Host a community pod
Host a community pod
Host en diaspora* pod -
Be one of diaspora*’s stars
Be one of diaspora*’s stars
Bliv en af diaspora*'s stjerner -
diaspora* depends on its community members to host and run pods which are open to anyone who wants to take part. If you have some server space and a little bit of technical knowledge, we’d love it if you’d set up a pod which is open to registrations. The more pods, the better diaspora* works - be part of the future of the decentralized social web!
diaspora* depends on its community members to host and run pods which are open to anyone who wants to take part. If you have some server space and a little bit of technical knowledge, we’d love it if you’d set up a pod which is open to registrations. The more pods, the better diaspora* works - be part of the future of the decentralized social web!
diaspora* er afhængig af at brugere køre pods som er åbne og derved tillader alle at deltage på diaspora*. Hvis du har serverplads og en smule teknisk snilde, vil vi elske hvis du kunne køre en pod som er åben for alle. Jo flere pods, jo bedre vil diaspora* virke - kom og vær en del af fremtidens decentrale sociale netværk! -
Read the %{instructions_link} and set up your own community pod.
Read the %{instructions_link} and set up your own community pod.
Læs %{instructions_link} og start din egen diaspora* pod -
View a list of community pods at %{poduptime}
View a list of community pods at %{poduptime}
Se en liste af diaspora* pods på siden %{poduptime} -
Get involved!
Get involved!
Bliv involveret! -
The future of the social web starts with you
The future of the social web starts with you
Fremtidens sociale netværk starter med dig -
Get involved
Get involved
Bliv involveret -
Community powered
Community powered
Fællesskabs drevet -
diaspora* belongs to you
diaspora* belongs to you
diaspora* tilhøre dig -
What does it all mean?
What does it all mean?
Hvad er meningen med det hele? -
Free Software is about individuality, transparency, creativity, and destiny. It is about having an idea, and making it reality. diaspora* was founded to fulfill a passion for fun, and to make the internet a better place. Free Software is what enables us to change the world for ourselves, and lets our friends across the web benefit from our exploration.
Free Software is about individuality, transparency, creativity, and destiny. It is about having an idea, and making it reality. diaspora* was founded to fulfill a passion for fun, and to make the internet a better place. Free Software is what enables us to change the world for ourselves, and lets our friends across the web benefit from our exploration.
Fri software handler om individualitet, åbenhed, kreativitet og skæbne. Det handler om at have en idé, og gøre den til virkelighed. diaspora * blev grundlagt for at opfylde en passion for sjov, og for at gøre internettet til et bedre sted. Fri software er, hvad der gør os i stand til at ændre verden for os selv, og lader vores venner på tværs af internettet få gavn af vores udforskning. -
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Free Software communities are amazing things. At diaspora*, we believe that people should be valued for what they do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elite coder or have never contributed to a project before. Contributing to diaspora* means that you get to work on hard problems, with a focus on solutions that work for users.
Fri software fællesskaber er fantastiske. Hos diaspora *, mener vi, at mennesker skal værdsættes for det, de gør. Det er ligegyldigt, om du er super programmør eller aldrig har bidraget til et projekt før. At bidrage til diaspora * betyder, at du kommer til at arbejde med hårde problemer, med fokus på løsninger, der virker for brugerne. -
This is why if you contribute something meaningful to diaspora*, we will give you core commit access. We are in this together, and we want to give excited people the chance to make huge changes.
This is why if you contribute something meaningful to diaspora*, we will give you core commit access. We are in this together, and we want to give excited people the chance to make huge changes.
Vi vil derfor, hvis du bidrager med noget meningsfuldt til diaspora*, give dig core commit adgang. Vi er i samme båd, og vi ønsker at give begejstrede folk mulighed for at foretage store ændringer. -
Where you come in
Where you come in
Hvor du kommer ind -
We all make diaspora*. We might not know you just yet, but we’d love to meet you and find how you can fit into the team that’s building the future of the web. We all have the potential to change the world, given the right opportunity.
We all make diaspora*. We might not know you just yet, but we’d love to meet you and find how you can fit into the team that’s building the future of the web. We all have the potential to change the world, given the right opportunity.
Vi bygger alle på diaspora*. Da vi ikke kender dig endnu, vil vi meget gerne møde dig og finde ud af hvordan du kan passe ind i teamet, der bygger fremtiden for internettet. Vi har alle potentiale til at ændre verden, hvis vi får de rette vilkår og muligheder. -
Contributing to diaspora* comes in all different shapes and sizes. Whether you’re a user helping us find bugs, providing feedback on our mailing lists, or contributing code or design, we need you.
Contributing to diaspora* comes in all different shapes and sizes. Whether you’re a user helping us find bugs, providing feedback on our mailing lists, or contributing code or design, we need you.
At bidrage til diaspora* foregår i mange forskellige former og størrelser. Uanset om du hjælper os med finde fejl, giver feedback på vores postlister, eller bidrager md kode eller design, så vi har brug for dig. -
Ways to get involved with diaspora*
Ways to get involved with diaspora*
Måder at blive involveret i diaspora* -
Contribute code
Contribute code
Bidrage kode -
Grabbing the source code is simple
Grabbing the source code is simple