You’re not limited to how you can interact. You can just follow fascinating people to see what they have to say, or you can share world with everyone. Share your photos, artwork, videos, music, words - whatever you want. Let yourself fly.
You’re not limited to how you can interact. You can just follow fascinating people to see what they have to say, or you can share world with everyone. Share your photos, artwork, videos, music, words - whatever you want. Let yourself fly.
Er zitten geen grenzen aan je communicatie. Je kan gewoon interessante mensen volgen om te kijken wat die te zeggen hebben, of je kan jouw wereld delen met iedereen. Deel je foto's, kunst, video's, muziek, teksten - wat je maar wilt. Leef je uit. -
Free as in freedom
Free as in freedom
Vrij als in vrijheid -
diaspora* is completely Free Software. This means there are no limits on how it can be used. You can even take the source code and change it to make it work in the way you want to, and help us improve the network. We’d love to have you on board.
diaspora* is completely Free Software. This means there are no limits on how it can be used. You can even take the source code and change it to make it work in the way you want to, and help us improve the network. We’d love to have you on board.
diaspora* is volledig vrije software. Hierdoor zijn de gebruiksmogelijkheden onbeperkt. Je kan zelfs de broncode aanpassen om het te laten functioneren zoals jij wilt en ons te helpen het netwerk te verbeteren. We vinden het fijn als je mee doet. -
Privacy -
Total control over what is yours
Total control over what is yours
Compleet beheer over wat van jou is -
Own your own data
Own your own data
Beheer je eigen data -
Many networks make money by analysing your interactions and using this to advertise things to you. diaspora* doesn’t use your data for any purpose other than allowing you to connect and share with others. Only the admins of pods you interact with can access your data, and you can choose which pods you interact with.Many networks make money by analysing your interactions and using this to advertise things to you. diaspora* doesn’t use your data for any purpose other than allowing you to connect and share with others. Only the admins of pods you interact with can access your data, and you can choose which pods you interact with.Veel netwerken verdienen hun geld door jouw gedrag en interesses te analyseren om 'op maat gesneden' advertenties door je strot te duwen. diaspora* gebruikt je data alleen om je in de gelegenheid te stellen te communiceren en te delen met anderen.
Host it yourself
Host it yourself
Host het zelf -
Choose where your data are stored by choosing a pod you’re happy with. If you want to be really secure, you can set up and host your own pod on servers you control, and interact only with pods you trust, so no one can get at your personal data.
Choose where your data are stored by choosing a pod you’re happy with. If you want to be really secure, you can set up and host your own pod on servers you control, and interact only with pods you trust, so no one can get at your personal data.
Kies zelf waar je data opgeslagen is door een pod uit te kiezen die je bevalt. Als je gaat voor maximale veiligheid, kan je ook je eigen pod beginnen en hosten op je eigen server, zodat niemand bij je persoonlijke gegevens kan. -
Choose your audience
Choose your audience
Kies je publiek -
diaspora*’s aspects allow you to share with just those people you want to. You can be as public or as private as you like. Share a funny photo with the whole world, or a deep secret just with your closest friends. You’re in control.
diaspora*’s aspects allow you to share with just those people you want to. You can be as public or as private as you like. Share a funny photo with the whole world, or a deep secret just with your closest friends. You’re in control.
De aspecten in diaspora* maken het mogelijk om zelf te bepalen wat je met wie deelt. Je posts kunnen zo publiek of privé zijn als je zelf wilt. Deel bijv. een foto met de hele wereld, of een groot geheim alleen met je beste vrienden. Jij bent de baas. -
All about aspects
All about aspects
Alles over aspecten -
The key to privacy in diaspora*
The key to privacy in diaspora*
De sleutel tot privacy in diaspora* -
Aspects of your life
Aspects of your life
Aspecten van je leven -
Your life is made up of lots of different aspects, involving different people. Why should your online life be any different? With diaspora*’s aspects you can organize your online life as much as you want and share things only with the people you want to.
Your life is made up of lots of different aspects, involving different people. Why should your online life be any different? With diaspora*’s aspects you can organize your online life as much as you want and share things only with the people you want to.
In het echt heeft je leven verschillende aspecten, afhankelijk van specifieke situaties. Waarom zou dat online niet zo zijn? Met aspecten in diaspora* kun je je online leven zo organiseren als je wilt en dingen alleen delen met mensen waarmee je dat wilt. -
Organize your life
Organize your life
Organiseer je leven -
For example, you might have aspects for your family, for your closest friends, for work colleagues and for a sport or hobby you’re involved in. Your work colleagues don’t need to know about your family reunion, do they? With aspects, they won’t.
For example, you might have aspects for your family, for your closest friends, for work colleagues and for a sport or hobby you’re involved in. Your work colleagues don’t need to know about your family reunion, do they? With aspects, they won’t.
Je kunt bijvoorbeeld verschillende aspecten hebben voor je familie, voor je beste vrienden, voor collega's en voor een sport of hobby die je beoefend. Je collega's hoeven toch niet te weten dat je een familie-reünie hebt? Door het gebruik van aspecten zullen ze dat dan ook niet weten. -
Tell the whole world
Tell the whole world
Vertel het aan de hele wereld -
Of course, some things are so important that you want to tell the whole world about them. You can easily share something with the whole world by making it public. Using appropriate hashtags means it’ll reach people who are likely to enjoy it.
Of course, some things are so important that you want to tell the whole world about them. You can easily share something with the whole world by making it public. Using appropriate hashtags means it’ll reach people who are likely to enjoy it.
Er kunnen natuurlijk ook dingen zijn die je met de hele wereld wilt delen. Dat is erg eenvoudig; maak de post 'publiek' en iedereen kan het lezen. Door gebruik te maken van toepasselijke hashtags zal het mensen bereiken die er in geïnteresseerd zijn. -
Features our community loves
Features our community loves
Wat wij leuk vinden