Click the button to upload a profile image (an “avatar”) from your computer.
Click the button to upload a profile image (an “avatar”) from your computer.
Cliquez sur le bouton pour télécharger une photo de profil (un “avatar”) à partir de votre ordinateur. -
Add a few words about yourself. It might be things that interest you – perhaps music, activism – and perhaps the town you live in. These will be converted into <span class="click">#tags</span>, which help you find content and help other people to discover you. We’ll explain more about #tags later in this tutorial.
Add a few words about yourself. It might be things that interest you – perhaps music, activism – and perhaps the town you live in. These will be converted into
<span class="click">
, which help you find content and help other people to discover you. We’ll explain more about #tags later in this tutorial.Ajoutez quelques mots pour vous décrire. Il peut s’agir de vos centres d’intérêt – par exemple la musique, l’activisme – et peut-être la ville où vous vivez. Ces mots seront convertis en<span class="click">
, qui vous aiderons à trouver du contenu et aideront d'autres personnes à vous découvrir. Nous donnerons plus d'explication à propos des #tags plus loin dans ce tutoriel. -
Click <span class="click">Take me to diaspora*! >></span>
<span class="click">
Take me to diaspora*! >></span>
Cliquez<span class="click">
Guidez-moi vers diaspora* ! >></span>
Before you do anything else, take a minute to fill out your profile. On the screen you’re taken to, click your name or avatar at the right-hand end of the black header bar, and select <span class="click">Profile</span> from the list which drops down. Then click the blue <span class="click">Edit my profile</span> button in the top right corner.
Before you do anything else, take a minute to fill out your profile. On the screen you’re taken to, click your name or avatar at the right-hand end of the black header bar, and select
<span class="click">
from the list which drops down. Then click the blue<span class="click">
Edit my profile</span>
button in the top right corner.Avant de faire quoique ce soit, prenez une minute pour compléter votre profil. Sur la page où vous avez été amené·e, cliquez sur votre nom ou votre avatar sur le côté droit de la barre d'en-tête noire, et sélectionnez<span class="click">
dans la liste qui apparaît. Cliquez ensuite sur le bouton bleu<span class="click">
Modifier mon profil</span>
en haut à droite. -
There are two parts to your profile: the <strong>basic profile</strong>, which is public, and the <strong>detailed profile</strong>, which is private by default. Your public profile is visible to everyone; your private profile is visible only to people you have chosen to share with. You can fill out as much or as little of your profile as you like, and you don’t have to use your real name if you don’t want to. If you want everyone to know as much about you as possible, you can make your entire profile public.
There are two parts to your profile: the
basic profile</strong>
, which is public, and the<strong>
detailed profile</strong>
, which is private by default. Your public profile is visible to everyone; your private profile is visible only to people you have chosen to share with. You can fill out as much or as little of your profile as you like, and you don’t have to use your real name if you don’t want to. If you want everyone to know as much about you as possible, you can make your entire profile public.Il y a deux parties dans votre profil : le<strong>
profil basique</strong>
, qui est public, et le<strong>
profil complet</strong>
, qui est privé par défaut. Votre profil public est visible de tout le monde ; votre profil privé n'est visible que par les personnes avec qui vous avez choisi de partager. Vous pouvez remplir autant ou aussi peu votre profil que vous le voulez, et vous n'êtes pas obligé·e d'utiliser votre vrai nom si vous ne le souhaitez pas. Si vous souhaitez que tout le monde en sache autant que possible à votre propos, vous pouvez rendre l'ensemble de votre profil public. -
Most of the profile information fields are self-explanatory. NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” We’ll cover this in more detail in %{part_link}, so don’t worry about it now.
Most of the profile information fields are self-explanatory. NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” We’ll cover this in more detail in %{part_link}, so don’t worry about it now.
La plupart des champs d'information du profil sont explicites. NSFW signifie "not safe for work" (pas adapté au travail). Nous parlerons de cela plus en détail dans %{part_link}, ne vous souciez pas trop de cela pour l'instant. -
Don’t forget to click the <span class="click">Update profile</span> button once you’re finished!
Don’t forget to click the
<span class="click">
Update profile</span>
button once you’re finished!N'oubliez pas de cliquer sur le bouton<span class="click">
Mettre à jour le profil</span>
une fois que vous avez terminé ! -
That’s it!
That’s it!
C'est tout ! -
You’re all set to start using diaspora*! Click the pod name or <span class="click">Stream</span> in the top left of the screen to start.
You’re all set to start using diaspora*! Click the pod name or
<span class="click">
in the top left of the screen to start.Vous êtes prêt·e à utiliser diaspora* ! Cliquez sur le nom du pod ou sur<span class="click">
en haut à gauche de votre écran pour commencer. -
If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part_link}.
