If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a <strong>public</strong> post now to introduce yourself and include the <span class="click">#newhere</span> tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part_link}.
If you want to meet and be welcomed by the diaspora* community and are feeling confident enough, make a
post now to introduce yourself and include the<span class="click">
tag. Making public posts containing tags is a great way to make new friends on diaspora*. If you’re not sure about doing this now, don’t worry – we’ll take you through your first post step by step in %{part_link}.如果充滿自信的你想要馬上跟 diaspora* 社群相遇和歡迎的話,現在就可以貼一篇<strong>
的自我介紹文章,並且在貼文裡面放一個<span class="click">
標籤(英文: #newhere)。在 diaspora* 裡,發表帶有標籤的公開貼文是交新朋友的好方式。還在猶豫的話也別擔心,我們在%{part_link}會一步一步帶你發表第一篇貼文。 -
Part 2 – The interface
Part 2 – The interface
第二段 - 使用界面 -
Using the interface
Using the interface
使用界面 -
You’re now looking at an interface that might be unfamiliar to you. (If you’re still on the edit profile page, click the pod name or <span class="click">Stream</span> at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.
You’re now looking at an interface that might be unfamiliar to you. (If you’re still on the edit profile page, click the pod name or
<span class="click">
at the left-hand end of the black header bar.) Let’s have a quick look at the layout and start to get familiar with it.你看著的這個界面可能跟你還不太熟(如果還在編輯個人檔案的頁面的話,請先按標題列左手邊的豆莢名字或是<span class="click">
),讓我們來快速熟悉一下這個版面吧。 -
Because of the decentralized and open-source nature of diaspora*, it is possible for pod administrators to customize their pods. Therefore, depending on which pod you’re on, the interface might look very slightly different to how it’s described here. However, the essential elements should all be present, even if they are arranged slightly differently.
Because of the decentralized and open-source nature of diaspora*, it is possible for pod administrators to customize their pods. Therefore, depending on which pod you’re on, the interface might look very slightly different to how it’s described here. However, the essential elements should all be present, even if they are arranged slightly differently.
由於 diaspora* 生來就是分散的,而且還是開放源碼,因此有可能豆莢的管理員會去改造他/她的豆莢。所以你所在豆莢的使用介面會有可能跟這裡所形容的有一點不一樣。不過,基本的元素應該都還在,只是可能放的地方有點改變。 -
The main interface can be divided into four parts.
The main interface can be divided into four parts.
主界面可以劃分為四個部份。 -
At the top of the screen is the header bar, which always remains in place, even when you scroll down the page. This header bar contains:
At the top of the screen is the header bar, which always remains in place, even when you scroll down the page. This header bar contains:
在畫面的最上方是標題列,它會總是待在這個位置,即使是頁面捲動往下捲也一樣。標題列包含了: -
Beneath the header there are two columns:
Beneath the header there are two columns:
在標題列的下方是兩個直欄: -
In the sidebar you’ll see links to the different content views available in diaspora*: <span class="click">Stream</span>, <span class="click">My activity</span>, <span class="click">@Mentions</span>, <span class="click">My aspects</span>, <span class="click">#Followed tags</span> and <span class="click">Public activity</span>. We’ll explain these next. There are also some links to help you invite your friends, welcome new users, find help, connect to external services such as Twitter, Tumblr, and Wordpress (if available on your pod), post to diaspora* from the rest of the web (the diaspora* “bookmarklet”) and on some pods, contact information for the pod’s administrator and a button to donate to the costs of keeping your pod running.
In the sidebar you’ll see links to the different content views available in diaspora*:
<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My activity</span>
,<span class="click">
,<span class="click">
My aspects</span>
,<span class="click">
#Followed tags</span>
and<span class="click">
Public activity</span>
. We’ll explain these next. There are also some links to help you invite your friends, welcome new users, find help, connect to external services such as Twitter, Tumblr, and Wordpress (if available on your pod), post to diaspora* from the rest of the web (the diaspora* “bookmarklet”) and on some pods, contact information for the pod’s administrator and a button to donate to the costs of keeping your pod running.在「側邊欄」可以看到 diaspora* 的幾種不同檢視模式,分別有<span class="click">
、<span class="click">
、<span class="click">
、<span class="click">
、<span class="click">
、以及<span class="click">
,我們接下來會一一解釋。另外還有一些連結,可以讓你邀請好友、歡迎新使用者、求助、連結像是 Twitter、Tumblr 或是 Wordpress 之類的外部服務(不見得每個豆莢都會提供)、從其他網頁轉貼到 diaspora* (也就是 diaspora* 書籤小程式)等等。有些豆莢在這裡會有豆莢管理員的聯絡方式,以及捐款幫助豆莢運作的按鈕。 -
The main column contains the content stream with a “publisher” box at the top. This is where the magic happens! We’ll cover using the publisher in %{part_link}.
The main column contains the content stream with a “publisher” box at the top. This is where the magic happens! We’ll cover using the publisher in %{part_link}.
主畫面欄是內容的流水帳,上方有個「發表對話框」,也就是讓神奇的事發生的地方!我們待會會在%{part_link}說明怎樣使用發表對話框。 -
The different views available in diaspora* are:
The different views available in diaspora* are:
diaspora* 有以下這些檢視模式: -
The stream
The stream
流水帳 -
Posts in the stream are ordered according to the time of the original post.
Posts in the stream are ordered according to the time of the original post.
流水帳中的貼文順序是用原始貼文的時間。 -
My activity
My activity
我的活動 -
Your “My activity” stream shows any posts which you have either liked or commented on. This is a useful way of catching up on any interactions you’ve been having in diaspora*. Posts in this stream are ordered according to the latest activity (comment or like) on each post.
Your “My activity” stream shows any posts which you have either liked or commented on. This is a useful way of catching up on any interactions you’ve been having in diaspora*. Posts in this stream are ordered according to the latest activity (comment or like) on each post.
「我的活動」會顯示所有你按讚過或留言過的貼文。這是用來追蹤你之前在 diaspora* 上跟別人的互動的常用方式。這個檢視模式中的貼文順序是用最近活動(留言或是按讚)的時間。 -
@指指點點 -
This displays any posts made by other people @mentioning you. We’ll discuss @mentions in %{part_link}.
This displays any posts made by other people @mentioning you. We’ll discuss @mentions in %{part_link}.
會顯示其他人對你@指指點點的貼文。我們會在%{part_link}討論@指指點點。 -
My aspects
My aspects
我的社交面 -
“My aspects” displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharing – that is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Don’t worry if you don’t know what an aspect is – we’re going to cover this in detail in the next part.
“My aspects” displays all posts made by all the people with whom you are sharing – that is, the people you have placed into your aspects. Don’t worry if you don’t know what an aspect is – we’re going to cover this in detail in the next part.
「我的社交面」會顯示所有你跟他們分享的人(也就是在你的社交面中的人)的貼文。還不知道什麼是社交面嗎?先別擔心,下個單元我們會詳細說明。 -
Click on <span class="click">My aspects</span> in the menu to see the list of your aspects. You can view posts made to all aspects, or just to one or more individual aspects, by selecting and deselecting them from the aspect list in the menu.
Click on
<span class="click">
My aspects</span>
in the menu to see the list of your aspects. You can view posts made to all aspects, or just to one or more individual aspects, by selecting and deselecting them from the aspect list in the menu.按一下選單中的<span class="click">