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CC-BY The diaspora* Foundation
CC-BY The diaspora* Foundation
CC-BY diaspora* 財団 -
The diaspora* Project
The diaspora* Project
diaspora* プロジェクト -
How does diaspora* work?
How does diaspora* work?
diaspora* どのように動くのか? -
diaspora* is simple to use – here’s how
diaspora* is simple to use – here’s how
diaspora* を使うのは簡単 -
紹介 -
What is decentralization?
What is decentralization?
非中央集権とは? -
diaspora* is completely different from most networks that you use. It is completely decentralized, with no central “hub”. Even so, it’s very easy to connect and communicate with people. Here’s how.
diaspora* is completely different from most networks that you use. It is completely decentralized, with no central “hub”. Even so, it’s very easy to connect and communicate with people. Here’s how.
diaspora * は、あなたが利用するほとんどのSNSと全く異なります。完全に分散され、中央の「ハブ」はありません。それでも、人とつながりコミュニケーションするのはとても簡単です。方法は次のとおりです。 -
このように -
diaspora* is a true network, with no central base. There are servers (called “pods”) all over the world, each containing the data of those users who have chosen to register with it. These pods communicate with each other seamlessly, so that you can register with any pod and communicate freely with your contacts, wherever they are on the network.
diaspora* is a true network, with no central base. There are servers (called “pods”) all over the world, each containing the data of those users who have chosen to register with it. These pods communicate with each other seamlessly, so that you can register with any pod and communicate freely with your contacts, wherever they are on the network.
diaspora * は中心的な基盤の無い、真のネットワークです。 世界各地にサーバー (「ポッド」と呼ばれる) があり、それぞれに登録を選択したユーザーのデータが格納されています。 これらのポッドはシームレスに通信するため、ネットワーク上のどこにいても、任意のポッドに登録して連絡先と自由に通信できます。 -
こちらではありません -
Most social networks are run from centralized servers owned and run by a corporation. These store all the private data of their users. This information can be lost or hacked, and like any system with a bottleneck, any problem at the central servers can make the whole network run very slowly, or not at all. It is also more easy for governments to “listen in.”
Most social networks are run from centralized servers owned and run by a corporation. These store all the private data of their users. This information can be lost or hacked, and like any system with a bottleneck, any problem at the central servers can make the whole network run very slowly, or not at all. It is also more easy for governments to “listen in.”
ほとんどのソーシャルネットワークは、企業が所有し、運営する中央集中型のサーバーで実行されています。 これらは、ユーザーのすべての個人データを格納します。 この情報は失われたり、ハッキングされたりすることがあり、ボトルネックのあるシステムと同様に、中央サーバーで問題が発生するとネットワーク全体が非常に遅くなるか、まったく動作しなくなる可能性があります。 政府が盗聴することも簡単です。 -
How do I connect?
How do I connect?
どのように接続するか? -
Even though diaspora* is made up of many pods all over the world, you will experience it as one integrated network. You don’t need to be on the same pod as your contacts in order to communicate freely with each other - communication happens seamlessly across all the pods in the diaspora* universe. When you’re using diaspora*, you can easily forget that it’s actually made up of many pods. Connecting with someone in diaspora* is actually really simple:
Even though diaspora* is made up of many pods all over the world, you will experience it as one integrated network. You don’t need to be on the same pod as your contacts in order to communicate freely with each other - communication happens seamlessly across all the pods in the diaspora* universe. When you’re using diaspora*, you can easily forget that it’s actually made up of many pods. Connecting with someone in diaspora* is actually really simple:
diaspora* は世界中の多くのポッドで構成されていますが、あなたはそれを1つの統合ネットワークとして体験します。お互いに自由にコミュニケーションをとるために、連絡先と同じポッドにいる必要はありません。コミュニケーションは、ディアスポラの世界のすべてのポッドでシームレスに行われます。diaspora* を使用している時、実際には多くのポッドで構成されていることを忘れることができます。diaspora* の誰かと繋がることは、実際にはとても簡単です: -
1. Find them
1. Find them
1. 探す -
All you need to do to connect to someone is find them and add them to an aspect. (See below for more on aspects.) Find them using the search field in the black bar, or hover over their name in your stream and a hovercard will appear. If you know their diaspora* ID (yourname@podname.com), you can use that.
All you need to do to connect to someone is find them and add them to an aspect. (See below for more on aspects.) Find them using the search field in the black bar, or hover over their name in your stream and a hovercard will appear. If you know their diaspora* ID (yourname@podname.com), you can use that.
誰かと繋がるために必要なのは、彼らを探して、アスペクトに追加することだけです。(アスペクトの詳細については、以下を参照してください。)上部の黒いバーにある検索フィールドを使用して検索するか、ストリーム内の名前にカーソルを合わせると、ホバーカードが表示されます。 相手の diaspora* ID (yourname@podname.com) を知っていれば、それを使うことができます。 -
2. Add them
2. Add them
2. 追加する