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Você já deu seu voto. Apenas pode votar uma vez. -
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Votação -
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You and more than {0} friends have voted for this
Você e mais de (0) amigos votaram nesta opção -
You and {0} friend have voted this
You and {0} friend have voted this
Você e {0} amigos votaram nesta opção -
More than {0} friends have voted for this
More than {0} friends have voted for this
Mais de (0) amigos votaram nesta opção -
{0} friend has voted this
{0} friend has voted this
{0} amigo votou nesta opção -
{0} friends have voted for this
{0} friends have voted for this
{0} amigos votaram nesta opção -
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Come back tomorrow to try again.
Tente novamente amanhã.
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