Click along the corners of the territory area in the map. The new territory area is displayed in red.
Click along the corners of the territory area in the map. The new territory area is displayed in red.
Zoom in and snap to the corners of a neighboring territory to avoid holes between them. As you move the mouse close to a point of the boundary, the cursor signals when snapping is possible.
Zoom in and snap to the corners of a neighboring territory to avoid holes between them. As you move the mouse close to a point of the boundary, the cursor signals when snapping is possible.
Press the <strong>Show/hide territories</strong> button. The display changes between the following modes:<br />
Press the
Show/hide territories</strong>
button. The display changes between the following modes:<br />
Press the <strong>Show/hide markers</strong> button. The display changes between the following modes:<br />
Press the
Show/hide markers</strong>
button. The display changes between the following modes:<br />
Press the <strong>Switch edit mode</strong> button. The following modes are available:<br />
Press the
Switch edit mode</strong>
button. The following modes are available:<br />
Click along the path [3] where you want to divide the territory.
Click along the path [3] where you want to divide the territory.
Start [1] and finish outside the territory and (if possible) snap to an existing point [2], before you continue drawing over the territory. Do it likewise before you leave the territory [4].
Start [1] and finish outside the territory and (if possible) snap to an existing point [2], before you continue drawing over the territory. Do it likewise before you leave the territory [4].
Click around the area [5] you want to cut off. This part will be used to create a new territory.
Click around the area [5] you want to cut off. This part will be used to create a new territory.
Click with the right mouse button on the map to finish drawing and to split the selected territory.
Click with the right mouse button on the map to finish drawing and to split the selected territory.
Press the <strong>Show/hide streets</strong> button. The display changes between the following modes:<br />
Press the
Show/hide streets</strong>
button. The display changes between the following modes:<br />
<img src="../images/street_all_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> <span>Show all streets</span><br /><img src="../images/street_off_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> <span>Hide all streets</span><br /><img src="../images/street_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" /> <span>Show streets of the selected territory only</span>
<img src="../images/street_all_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Show all streets</span><br /><img src="../images/street_off_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Hide all streets</span><br /><img src="../images/street_24x24.png" alt="" width="24" height="24" />
Show streets of the selected territory only</span>
The map is refreshed and displays the streets according to the current setting.
The map is refreshed and displays the streets according to the current setting.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Working with GIS
Working with GIS
Territories - Assignments
Territories - Assignments
Click on the <strong>Publisher</strong> field in the new row to open the drop-down list of publishers and select the publisher to whom the territory should be assigned to.
Click on the
field in the new row to open the drop-down list of publishers and select the publisher to whom the territory should be assigned to. -
Enter the date in the <strong>Checked Out</strong> field when the territory has been checked out.
Enter the date in the
Checked Out</strong>
field when the territory has been checked out. -
Select the row of the publisher in the territory assignments list box to whom the territory has been assigned to.
Select the row of the publisher in the territory assignments list box to whom the territory has been assigned to.
Enter the date in the <strong>Checked Back In</strong> field when the territory has been turned in.
Enter the date in the
Checked Back In</strong>
field when the territory has been turned in. -
When dates for the assignments are entered, a validation takes place to check for instance if date ranges of different assignments overlap. Invalid date ranges are marked with a red box. If the input cannot be recognized as a valid date, the text color is red and cannot be saved.
When dates for the assignments are entered, a validation takes place to check for instance if date ranges of different assignments overlap. Invalid date ranges are marked with a red box. If the input cannot be recognized as a valid date, the text color is red and cannot be saved.