If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a
post now to introduce yourself and include the<span class="click">
tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part_link}.Si vous souhaitez rencontrer et être accueilli·e par la communauté diaspora* et si vous vous sentez suffisamment à l'aise, écrivez un message <strong>public</strong> pour vous présenter et incluez le tag <span class="click">#nouveauici</span>. Écrire des messages publics contenant des tags est une excellente manière de vous faire de nouveaux amis sur diaspora*. Si vous ne vous sentez pas encore assez sûr·e, ne vous inquiétez pas – nous vous aiderons pas-à-pas à publier votre premier message dans la %{part_link}. -
Part 2 – The interface
Part 2 – The interface
2ème partie - L'interface -
Using the interface
Using the interface
Utilisation de l'interface -
You’re now looking at an interface that might be unfamiliar to you. (If you’re still on the edit profile page, click the pod name or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.
You’re now looking at an interface that might be unfamiliar to you. (If you’re still on the edit profile page, click the pod name or
<span class="click">
at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.Vous voilà maintenant devant une interface que vous ne connaissez pas encore. (si vous êtes toujours sur la page de modification de profil, cliquez sur le nom du pod ou sur<span class="click">
, tout à gauche de la barre d'en-tête noire). Examinons la disposition et familiarisons-nous avec. -
Because of the decentralized and open-source nature of diaspora*, it is possible for pod administrators to customize their pods. Therefore, depending on which pod you’re on, the interface might look very slightly different to how it’s described here. However, the essential elements should all be present, even if they are arranged slightly differently.
Because of the decentralized and open-source nature of diaspora*, it is possible for pod administrators to customize their pods. Therefore, depending on which pod you’re on, the interface might look very slightly different to how it’s described here. However, the essential elements should all be present, even if they are arranged slightly differently.
De par la nature décentralisée et open-source de diaspora*, les administrateurs de pods peuvent personnaliser leurs pods. Ainsi, selon le pod sur lequel vous vous connectez, l'interface peut être légèrement différente de ce que vous trouverez décrit ici. Toutefois, les éléments essentiels devraient être tous présents, même s'ils sont visuellement organisés légèrement différemment. -
The main interface can be divided into four parts.
The main interface can be divided into four parts.
L'interface principale est divisée en quatre parties. -
At the top of the screen is the header bar, which always remains in place, even when you scroll down the page. This header bar contains:
At the top of the screen is the header bar, which always remains in place, even when you scroll down the page. This header bar contains:
En haut de l'écran se trouve la barre d'en-tête, restant toujours visible, même lorsque vous faites défiler la page. Celle-ci contient : -
Beneath the header there are two columns:
Beneath the header there are two columns:
Sous l'en-tête, il y a deux colonnes : -
In the sidebar you’ll see links to the different content views available in diaspora*: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My aspects</span>, <span class="click">#Followed tags</span> and <span class="click">Public activity</span>. We’ll explain these next. There are also some links to help you invite your friends, welcome new users, find help, connect to external services such as Twitter, Tumblr, and Wordpress (if available on your pod), post to diaspora* from the rest of the web (the diaspora* “bookmarklet”) and on some pods, contact information for the pod’s administrator and a button to donate to the costs of keeping your pod running.
In the sidebar you’ll see links to the different content views available in diaspora*:
<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My activity</span>
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My aspects</span>
,<span class="click">
#Followed tags</span>
and<span class="click">
Public activity</span>
. We’ll explain these next. There are also some links to help you invite your friends, welcome new users, find help, connect to external services such as Twitter, Tumblr, and Wordpress (if available on your pod), post to diaspora* from the rest of the web (the diaspora* “bookmarklet”) and on some pods, contact information for the pod’s administrator and a button to donate to the costs of keeping your pod running.Sur la gauche, vous verrez votre photo de profil ainsi que votre nom d'utilisateur, suivis de liens vers les contenus spéciaux disponibles dans diaspora* :<span class="click">
Mon activité</span>
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
Mes aspects</span>
et<span class="click">
Tags #suivis</span>
. Nous allons vous expliquer tout cela. -
The main column contains the content stream with a “publisher” box at the top. This is where the magic happens! We’ll cover using the publisher in %{part_link}.
The main column contains the content stream with a “publisher” box at the top. This is where the magic happens! We’ll cover using the publisher in %{part_link}.
La colonne centrale présente le flux de contenu avec une "boîte de publication" au-dessus. Nous détaillerons cela dans la %{part_link}. -
The different views available in diaspora* are:
The different views available in diaspora* are:
Les différentes vues disponibles dans diaspora* sont :