Because you’re in Jill’s “Close friends” aspect, on the other hand, you see almost everything she posts.
Because you’re in Jill’s “Close friends” aspect, on the other hand, you see almost everything she posts.
Omdat jy in Jill se "Goeie vriende" aspek is, daarteenoor, sien jy byna alles wat sy plaas. -
The main thing to remember is that <strong>no one</strong> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.
The main thing to remember is that
no one</strong>
will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.Die belangrikste ding om te onthou, is dat<span class="click">
ooit 'n plasing sal sien tensy jy dit openbare gemaak het nie, of dit in 'n aspek geskep waarin daardie persoon geplaas is. -
Finding people
Finding people
Om mense te vind -
In order to start sharing with people, you will have to start following some people. Perhaps they will follow you back! Let’s look at how to do that now.
In order to start sharing with people, you will have to start following some people. Perhaps they will follow you back! Let’s look at how to do that now.
Ten einde te begin deel met mense, sal jy 'n paar mense moet begin volg. Miskien sal hulle jou terug volg! Laat ons kyk nou hoe dit te doen. -
There are several ways to find someone and add them to an aspect.
There are several ways to find someone and add them to an aspect.
Daar is verskeie maniere om iemand te vind en by 'n aspek te voeg. -
Soek -
The search field is in the header bar. To add someone by search:
The search field is in the header bar. To add someone by search:
Die soekkassie in in die hooftralie. Om iemand by te voeg: -
Type a name or diaspora* ID. Suggestions will appear as you start typing.
Type a name or diaspora* ID. Suggestions will appear as you start typing.
Tik 'n naam of diaspora* ID. Voorstelle sal verskyn as jy begin tik. -
Hit enter to search, and you will land on a page with results.
Hit enter to search, and you will land on a page with results.
Tik die Enter sleutel om te soek, en jy sal 'n bladsy met die resultate kry. -
When you have found the person you are looking for, click the <span class="click">Add contact</span> button.
When you have found the person you are looking for, click the
<span class="click">
Add contact</span>
button.Wanneer jy die persoon wat u soek gevind het, kliek op die<span class="click">
Voeg Kontakt By</span>
knoppie. -
If the person you want to start sharing with appears in the list of suggestions, just select their name to get to their profile page and click the <span class="click">Add contact</span> button from there.
If the person you want to start sharing with appears in the list of suggestions, just select their name to get to their profile page and click the
<span class="click">
Add contact</span>
button from there.As die persoon met wie jy wil begin deel in die lys van voorstelle verskyn, selekteer hul naam om na hul profiel bladsy te geneem word, en kliek op die<span class="click">
Voeg Kontakt By</span>
knoppie. -
A drop-down menu will then appear under the button in which you can select which aspect(s) to add the person to. You can also create a new aspect and add them to that aspect by clicking <span class="click"><em>+ Add an aspect</em></span>.
A drop-down menu will then appear under the button in which you can select which aspect(s) to add the person to. You can also create a new aspect and add them to that aspect by clicking
<span class="click"><em>
+ Add an aspect</em></span>
.'n Keuselys sal dan onder die knoppie verskyn, waarin jy kan kies aan watter aspek(te) die persoon belang. Jy kan ook 'n nuwe aspek skep en dan hulle by dit voeg deur te kliek<span class="click"><em>
+ Voeg 'n aspek</em></span>
. -
Once you select one or more aspects, the aspect button will turn green and you will instantly start sharing posts to those aspects with the person while at the same time you will start following their public posts.
Once you select one or more aspects, the aspect button will turn green and you will instantly start sharing posts to those aspects with the person while at the same time you will start following their public posts.
Sodra jy een of meer persoon, die aspek knoppie sal groen verander en sal onmiddellik plasings begin deel met dié persoon deur die aspekte, en op dieselfde tyd begin jy hul openbare plasings te sien. -
Sending an invitation mail
Sending an invitation mail
Om 'n uitnodiging pos te stuur -
Another way to follow a friend is by sending them an invitation mail. This can be done through the <span class="click">by mail </span> link in the menu on the right of the search results page or from the <span class="click">Invite your friends</span> link in the sidebar of the stream page. As soon as your friend accepts the invite, they will be taken through the same registration process you have just been through.
Another way to follow a friend is by sending them an invitation mail. This can be done through the
<span class="click">
by mail</span>
link in the menu on the right of the search results page or from the<span class="click">
Invite your friends</span>
link in the sidebar of the stream page. As soon as your friend accepts the invite, they will be taken through the same registration process you have just been through.Nog 'n manier om 'n vriend te volg, is deur dit 'n uitnodiging pos vir hulle te stuur. Dit kan gedoen word deur die<span class="click">
per e-pos</span>
skakel in die menu aan die regterkant van die resultate bladsy, of van die<span class="click">
Nooi jou vriende</span>
skakel in die systaaf van die stroom bladsy. Sodra as jou vriend die uitnodiging aanvaar, sal hulle geneem word deur dieselfde registrasie proses wat jy nou net deur gepas het. -
From their profile
From their profile
Van hulle profiel -
Another way to add a person to one of your aspects is by clicking their name wherever you see it in diaspora*. This will take you to their profile page, from where you will be able to add them to aspects using the button in the top right corner of the page.
Another way to add a person to one of your aspects is by clicking their name wherever you see it in diaspora*. This will take you to their profile page, from where you will be able to add them to aspects using the button in the top right corner of the page.
Nog 'n manier om 'n persoon by een van jou aspekte te voeg is op hul naam te kliek waar ook al jy dit in diaspora* sien. Dit sal jou neem na hul profiel bladsy, van waar jy in staat sal wees om hulle toe te voeg tot aspekte met behulp van die knoppie in die regter boonste hoek van die bladsy. -
Alternatively, just hover over their name or profile photo in the stream, and a small “hover-card” will appear. You can add them to an aspect directly from this hover-card.
Alternatively, just hover over their name or profile photo in the stream, and a small “hover-card” will appear. You can add them to an aspect directly from this hover-card.
Alternatiewelik, hang net oor hul naam of profiel foto in die stroom, om 'n klein "hangkaart" te roep. Jy kan hulle by 'n aspek voeg direk vanaf hierdie hangkaart. -
Following #tags
Following #tags
Om #etikette te volg -
The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.
The above three options focus on connecting to people you already know. But sometimes strangers can be just as interesting, if not more interesting, than people you already know. A great way to start connecting with people is to start following some #tags of subjects that interest you. Posts containing those tags will then appear in your stream, and you can follow people who post things which you find interesting, by placing them into one of your aspects.
Die bogenoemde drie opsies fokus op verbinding met mense wat jy reeds ken. Maar soms kan vreemdelinge net so interessant wees, indien nie meer interessant wees, as mense wat jy reeds ken. 'n Goeie manier om te begin met mense te verbind is om sommige #etikette van vakke te volg wat jou interesseer. Plasings wat diegene etikette bevat sal dan in jou stroom verskyn, en jy kan mense volg wat plasings skep oor dinge wat jy interessant vind, deur hulle in een van jou aspekte te plaas.