaid üksusi -
Filter details of items
Filter details of items
Üksuste üksikasjade filtreerimine -
Arranging the List
Arranging the List
Nimekirja korrastamine -
The list can be arranged by different criteria [3], such as:
The list can be arranged by different criteria [3], such as:
Nimekirja saab korrastada erinevate kriteeriumide [3] alusel, näiteks: -
the person's <strong>Name</strong> or <strong>Congregation</strong>
the person's
<strong>Date</strong> of the most recent assignment or utilization
of the most recent assignment or utilizationViimase ülesande või kasutamise<strong>
<strong>Frequency</strong> or the number of assignments or utilizations
or the number of assignments or utilizationsÜlesannete või kasutuste<strong>
või arv
<strong>Assignment, Meeting part</strong>, <strong>Theme</strong> or public talk <strong>Number</strong>
Assignment, Meeting part</strong>
or public talk<strong>
Ülesanne, koosoleku osa</strong>
või avalik kõne<strong>
<strong>Weeks idle</strong>, or the least number of weeks without <i>any</i> assignments between the current week and the closest assignment (before or after the current week)
Weeks idle</strong>
, or the least number of weeks without<i>
assignments between the current week and the closest assignment (before or after the current week)<strong>
Nädalad jõude</strong>
või vähim nädalate arv ilma<i>
jooksva nädala ja lähima ülesande vahel (enne või pärast jooksvat nädalat)