It’s now time to add some contacts to the “Diaspora” aspect you just created. If you already know people who are using diaspora*, you can find them and add them to any aspect you like.
It’s now time to add some contacts to the “Diaspora” aspect you just created. If you already know people who are using diaspora*, you can find them and add them to any aspect you like.
Erdhi koha të shtojmë disa kontakte te aspekti “Diaspora” që sapo krijuat. Nëse njihni tashmë persona që përdorin diaspora*-n, mund t’i shtoni te cilido aspekt që doni. -
Ndarje me të tjerët -
We call connecting with someone “sharing” because it’s an indication that you want to share content with them. Sharing in diaspora* can seem a bit confusing at first, because your levels of sharing with other people are unlikely to be the same as their levels of sharing with you. Let’s try to make sense of what that means.
We call connecting with someone “sharing” because it’s an indication that you want to share content with them. Sharing in diaspora* can seem a bit confusing at first, because your levels of sharing with other people are unlikely to be the same as their levels of sharing with you. Let’s try to make sense of what that means.
Ne e quajmë “ndarje gjërash” lidhjen me dikë, ngaqë është një tregues se doni të ndani lëndë me ta. Ndarja e gjërave me të tjerët në diaspora* fillimisht mund të duket paska e ngatërruar, ngaqë ka pak gjasa që shkallët tuaja të ndarjes së gjërave me persona të tjerë të jenë të njëjta me shkallët e tyre të ndarjes së gjërave me ju. Le të provojmë të kuptojmë se ç’do të thotë kjo. -
On diaspora* there are three types of relations between users:
On diaspora* there are three types of relations between users:
Në diaspora* ka tre lloje marrëdhëniesh mes përdoruesve: -
Ndjekës -
Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you haven’t done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person has “started sharing with you” but you won’t notice any other change.
Someone has placed you into one of their aspects, but you haven’t done likewise for them. You will get a notification that this person has “started sharing with you” but you won’t notice any other change.
Dikush ju ka vendosur në një nga aspektet e veta, por këtë s’e keni bërë ju për të. Do të merrni një njoftim se ky person “filloi të ndajë gjëra me ju” por nuk do të vini re ndonjë ndryshim tjetër. -
They will see your public posts in their stream, but none of your limited posts.
They will see your public posts in their stream, but none of your limited posts.
Do të shohin postimet tuaja publike në rrjedhat e tyre, por asnjë nga postimet tuaja të kufizuara. -
There’s no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasons – it’s their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
There’s no way to tell which aspect someone else has placed you in, for privacy reasons – it’s their business which of their aspects they place each person in, so no one else can find out.
Nuk ka ndonjë mënyrë për të treguar se në cilin aspekt ju ka vendosur dikush, për arsye privatësie – është punë e tyre se te cilët aspekte vendosin çdo person, ndaj askush s’mund ta gjejë. -
E ndiqni -
You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
You are sharing with a person who is not sharing with you. This means that you have added them to one (or more) of your aspects, but they have not added you to their aspects.
Ndani gjëra me një person që nuk ndan me ju. Kjo do të thotë që i keni shtuar te një (ose më shumë) nga aspektet tuaja, por këta s’ju kanë shtuar te aspektet e tyre. -
The person you are following will have access to posts you have made to the aspect(s) you have placed them in as well as your public posts, and you will start receiving their public posts in your stream.
The person you are following will have access to posts you have made to the aspect(s) you have placed them in as well as your public posts, and you will start receiving their public posts in your stream.
Personi që po ndiqni do të mund të shohë postimet që keni bërë te aspekti(et) në të cilat e keni vendosur atë, si dhe postimet tuaja publike, dhe do të filloni të merrni në rrjedhën tuaj postimet e tyre publike. -
Mutual sharing
Mutual sharing
Ndarje reciproke -
If two of you have started sharing with each other, things get more interesting, and more complicated! This can be compared to being “friends” on Facebook, although there are important differences.
If two of you have started sharing with each other, things get more interesting, and more complicated! This can be compared to being “friends” on Facebook, although there are important differences.
Nëse ju të dy keni filluar të ndani gjëra me njëri-tjetrin, puna bëhet më interesante, dhe më e ndërlikuar! Kjo mund të krahasohet me të qenët “shokë” në Facebook, por ka dallime të rëndësishme. -
When there’s a mutual connection, the two of you have each indicated a desire to see posts from the other, so each of you will see limited posts made by the other person to the aspect(s) into which the other has placed you. However, your sharing with each other might be very different. Think of the following scenario:
When there’s a mutual connection, the two of you have each indicated a desire to see posts from the other, so each of you will see limited posts made by the other person to the aspect(s) into which the other has placed you. However, your sharing with each other might be very different. Think of the following scenario:
Kur ka lidhje reciproke, ju të dy keni treguar dëshirë për të parë postimet e njëri-tjetrit, ndaj secili prej jush do të shohë postimet e kufizuara të bëra nga tjetri te aspekti(et) ku tjetri ju ka vendosur. Por ndarja juaj e gjërave me njëri-tjetrin mund të jetë shumë e ndryshme. Mendoni skenarin vijues: -
You consider Jill a slight acquaintance, and put her in your “Acquaintances” aspect.
You consider Jill a slight acquaintance, and put her in your “Acquaintances” aspect.
Ju e konsideroni Mirën si njohje të largët, dhe e vendosni atë te aspekti juaj “Të njohur”. -
Jill, however, thinks of you one of her best friends, and puts you in her “Close friends” aspect.
Jill, however, thinks of you one of her best friends, and puts you in her “Close friends” aspect.
Mira, ndërkohë, ju mendon si një nga shokët më të mirë, dhe ju vendos te aspekti i saj “Shokë të ngushtë”. -
You post most things only to your “Friends” or “Family” aspects, so Jill doesn’t see many of your posts.
You post most things only to your “Friends” or “Family” aspects, so Jill doesn’t see many of your posts.
Ju postoni kryesisht gjëra te aspektet tuaj “Shokë” ose “Familje”, kështu që Mira nuk sheh mjaft nga postimet tuaja. -
Because you’re in Jill’s “Close friends” aspect, on the other hand, you see almost everything she posts.
Because you’re in Jill’s “Close friends” aspect, on the other hand, you see almost everything she posts.
Më anë tjetër, ngaqë gjendeni te aspekti “Shokë të ngushtë” i Mirës, ju shihni thuajse gjithçka që ajo poston. -
The main thing to remember is that <strong>no one</strong> will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.
The main thing to remember is that
no one</strong>
will ever see a post unless you have made it public or have made it to an aspect into which you have manually placed that person.Gjëja bazë që duhet mbajtur mend është se<strong>
s’do të shohë kurrë një postim, po qe se nuk e keni bërë publik ose ta keni bërë në një aspekt te i cili e keni vendosur ju vetë atë person. -
Finding people
Finding people
Gjetje personash