BIOPORT Software Labs, s.r.o./Marvin
- location name must contain at least 3 characters
- location name must contain at least 3 characters
- o nome do local deve conter pelo menos 3 caracteres -
- description must contain at least 3 characters
- description must contain at least 3 characters
- a descrição deve conter pelo menos 3 caracteres -
- we don't take names shorter than 2 characters
- we don't take names shorter than 2 characters
- não aceitamos nomes com menos de dois caracteres -
Ordem alfabética -
Current position
Current position
Posição atual -
no internet connection allert view message
Internet connection problems. Information about swimming locations are not available. Please check your internet connection and try again.Internet connection problems. Information about swimming locations are not available. Please check your internet connection and try again.
Problemas de conexão com a internet. As informações sobre locais para nadar não estão disponíveis. Por favor, verifique sua conexão e tente novamente. -
Location attributes
Location attributes
Atributos do local -
Location type
Location type
Tipo do local -
Detalhes -
Location detail
Location detail
Detalhes do local -
Developed by Skoumal & Coex
Developed by Skoumal & Coex
Developed by Skoumal & Coex -
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks for your comment.
Obrigado por seu comentário. -
Thanks for getting in touch.
Thanks for getting in touch.
Obrigado por seu contato. -
Thanks for uploading the photo.
Thanks for uploading the photo.
Obrigado por carregar a foto. -
Thanks for your subscription! New place will be confirmed and published shortly.
Thanks for your subscription! New place will be confirmed and published shortly.
Obrigado pela nova inscrição! O local será publicado em breve. -
By distance
By distance
Por distância -
Good diving
Good diving
Bom para mergulho -
Good diving
Good diving
Bom mergulho -
Parking availability
Parking availability
Estacionamento disponível -
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