To help you choose which pod is best for you, have a look at our %{wiki_link} to help you.
To help you choose which pod is best for you, have a look at our %{wiki_link} to help you.
Per aiutarti a scegliere quale pod è meglio per te, dai un'occhiata al nostro %{wiki_link}. -
guide to choosing a pod
guide to choosing a pod
guida alla scelta di un pod -
You might have received an invitation to join diaspora* from someone you know. If so, this contains a link to the diaspora* pod on which the person who invited you is registered. If you want to join to the same pod as them, you can simply follow the link in the mail. However, you don’t have to be on the same pod as your friend to communicate with them. You can choose any pod you want as your home and talk to people throughout diaspora*.
You might have received an invitation to join diaspora* from someone you know. If so, this contains a link to the diaspora* pod on which the person who invited you is registered. If you want to join to the same pod as them, you can simply follow the link in the mail. However, you don’t have to be on the same pod as your friend to communicate with them. You can choose any pod you want as your home and talk to people throughout diaspora*.
Potresti aver ricevuto un invito a partecipare a diaspora* da qualcuno che conosci. Se è così, questo contiene un collegamento alla spora di diaspora* su cui è registrata la persona che ti ha invitato. Se si desidera partecipare alla stessa spora, si può semplicemente seguire il link nella mail. Tuttavia, non è necessario essere sulla stessa spora dei tuoi amici per comunicare con loro. È possibile scegliere qualsiasi spora su cui essere ospitati e parlare con la gente in tutta diaspora* -
You will always sign in to diaspora* on the same pod with which you first registered. From your pod you can connect to the whole network and your experience of diaspora* should be more or less the same no matter which pod you are connecting from. You will not be able to sign in to another pod, but there is no need for you to do this anyway.
You will always sign in to diaspora* on the same pod with which you first registered. From your pod you can connect to the whole network and your experience of diaspora* should be more or less the same no matter which pod you are connecting from. You will not be able to sign in to another pod, but there is no need for you to do this anyway.
Avrai sempre l'accesso a diaspora* sulla stessa spora con la quale ti sei registrato per la prima volta. Dalla tua spora è possibile collegarsi a tutta la rete e per la tua esperienza di diaspora* dovrebbe essere più o meno lo stesso, non importa da quale spora iniziale ti connetti. Non sarà possibile accedere a un altra spora, ma in ogni caso non c'è alcun motivo che tu lo faccia. -
Registrazione -
Once you have chosen a pod, find the <span class="click">Sign up</span> link. It should be right there on the home page of the pod. If there is no “sign up” link, it might be that this particular pod is not currently accepting new registrations. You can check this by visiting the pod’s statistics page (add <code>/statistics</code> to the pod’s domain name in the URL bar). If registrations are closed on this pod, you’ll need to choose another pod.
Once you have chosen a pod, find the
<span class="click">
Sign up</span>
link. It should be right there on the home page of the pod. If there is no “sign up” link, it might be that this particular pod is not currently accepting new registrations. You can check this by visiting the pod’s statistics page (add<code>
to the pod’s domain name in the URL bar). If registrations are closed on this pod, you’ll need to choose another pod.Una volta che avete scelto una spora, trova il collegamento<span class="click">
. Dovrebbe essere proprio lì sulla pagina iniziale della spora. Se non vi è alcun collegamento "iscriversi", potrebbe essere che questa particolare spora al momento non accetti nuove iscrizioni. È possibile controllare questo visitando la pagina delle statistiche della spora (aggiungere<code>
al nome di dominio della spora nella barra degli indirizzi URL). Se le iscrizioni sono chiuse su questa spora, è necessario sceglierne un'altra. -
When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you won’t be able to change it once it’s been created
When you click the sign-up link you will be presented with a page on which you need to enter a user name, e-mail address and password. Think carefully when choosing your user name as you won’t be able to change it once it’s been created
Quando si fa click sul collegamento di iscrizione ti verrà presentata una pagina in cui è necessario inserire un nome utente, l'indirizzo e-mail e una password. Pensa attentamente al momento di scegliere il tuo nome utente in quanto non sarai più in grado di cambiarlo una volta che è stato creato. -
Finish registration by clicking <span class="click">Continue</span> to create and access your brand new diaspora* seed!
Finish registration by clicking
<span class="click">
to create and access your brand new diaspora* seed!Finisci la registrazione facendo click su<span class="click">
per creare e accedere al tuo nuovo seme diaspora*! -
During the registration process your seed will probably be connected automatically to one other seed. This will usually be our %{dhq_link} seed, but it may be a seed run by your pod’s admin. This is so we can keep you up to date with important announcements about diaspora*. If, however, you prefer not to follow this seed, you can easily remove it from your contacts list. We’ll cover how to do this in %{part_link}.
