You can use <strong>
Google Maps</strong>
to create a KML-file. Sign in and create a map. When you finish drawing the shape of a territory, enter the territory number in the <strong>
field and the locality in the <strong>
field. Finally you can save your map by clicking on the <strong>
Export to KML</strong>
menu item.
You can use <strong>Google Maps</strong> to create a KML-file. Sign in and create a map. When you finish drawing the shape of a territory, enter the territory number in the <strong>Name</strong> field and the locality in the <strong>Description</strong> field. Finally you can save your map by clicking on the <strong>Export to KML</strong> menu item.
You can use
Google Maps</strong>
to create a KML-file. Sign in and create a map. When you finish drawing the shape of a territory, enter the territory number in the<strong>
field and the locality in the<strong>
field. Finally you can save your map by clicking on the<strong>
Export to KML</strong>
menu item.You can use
Google Maps</strong>
to create a KML-file. Sign in and create a map. When you finish drawing the shape of a territory, enter the territory number in the<strong>
field and the locality in the<strong>
field. Finally you can save your map by clicking on the<strong>
Export to KML</strong>
menu item.
You can use <strong>Google Maps</strong> to create a KML-file. Sign in and create a map. When you finish drawing the shape of a territory, enter the territory number in the <strong>Name</strong> field and the locality in the <strong>Description</strong> field. Finally you can save your map by clicking on the <strong>Export to KML</strong> menu item.You can use <strong>Google Maps</strong> to create a KML-file. Sign in and create a map. When you finish drawing the shape of a territory, enter the territory number in the <strong>Name</strong> field and the locality in the <strong>Description</strong> field. Finally you can save your map by clicking on the <strong>Export to KML</strong> menu item.
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