Make necessary corrections making sure there are only talk numbers and titles.
Make necessary corrections making sure there are only talk numbers and titles.
Popravljaj ustrezno in se prepričaj, da so samo naslovi in številke govorov. -
Press the <strong>Next</strong> button and choose a language.
Press the
button and choose a language.Pritisni na gumb<strong>
, da izbereš jezik. -
Press the <strong>OK</strong> button and review what you have pasted.
Press the
button and review what you have pasted.Pritisni na gumb<strong>
in preglej kaj si prilepil. -
When satisfied with the talk list, press the <strong>Save to Database</strong> button.
When satisfied with the talk list, press the
Save to Database</strong>
button.Ko si zadovoljen s seznamom govorov, pritisni gumb<strong>
Shrani v bazo podatkov</strong>
. -
Revised Public Talk Outlines
Revised Public Talk Outlines
Posodobljeni očrti Javnih predavanj -
In order to keep track of changing titles, outlines or complete replacements of talks it is possible to set the corresponding dates of their releasing and discontinuing as well as their current revision date. When a discontinued talk is replaced by another, it is neccessary to set the discontinued date [1] of the old talk and the release date [2] of the new talk, because these dates determine which of these talks should be displayed at a given time:
In order to keep track of changing titles, outlines or complete replacements of talks it is possible to set the corresponding dates of their releasing and discontinuing as well as their current revision date. When a discontinued talk is replaced by another, it is neccessary to set the discontinued date [1] of the old talk and the release date [2] of the new talk, because these dates determine which of these talks should be displayed at a given time:
Za lažje spremljanje spremembam na govorih (naslov, očrt...), lahko nastaviš ustrezne datume (datum izdaje in zapadlosti). Ko je ukinjen govor zamenjan z revidiranim nastavi datum zapadlosti [1] starega govora in datum izdaje [2] novega. Tako bo lahko ob določenem času prikazan pravilni govor: -
Revised talk outlines
Revised talk outlines
Posodobljeni očrti govorov -
Update a Talk
Update a Talk
Posodobi govor -
If the outline or the title of a talk has been updated:
If the outline or the title of a talk has been updated:
Če je bil očrt govora posodobljen: -
If the title of the talk has been changed, doubleclick the <strong>Theme</strong> field of the updated talk, and enter the new title.
If the title of the talk has been changed, doubleclick the
field of the updated talk, and enter the new title.Če je bil očrt govora spremenjen, dvakrat klikni na polje<strong>
in vnesi nov naslov. -
You find the revision date at the end of the ouline, e.g. "No. 1-E <strong>9/15</strong>".
You find the revision date at the end of the ouline, e.g. "No. 1-E
".Datum revidiranja lahko najdeš na dnu očrta, npr. "No. 1-E<strong>
". -
Add a New Talk and Replace a Discontinued Talk
Add a New Talk and Replace a Discontinued Talk
Dodaj nov govor in zamenjaj ukinjenega. -
When a new talk is added it is possible to replace a discontinued talk automatically.
When a new talk is added it is possible to replace a discontinued talk automatically.
Ko dodajaš nov govor, je možno ukinjenega zamenjati avtomatično. -
Opozorilo: -
Don't follow these steps if it is just an update, e.g. revised outline, changes in the title but the same theme.
Don't follow these steps if it is just an update, e.g. revised outline, changes in the title but the same theme.
Če je bil očrt govora le posodobljen, se ne ravnaj po naslednjih korakih. -
Click on the <img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" width="20" height="20" /> button.
Click on the
<img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" width="20" height="20" />
button.Pritisni<img src="../images/add_24x24.png" alt="" width="20" height="20" />
na gumb. -
Enter the number and theme of the new talk in the <strong>Wizard</strong> dialog and click on the <strong>Next></strong> button.
Enter the number and theme of the new talk in the
dialog and click on the<strong>
button.V pojavno okno<strong>
vnesi številko in temo govora, nato pritisni gumb<strong>
. -
Select the language of the outline in the <strong>Import subjects</strong> dialog and push the <strong>OK</strong> button.
Select the language of the outline in the
Import subjects</strong>
dialog and push the<strong>
button.V pojavnem oknu<strong>
Uvozi teme</strong>
določi jezik očrta in pritisni gumb<strong>
. -
Click the <strong>Save to database</strong> button in order to save the changes.
Click the
Save to database</strong>
button in order to save the changes.Če hočeš shraniti spremembe, klikni<strong>
Shrani v bazo podatkov</strong>
. -
If the previous talk has not been discontinued yet, a dialog with the message to do so will appear. Hit the <strong>OK</strong> button to discontinue the previous talk and add the new one.
If the previous talk has not been discontinued yet, a dialog with the message to do so will appear. Hit the
button to discontinue the previous talk and add the new one.Če prejšnji govor še ni bil ukinjen, se bo prikazalo pojavno okno z opozorilom. Pritisni gumb<strong>
, da opustiš prejšnji govor in dodaš novega.