During the registration process your seed will probably be connected automatically to one other seed. This will usually be our %{dhq_link} seed, but it may be a seed run by your pod’s admin. This is so we can keep you up to date with important announcements about diaspora*. If, however, you prefer not to follow this seed, you can easily remove it from your contacts list. We’ll cover how to do this in %{part_link}.
Durante il processo di registrazione il tuo seme sarà probabilmente collegato automaticamente ad un altro seme. Questo di solito è il nostro seme %{dhq_link}, ma può essere un seme gestito dall'amministratore della vostra spora. È così che possiamo tenervi aggiornati con importanti annunci su diaspora*. Se, invece, si preferisce non seguire questo seme, puoi facilmente rimuoverlo dalla lista dei contatti. Ti spieghiamo come farlo qui: %{part_link}. -
diaspora* HQ
diaspora* HQ
diaspora* HQ -
You should now be presented with a “Getting started” page. You don’t have to fill out any of the information on this page, but it will help you start to making connections with other people if you do.
You should now be presented with a “Getting started” page. You don’t have to fill out any of the information on this page, but it will help you start to making connections with other people if you do.
Ti dovrebbe ora apparire una pagina "Per iniziare". Non è necessario compilare alcuna delle informazioni contenute, ma accedere a questa pagina ti aiuterà a iniziare a connetterti con altre persone. -
Enter the name you want displayed on screen in the first field.
Enter the name you want displayed on screen in the first field.
Inserisci il nome che desideri visualizzare sulla schermata in primo piano. -
Click the button to upload a profile image (an “avatar”) from your computer.
Click the button to upload a profile image (an “avatar”) from your computer.
Clicca il pulsante per caricare una foto profilo (un "avatar") dal tuo computer. -
Add a few words about yourself. It might be things that interest you – perhaps music, activism – and perhaps the town you live in. These will be converted into <span class="click">#tags</span>, which help you find content and help other people to discover you. We’ll explain more about #tags later in this tutorial.
Add a few words about yourself. It might be things that interest you – perhaps music, activism – and perhaps the town you live in. These will be converted into
<span class="click">
, which help you find content and help other people to discover you. We’ll explain more about #tags later in this tutorial.Se vuoi connettere il tuo seme diaspora* al tuo profilo Facebook, cliccando il collegamento per far questo puoi automatizzare parte di questo processo, come mutuare il tuo nome e la tua foto profilo direttamente da Facebook. -
Click <span class="click">Take me to diaspora*! >></span>
<span class="click">
Take me to diaspora*! >></span>
Aggiungi qualche parola sui tuoi interessi. Potrebbero essere musica, attivismo, magari la città dove vivi. Questi saranno convertiti in #tag, che ti aiuteranno a trovare contenuto e aiutare le altre persone a conoscerti. Spiegeremo di più sui #tag più avanti in questo tutorial. -
Before you do anything else, take a minute to fill out your profile. On the screen you’re taken to, click your name or avatar at the right-hand end of the black header bar, and select <span class="click">Profile</span> from the list which drops down. Then click the blue <span class="click">Edit my profile</span> button in the top right corner.
Before you do anything else, take a minute to fill out your profile. On the screen you’re taken to, click your name or avatar at the right-hand end of the black header bar, and select
<span class="click">
from the list which drops down. Then click the blue<span class="click">
Edit my profile</span>
button in the top right corner. -
There are two parts to your profile: the <strong>basic profile</strong>, which is public, and the <strong>detailed profile</strong>, which is private by default. Your public profile is visible to everyone; your private profile is visible only to people you have chosen to share with. You can fill out as much or as little of your profile as you like, and you don’t have to use your real name if you don’t want to. If you want everyone to know as much about you as possible, you can make your entire profile public.
There are two parts to your profile: the
basic profile</strong>
, which is public, and the<strong>
detailed profile</strong>
, which is private by default. Your public profile is visible to everyone; your private profile is visible only to people you have chosen to share with. You can fill out as much or as little of your profile as you like, and you don’t have to use your real name if you don’t want to. If you want everyone to know as much about you as possible, you can make your entire profile public. -
Most of the profile information fields are self-explanatory. NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” We’ll cover this in more detail in %{part_link}, so don’t worry about it now.
Most of the profile information fields are self-explanatory. NSFW stands for “not safe for work.” We’ll cover this in more detail in %{part_link}, so don’t worry about it now.
Don’t forget to click the <span class="click">Update profile</span> button once you’re finished!
Don’t forget to click the
<span class="click">
Update profile</span>
button once you’re finished! -
That’s it!
That’s it!
Questo è tutto!