2. Add them
2. Add them
2. Agrégalos -
Then it’s just a matter of clicking the “Add contact” button and choose which aspect you want them to be part of. You’re now connected and can share with them as you would on any other network. Or, if they’re part of different aspects of your life, add them to multiple aspects. You’re now connected. It’s as easy as that.
Then it’s just a matter of clicking the “Add contact” button and choose which aspect you want them to be part of. You’re now connected and can share with them as you would on any other network. Or, if they’re part of different aspects of your life, add them to multiple aspects. You’re now connected. It’s as easy as that.
Ahora es una cuestión de hacer clic en «Agregar contacto» y elegir la faceta a la que los quieras agregar. Ahora estarán conectados y podrán compartir entre sí como en cualquier otra red social. O, si también hacen parte de otras facetas de tu vida, los puedes agregar igualmente a otras facetas. Y así de fácil se pueden conectar. -
Libertad: -
diaspora* doesn’t try to limit you
diaspora* doesn’t try to limit you
diaspora* no quiere limtarte -
Be who you want to be
Be who you want to be
Sé quién quieras ser -
A lot of networks insist that you use your real identity. Not diaspora*. Here you can choose who you want to be, and share as much or as little about yourself as you want. It really is up to you how you want to interact with other people.
A lot of networks insist that you use your real identity. Not diaspora*. Here you can choose who you want to be, and share as much or as little about yourself as you want. It really is up to you how you want to interact with other people.
Muchas redes piden usar tu identidad real. En diaspora* no. Aquí podemos elegir quiénes queremos ser y compartir de nuestra vida solo lo que queramos. Es tu decisión hasta dónde interactuar con otras personas -
Be creative
Be creative
Usa tu creatividad -
You’re not limited to how you can interact. You can just follow fascinating people to see what they have to say, or you can share world with everyone. Share your photos, artwork, videos, music, words - whatever you want. Let yourself fly.
You’re not limited to how you can interact. You can just follow fascinating people to see what they have to say, or you can share world with everyone. Share your photos, artwork, videos, music, words - whatever you want. Let yourself fly.
No hay limitaciones a cómo interactuar. Puedes seguir fascinantes personas y ver lo que tienen por decir o puedes compartir el mundo con todos: comparte tus fotos, arte, videos, música, palabras; lo que sea que quieras. Déjate volar. -
Free as in freedom
Free as in freedom
Libre como en libertad -
diaspora* is completely Free Software. This means there are no limits on how it can be used. You can even take the source code and change it to make it work in the way you want to, and help us improve the network. We’d love to have you on board.
diaspora* is completely Free Software. This means there are no limits on how it can be used. You can even take the source code and change it to make it work in the way you want to, and help us improve the network. We’d love to have you on board.
diaspora* es un software completamente libre. Esto quiere decir que no hay límites a cómo usarlo. Se puede tomar el código fuente y cambiarlo para que funcione a la medida tuya y para que nos ayude a mejorar la red. Nos encantaría tenerte a bordo. -
Privacidad. -
Total control over what is yours
Total control over what is yours
Control total sobre lo que es tuyo -
Own your own data
Own your own data
Aduéñate de tus datos -
Many networks make money by analysing your interactions and using this to advertise things to you. diaspora* doesn’t use your data for any purpose other than allowing you to connect and share with others. Only the admins of pods you interact with can access your data, and you can choose which pods you interact with.Many networks make money by analysing your interactions and using this to advertise things to you. diaspora* doesn’t use your data for any purpose other than allowing you to connect and share with others. Only the admins of pods you interact with can access your data, and you can choose which pods you interact with.Muchas redes obtienen beneficios utilizando tus interacciones para mostrarte publicidad. En diaspora* no se usan tus datos de ninguna manera que no sea para conectarte y que compartas con otros. Las únicas personas con acceso a tus datos son los administradores de las cápsulas con las que interactúas, y puedes elegir con cuáles cápsulas interactuar.
Host it yourself
Host it yourself
Alójalo tú mismo -
Choose where your data are stored by choosing a pod you’re happy with. If you want to be really secure, you can set up and host your own pod on servers you control, and interact only with pods you trust, so no one can get at your personal data.
Choose where your data are stored by choosing a pod you’re happy with. If you want to be really secure, you can set up and host your own pod on servers you control, and interact only with pods you trust, so no one can get at your personal data.
Elige dónde se almacenan tus datos eligiendo una cápsula de tu agrado. Si quieres estar seguro de verdad, puedes configurar una cápsula propia con servidores bajo tu control e interactuar con cápsulas en las que confíes para que nadie pueda llegar a tus datos personales. -
Choose your audience
Choose your audience
Elige tu público -
diaspora*’s aspects allow you to share with just those people you want to. You can be as public or as private as you like. Share a funny photo with the whole world, or a deep secret just with your closest friends. You’re in control.
diaspora*’s aspects allow you to share with just those people you want to. You can be as public or as private as you like. Share a funny photo with the whole world, or a deep secret just with your closest friends. You’re in control.
Las facetas de diaspora* permiten compartir solo con aquellos que quieras y de manera tan pública o privada como te guste. Desde compartir una divertida foto con todo el mundo hasta un secreto con tus amigos más cercanos: tú eres quien tiene el control. -
All about aspects
All about aspects
Todo sobre las facetas: -
The key to privacy in diaspora*
The key to privacy in diaspora*
la clave de la privacidad en diaspora*