And a second paragraph of the quotation.
Preformatted text
To insert “preformatted” text, which appears in a monospaced font and respects paragraph indentations and other things, start each line of text with four spaces. Adding more spaces will allow for further indenting.
This is a line of normal text.
This will be a preformatted block.
The block continues on this line,
and then another line, indented by two spaces.
Then back to normal text.
This line contains %{code_snippet} in the middle.
`a code snippet`
a code snippet</code>
<span class=click>Etkinliklerime</span> tıkladığınızda, iki altmenü öğesi belirecek: <span class=click>Beğenilenler</span> ve <span class=click>Yorumlananlar</span>. Bunlardn birine tıkladığınızda sözü edilen niteliği taşıyan gönderiler gösterilecektir.
<span class=click>
tıkladığınızda, iki altmenü öğesi belirecek:<span class=click>
ve<span class=click>
. Bunlardn birine tıkladığınızda sözü edilen niteliği taşıyan gönderiler gösterilecektir.When you click<span class="click">
My activity</span>
, two sub-menu items will appear:<span class="click">
and<span class="click">
. Clicking one of these will show you a stream containing only the posts that you have liked or commented on. -
Note: you can change the default visibility of your posts to whatever you like in your user settings – see %{part_link}.
"İş için güvenli değil" etiketi
"İş için güvenli değil" etiketi
The “Not safe for work” tag -
To ignore an account, click the
<span class="click">
icon (a circle with a diagonal line through it) at the top right of one of their posts. Their posts will instantly disappear from your stream. Alternatively, go to their profile page and click the ignore icon there. You will still be able to see their posts on their profile page, or by using the single-post view. -
Our aim is that you’ll be able to use the downloaded data to migrate your seed to another pod, although this is not yet possible. You might wish to download your data periodically as a back-up, however.
Discourse forum
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