More code in this block,
More code in this block,
en dan 'n bietjie meer kode -
and a line of code indented by two spaces
and a line of code indented by two spaces
'n lyn kode ingekeep deur twee ruimtes -
Horizontal line
Horizontal line
Horisontale lyn -
To create a horizontal line, use at least three - - -, _ _ _ or * * * on a separate line. Any number above three will do the same thing and spaces between the characters do not matter.
To create a horizontal line, use at least three - - -, _ _ _ or * * * on a separate line. Any number above three will do the same thing and spaces between the characters do not matter.
Om 'n horisontale lyn te skep, gebruik ten minste drie ---, ___ of *** op 'n aparte lyn. Enige aantal bogenoemde drie sal dieselfde ding doen en spasies tussen die karakters maak nie saak nie. -
A line of text above the horizontal rule.
A line of text above the horizontal rule.
Daar sal 'n horisontale reël tussen hierdie lyn teks en die volgende een wees. -
The start of the next section of text.
The start of the next section of text.
En nou kan jy die volgende artikel van jou teks begin. -
Italics and bold
Italics and bold
Skuinsdruk en vet -
Place either asterisks or underscores either side of a word or words to make them italic, bold or bold italic.
Place either asterisks or underscores either side of a word or words to make them italic, bold or bold italic.
Plaas óf sterretjies of onderstreep weerskante van 'n woord of woorde om hulle skuinsdruk, vet of vet skuinsdrukte maak. -
<em>Italics</em>: *word* or _word_
: *word* or _word_<em>
: *woord* of _woord_ -
<strong>Bold</strong>: **word** or __word__
: **word** or __word__<strong>
: **woord** of __woord__ -
<strong><em>Bold italics</em></strong>: ***word*** or ___word___
Bold italics</em></strong>
: ***word*** or ___word___<strong><em>
Vet skuinsdruk</em></strong>
: ***woord*** of ___woord___ -
You must of course match the number of asterisks/underscores either side of words for the formatting to work. Typing “I want to display this as a **bold* word” won’t display the word in bold.
You must of course match the number of asterisks/underscores either side of words for the formatting to work. Typing “I want to display this as a **bold* word” won’t display the word in bold.
Jy moet natuurlik ooreen met die sterre / onderstrepe in pare aan weerskante van die woorde vir die formatering te werk. As jy "Ek wil dit vertoon soos 'n **vet* woord" tik sal dit nie in vet vertoon word nie. -
Inline links
Inline links
inlyn skakels -
To create an %{inline_link}, use the following code:
To create an %{inline_link}, use the following code:
Om 'n %{inline_link} te skep, gebruik die volgende kode: -
[displayed text here](http://link.address.here "alt text")
[displayed text here](http://link.address.here "alt text")
[vertone teks hier](http://link.adress.hier "alternatiewe teks") -
The “alt text” is optional, and is displayed as a tool-tip when the cursor is moved over the link.
The “alt text” is optional, and is displayed as a tool-tip when the cursor is moved over the link.
Die "alternatiewe text" is opsioneel, en word vertoon as 'n instrument-wenk wanneer die muis oor die skakel beweeg is. -
inline link
inline link
inlyn skakel -
Beelde -
To add external images to your post, comment or private message, use the same code as for a link, but with an exclamation point at the front:
To add external images to your post, comment or private message, use the same code as for a link, but with an exclamation point at the front:
Om eksterne beelde toe te voeg aan jou plasing, kommentaar, of private boodskap, gebruik dieselfde kode soos vir 'n skakel, maar met 'n uitroepteken aan die voorkant: -