The Filter Buttons
The Filter Buttons
Filtri nupud -
The <strong>filter buttons [2]</strong> may not be available in all instances, but if they are, they can have either of the following two functions:
filter buttons [2]</strong>
may not be available in all instances, but if they are, they can have either of the following two functions:<strong>
Filtri nupud [2]</strong>
ei pruugi olla kõigil juhtudel saadaval, kuid kui need on, võib neil olla üks kahest järgmisest funktsioonist: -
Filter items in the list
Filter items in the list
Filtreeri loendis olevaid üksusi -
Filter details of items
Filter details of items
Üksuste üksikasjade filtreerimine -
Arranging the List
Arranging the List
Nimekirja korrastamine -
The list can be arranged by different criteria [3], such as:
The list can be arranged by different criteria [3], such as:
Nimekirja saab korrastada erinevate kriteeriumide [3] alusel, näiteks: -
the person's <strong>Name</strong> or <strong>Congregation</strong>
the person's
<strong>Date</strong> of the most recent assignment or utilization
of the most recent assignment or utilizationViimase ülesande või kasutamise<strong>
<strong>Frequency</strong> or the number of assignments or utilizations
or the number of assignments or utilizationsÜlesannete või kasutuste<strong>
või arv
<strong>Assignment, Meeting part</strong>, <strong>Theme</strong> or public talk <strong>Number</strong>
Assignment, Meeting part</strong>
or public talk<strong>
Ülesanne, koosoleku osa</strong>
või avalik kõne<strong>
<strong>Weeks idle</strong>, or the least number of weeks without <i>any</i> assignments between the current week and the closest assignment (before or after the current week)
Weeks idle</strong>
, or the least number of weeks without<i>
assignments between the current week and the closest assignment (before or after the current week)<strong>
Nädalad jõude</strong>
või vähim nädalate arv ilma<i>
jooksva nädala ja lähima ülesande vahel (enne või pärast jooksvat nädalat) -
Lisainfo -
The items in the list can contain additional details such as warnings, classifications or a brief history:
The items in the list can contain additional details such as warnings, classifications or a brief history:
Loendis olevad üksused võivad sisaldada täiendavaid üksikasju, nagu hoiatused, klassifikatsioonid või lühike ajalugu. -
Hoiatused -
<img src="../images/warning_inactive_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> Unavailable due to break or holiday etc.
<img src="../images/warning_inactive_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Unavailable due to break or holiday etc.<img src="../images/warning_inactive_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Pausi või puhkuse vms tõttu pole saadaval. -
<img src="../images/warning_busy_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> Additional assignment on the same day, or in case of speakers a public talk in the same week or another assignment to be away in the same month
<img src="../images/warning_busy_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Additional assignment on the same day, or in case of speakers a public talk in the same week or another assignment to be away in the same month<img src="../images/warning_busy_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Lisaülesanne samal päeval või kõnepidajate puhul avalik kõne samal nädalal või muu ülesanne samal kuul -
<img src="../images/warning_family_member_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> Additional assignment of a family member on the same day
<img src="../images/warning_family_member_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Additional assignment of a family member on the same day<img src="../images/warning_family_member_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Pereliikme täiendav määramine samal päeval -
Classifications help you to quickly identify the most appropriate entries for a current selection, e.g. those who have been used for certain assignments less frequently or not recently. The range of values is divided into subranges, which are represented by unique symbols:
Classifications help you to quickly identify the most appropriate entries for a current selection, e.g. those who have been used for certain assignments less frequently or not recently. The range of values is divided into subranges, which are represented by unique symbols:
Klassifikatsioonid aitavad teil kiiresti tuvastada praeguse valiku jaoks kõige sobivamad kirjed, nt need, mida on teatud ülesannete jaoks kasutatud harvemini või hiljuti. Väärtuste vahemik on jagatud alamvahemikeks, mida tähistavad kordumatud sümbolid: -
<span>Frequency range</span> <br><span>The frequency range of assignments or selections is indicated by the number of checked boxes:</span> <br><span>☐☐☐☐☐ no record of an assignment or selection yet</span> <br><span>☑☐☐☐☐ low</span> <br><span>☑☑☐☐☐ below average</span> <br><span>☑☑☑☐☐ average</span> <br><span>☑☑☑☑☐ above average</span> <br><span>☑☑☑☑☑ high</span>
Frequency range</span>
The frequency range of assignments or selections is indicated by the number of checked boxes:</span>
☐☐☐☐☐ no record of an assignment or selection yet</span>
☑☐☐☐☐ low</span>
☑☑☐☐☐ below average</span>
☑☑☑☐☐ average</span>
☑☑☑☑☐ above average</span>
☑☑☑☑☑ high</span>
Ülesannete või valikute sagedusvahemikku näitab märkeruutude arv:</span>
☐☐☐☐☐ ülesande või valiku kohta pole veel kirjet</span>
☑☐☐☐☐ madal</span>
☑☑☐☐☐ alla keskmise</span>
☑☑☑☐☐ keskmine</span>
☑☑☑☑☐ üle keskmise</span>
☑☑☑☑☑ kõrge</span>
<span>Time range</span> <br><span>A time range is represented by one of the following moon phase symbols:</span> <br><span>🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (shortest to the longest time range)</span>
Time range</span>
A time range is represented by one of the following moon phase symbols:</span>
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (shortest to the longest time range)</span>
Ajavahemikku tähistab üks järgmistest kuufaasi sümbolitest:</span>
🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕 (lühemast kuni pikima ajavahemikuni)</span>