If you believe a post contravenes your pod’s code of conduct, for instance if you believe it is abusive or is spam, you can click the report icon (an exclamation point in a triangle). This will bring up a report form, which will be sent to your pod’s admin. Please make sure you’re aware of your pod’s terms of service before reporting a post. You can find a link to your pod’s <span class="click">Terms of service</span> in the sidebar.
If you believe a post contravenes your pod’s code of conduct, for instance if you believe it is abusive or is spam, you can click the report icon (an exclamation point in a triangle). This will bring up a report form, which will be sent to your pod’s admin. Please make sure you’re aware of your pod’s terms of service before reporting a post. You can find a link to your pod’s
<span class="click">
Terms of service</span>
in the sidebar.如果你覺得某一篇貼文違反了你所在豆莢的行為規範,比如說濫用或是垃圾廣告內容,你可以對它點投訴圖示(中間有個驚嘆號的三角形)。會出現一個投訴的表格,填完可以寄給你所在豆莢的莢主。請在投訴前確定了解所在豆莢的使用條款,你可以在側邊欄找到<span class="click">
的連結。 -
There are five tabs on the account settings page: <strong>Profile</strong>, <strong>Account</strong>, <strong>Privacy</strong>, <strong>Services</strong> and <strong>Applications</strong>.
There are five tabs on the account settings page:
。 -
On this page you can change, add to or delete any of your profile information. Go back to the end of %{part_link} if you want a reminder of how to edit it. Don’t forget to press the <span class="click">Update</span> button at the bottom once you’re finished!
On this page you can change, add to or delete any of your profile information. Go back to the end of %{part_link} if you want a reminder of how to edit it. Don’t forget to press the
<span class="click">
button at the bottom once you’re finished!你可以從這個頁面更改、增加、或是刪除你的個人檔案中的任何資訊。想要一點怎麼編輯個人檔案的提示的話,請回到%{part_link}的最後面看一下。改完以後別忘了按最下面的<span class="click">
按鈕喔! -
「上班時不宜」("NSFW") -
diaspora* has a self-governing community standard called NSFW (not safe for work). If you’re likely to post much material which may not be suitable for everyone to view at their office desk (perhaps with their boss standing behind them), please consider checking the NSFW box. This will hide your posts from people’s streams behind a notice that the post is marked as NSFW. They can then click this notice to view your post if they wish.
diaspora* has a self-governing community standard called NSFW (not safe for work). If you’re likely to post much material which may not be suitable for everyone to view at their office desk (perhaps with their boss standing behind them), please consider checking the NSFW box. This will hide your posts from people’s streams behind a notice that the post is marked as NSFW. They can then click this notice to view your post if they wish.
diaspora* 有個自我管理的機制叫做 NSFW (上班時不宜,英文是 not safe for work)。如果你常常會貼一些不適合別人在辦公室看的題材(比如說老闆就站在他們後面的情形),請考慮勾選 NSFW。這樣一來你的貼文在別人的流水帳裡就會顯示這是上班時不宜的內容,必須要手動點一下才能看見。 -
By leaving this box unchecked, you are committing yourself not to post any material which could potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work. If, on the other hand, you might want to post such material only occasionally, you could leave this box unchecked and add the <span class="click">#nsfw</span> tag to those individual posts, which will hide them from other people’s streams.
By leaving this box unchecked, you are committing yourself not to post any material which could potentially cause offence or get someone into trouble for viewing it at work. If, on the other hand, you might want to post such material only occasionally, you could leave this box unchecked and add the
<span class="click">
tag to those individual posts, which will hide them from other people’s streams.如果你沒有勾選上班時不宜,表示你保證不會貼一些可能會冒犯到人家、或是在辦公室看會招惹麻煩的題材。不過如果你只是偶爾會貼這類題材的話,你也可以不要勾,但是在發表這種貼文的時候加上<span class="click">
的標籤,那篇貼文的內容也一樣會在別人的流水帳不顯示。 -
Community spotlight
Community spotlight
社群焦點人物 -
On the settings page you can also enable the “community spotlight,” if this feature is available on your pod. The “community spotlight” adds posts to your stream from community members who your pod’s admin has selected as being people worth reading. It can be a good way to find people to connect with when you first join diaspora*.
On the settings page you can also enable the “community spotlight,” if this feature is available on your pod. The “community spotlight” adds posts to your stream from community members who your pod’s admin has selected as being people worth reading. It can be a good way to find people to connect with when you first join diaspora*.
你可以在流水帳設定打開「社群焦點人物」,前提是你所在的豆莢有提供這個功能。「社群焦點人物」是你的莢主認為他們的貼文值得大家都看的人,你第一次用 diaspora* 的時候,也可能是找到人建立聯繫的好途徑。 -
應用程式 -
This tab displays a list of any applications you have authorised in your diaspora* seed.
This tab displays a list of any applications you have authorised in your diaspora* seed.
這個分頁顯示目前你授權給哪些應用程式來使用你的 diaspora* 帳號。 -
host a pod yourself
host a pod yourself
自己架一個 -
Discussions and Support
Discussions and Support
論壇與支援 -
And a second paragraph of the quotation.
And a second paragraph of the quotation.
Preformatted text
Preformatted text
To insert “preformatted” text, which appears in a monospaced font and respects paragraph indentations and other things, start each line of text with four spaces. Adding more spaces will allow for further indenting.
To insert “preformatted” text, which appears in a monospaced font and respects paragraph indentations and other things, start each line of text with four spaces. Adding more spaces will allow for further indenting.
This is a line of normal text.
This is a line of normal text.
This will be a preformatted block.
This will be a preformatted block.
The block continues on this line,
The block continues on this line,
and then another line, indented by two spaces.
and then another line, indented by two spaces.
Then back to normal text.
Then back to normal text.