mailing list
mailing list
e-lys -
Or chat to diaspora* developers on our %{irc_link}. If you don’t get an instant reply, try again later
Or chat to diaspora* developers on our %{irc_link}. If you don’t get an instant reply, try again later
Of gesels met diaspora* ontwikkelaars op ons %{irc_link}. As jy nie 'n onmiddellike antwoord kry nie, probeer weer later -
IRC channel
IRC channel
IRC kanaal -
Project progress
Project progress
Projek vordering -
%{blog_link} – where we announce major events and updates
%{blog_link} – where we announce major events and updates
%{blog_link} – waar ons groot gebeure en opgraderings kondig -
Project blog
Project blog
Projek blog -
%{changelog_link} – a record of diaspora*’s development, including features not yet released in the stable version
%{changelog_link} – a record of diaspora*’s development, including features not yet released in the stable version
%{changelog_link} – 'n rekord van diaspora * se ontwikkeling, insluitende funksies wat nog nie vrygestel is aan die stabiele weergawe nie -
The changelog
The changelog
Die verandringlys -
the platform we use to discuss ideas and improvements for diaspora*
the platform we use to discuss ideas and improvements for diaspora*
die aanlyn-samewerking instrument wat ons gebruik om te bespreek en te stem oor voorstelle om diaspora* te verbeter -
Kommunikasie -
%{communicate_link} on our wiki gives details of all the different channels of communication we have open
%{communicate_link} on our wiki gives details of all the different channels of communication we have open
%{communicate_link} op ons wiki gee besonderhede van al die verskillende kanale van kommunikasie wat ons oop het -
“How we communicate”
“How we communicate”
"Hoe ons kommunikeer" -
Other sites
Other sites
Ander webwerwe -
%{manifesto_link} – a statement of security and privacy to which diaspora* is signed up
%{manifesto_link} – a statement of security and privacy to which diaspora* is signed up
%{manifesto_link} – 'n verklaring van sekuriteit en privaatheid wat diaspora* onderteken het -
User Data Manifesto
User Data Manifesto
Gebruiker Data Manifesto -
%d %B %Y
%d %B %Y
%d %B %Y -
The diaspora* Blog (Atom)
The diaspora* Blog (Atom)
Nuusvoer -
Add a translation
Add a translation
The diaspora* Planet (Atom)
The diaspora* Planet (Atom)
blog posts by our community
blog posts by our community