Click on the timestamp on any post to view that post and any comments on it in the “single-post view.” The timestamp is the link by the post author’s name that reads something like “2 hours ago.” If you want to send someone a link to a post in diaspora*, you can grab the post’s direct URL from here.
Click on the timestamp on any post to view that post and any comments on it in the “single-post view.” The timestamp is the link by the post author’s name that reads something like “2 hours ago.” If you want to send someone a link to a post in diaspora*, you can grab the post’s direct URL from here.
在某篇貼文的時間記號上按一下會進入「單一貼文檢視模式」,會顯示該篇貼文和所有針對它的留言。時間記號會顯示在貼文作者的名字旁邊,看起來像是「在約2小時前」。如果你想要把 diaspora* 中某篇貼文給某人看,可以從這裡取得該貼文直接的連結。 -
Click the <span class="click">Settings</span> link in the drawer if you want to change any of your profile information.
Click the
<span class="click">
link in the drawer if you want to change any of your profile information.如果想要修改個人資料的話,請按抽屜裡的<span class="click">
連結。 -
The following icons will be shown below the aspect selector button: a @mention icon if you are sharing with that person, a message (envelope) icon if you have mutual sharing, and an ignore icon.
The following icons will be shown below the aspect selector button: a @mention icon if you are sharing with that person, a message (envelope) icon if you have mutual sharing, and an ignore icon.
在社交面按鈕的下方會有下面幾個小圖示: 如果你有和他/她分享的話,會有「@指指點點」的小圖示;如果你跟他/她是互相分享的關係的話,會有「送訊息」(信封)的小圖示,另外還會有忽視的小圖示。 -
Underneath the person’s name and ID are tabs to display their posts, their uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).
Underneath the person’s name and ID are tabs to display their posts, their uploaded photos, and any of their contacts which they have made visible to you (which is explained in the next part, “Aspects”).
在名字和識別碼的下面有幾個分頁,分別會顯示他們的貼文、上傳的圖片、以及他們想給你看見的聯絡人(這點在下一段「社交面」會再解釋)。 -
Color themes
Color themes
色彩主題 -
You can customise how diaspora* looks by choosing one of our color themes from the <span class="click">Settings</span> menu (see %{part_link}). The current themes are:
You can customise how diaspora* looks by choosing one of our color themes from the
<span class="click">
menu (see %{part_link}). The current themes are:你可以自訂 diaspora* 的外觀,方法是從<span class="click">
選單(請看%{part_link})裡面選擇一個色彩主題。目前的主題有: -
<strong>Original gray</strong>: this is the default diaspora* theme
Original gray</strong>
: this is the default diaspora* theme<strong>
: diaspora* 預設的色彩主題 -
<strong>Original white background</strong>: the default theme, but with a white background. This looks more like the “old-school” diaspora* interface
Original white background</strong>
: the default theme, but with a white background. This looks more like the “old-school” diaspora* interface<strong>
: 也是預設的主題,但是背景換成白色。這個主題看起來就像是「古早」的 diaspora* 介面。 -
<strong>Dark green</strong>
Dark green</strong>
<strong>Egyptian blue</strong>
Egyptian blue</strong>
Your pod might have created some custom themes. If so, they’ll show up in the list along with our default themes.
Your pod might have created some custom themes. If so, they’ll show up in the list along with our default themes.
你所在的豆莢可能也會自己設計了其他的色彩主題,如果有的話,就和我們預設的這些列在一起。 -
Note: the rest of this tutorial series shows screenshots from the desktop interface to illustrate the features in diaspora*. Some features are not yet available in the mobile interface. When this is the case, you’ll need to click <span class="click">Toggle mobile</span> in the drawer in order to be able to use this feature. We’re sure you’ll be able to work out where the differences are – it’s not difficult!
Note: the rest of this tutorial series shows screenshots from the desktop interface to illustrate the features in diaspora*. Some features are not yet available in the mobile interface. When this is the case, you’ll need to click
<span class="click">
Toggle mobile</span>
in the drawer in order to be able to use this feature. We’re sure you’ll be able to work out where the differences are – it’s not difficult!請注意:這份課程的其他部份都是用桌面版界面的截圖來介紹 diaspora* 的功能,有些功能可能在行動版的界面不提供,這時候你可以點抽屜選單中的<span class="click">
來切換到桌面版界面使用。這兩種界面雖然有差別,不過不難,相信你可以克服的! -
My aspects
My aspects
我的社交面 -
Adding an aspect
Adding an aspect
新增社交面 -
Note: if you’re using the mobile interface, you’ll first need to switch to the desktop version by clicking <span class="click">Toggle mobile</span> in the drawer as it is not currently possible to add a new aspect in the mobile version.
Note: if you’re using the mobile interface, you’ll first need to switch to the desktop version by clicking
<span class="click">
Toggle mobile</span>
in the drawer as it is not currently possible to add a new aspect in the mobile version.請注意:目前還沒辦法用行動版的界面來新增社交面,因此如果你正在用行動版的話,請先按抽屜選單裡的<span class="click">
來切換到桌面版。 -
When you have finished, click the <span class="click">Create</span> button. The aspect is then created and selected in the menu.
When you have finished, click the
<span class="click">
button. The aspect is then created and selected in the menu.取好名字後,按下<span class="click">
按鈕,這個社交面就會造出來、出現在選單中、並且已經勾選了。 -
Once the aspect has been created, you’ll be taken to your Contacts page and shown a list of people in the aspect you’ve just created (which will be no one so far). Even if this aspect is empty, you will see a list of your other contacts, with a button next to each so you can easily add them to this new aspect.
Once the aspect has been created, you’ll be taken to your Contacts page and shown a list of people in the aspect you’ve just created (which will be no one so far). Even if this aspect is empty, you will see a list of your other contacts, with a button next to each so you can easily add them to this new aspect.
當社交面已經被造出來後,你會被帶到聯絡人頁面,並且顯示剛剛新造出來的社交面中的人(其實會是沒有人)。即使社交面還是空的,你也可以看到在其他社交面中的聯絡人列在下面,每一個的旁邊都有個按鈕,可以讓你把他們加進這個新的社交面中。 -
Text formatting
Text formatting
文字排版 -
Above the publisher window you’ll see two tabs and a row of buttons. The tabs display your raw message text and a preview of how your finished message will look. The buttons are there to help you format your text and add other things to your message:Above the publisher window you’ll see two tabs and a row of buttons. The tabs display your raw message text and a preview of how your finished message will look. The buttons are there to help you format your text and add other things to your message:在發表對話框的上方,可以看到兩個分頁和一排的按鈕。其中一個分頁是原始的訊息文字,另外一個會顯示完成後看起來會是怎樣的預覽。這些按鈕則是用幫你對文字做排版,或是替你的訊息加一些其他東西,功能依序是: