User Interface
User Interface
Uporabniški vmesnik -
The Lookup Control
The Lookup Control
Kontrolnik za iskanje -
search box [1]
search box [1]
iskalno polje [1] -
filter buttons [2]
filter buttons [2]
gumbi za filtranje [2] -
grouping and sorting to arrange the list [3]
grouping and sorting to arrange the list [3]
združevanje in razvrščanje za urejanje seznama [3] -
items displayed as tiles with multiple lines to present additional details [4]
items displayed as tiles with multiple lines to present additional details [4]
elementi, prikazani kot ploščice z več vrsticami za predstavitev dodatnih podrobnosti [4] -
section headers [5] to separate grouped items
section headers [5] to separate grouped items
glave razdelkov [5] za ločevanje združenih elementov -
menu with further settings [6]
menu with further settings [6]
meni z dodatnimi nastavitvami [6] -
The Search Bar
The Search Bar
Iskalna vrstica -
In order to quickly find an entry in the list, type the text in the <strong>search box [1]</strong> at the top, and then press <strong>Enter</strong> to filter the list.
In order to quickly find an entry in the list, type the text in the
search box [1]</strong>
at the top, and then press<strong>
to filter the list.Če želiš hitro najti vnos na seznamu, vnesi besedilo v<strong>
iskalno polje [1]</strong>
na vrhu in nato pritisni<strong>
tipko Enter</strong>
, da filtriraš seznam. -
The Filter Buttons
The Filter Buttons
Gumbi za filtranje -
The <strong>filter buttons [2]</strong> may not be available in all instances, but if they are, they can have either of the following two functions:
filter buttons [2]</strong>
may not be available in all instances, but if they are, they can have either of the following two functions:<strong>
Gumbi za filtriranje [2]</strong>
morda niso na voljo v vseh primerih, če pa so, imajo lahko eno od naslednjih dveh funkcij: -
Filter items in the list
Filter items in the list
Filtriraj elemente na seznamu
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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