Run a public pod
Run a public pod
Aloja una cápsula pública -
Now you don’t have to settle for having your data on someone else’s server. Since diaspora* is completely free software, we’re constantly making it easier for individuals to %{host_pod_link}.
Now you don’t have to settle for having your data on someone else’s server. Since diaspora* is completely free software, we’re constantly making it easier for individuals to %{host_pod_link}.
¡Ahora no tienes por qué resignarte a tener tus datos en un servidor ajeno! Como diaspora* es un software completamente libre, trabajamos sin parar para facilitar el %{host_pod_link}. -
You can host it wherever you want.
You can host it wherever you want.
Puedes alojarlo donde sea. -
Add your pod to the list of open pods at %{poduptime}.
Add your pod to the list of open pods at %{poduptime}.
Agrega tu cápsula a la lista de cápsulas abiertas en %{poduptime}. -
diaspora*’s contributors
diaspora*’s contributors
Colaboradores de diaspora*: -
The people who make diaspora* what it is
The people who make diaspora* what it is
las personas que hacen diaspora*. -
The diaspora* blog
The diaspora* blog
El blog de diaspora* -
official announcements
official announcements
Anuncios oficiales -
Blog -
The diaspora* planet
The diaspora* planet
El planeta diaspora* -
Planeta -
Choose language
Choose language
Elige el idioma -
Find out more »
Find out more »
Encuentra más: -
Wiki -
Planeta -
Useful Resources
Useful Resources
Recursos útiles -
Código base -
Documentación -
Find & report bugs
Find & report bugs
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IRC - General
IRC - General
IRC - General
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