Added 92 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
- AAnTheZero
- AdverbsOfCause
- AdverbsOfFrequency
- AdverbsOfManner
- AdverbsOfPlace
- AdverbsOfTime
- Affirmation
- AnswerWithAuxiliary
- As
- Be
- BeAbleTo
- BeGoingTo
- BeTo
- BothEitherNeither
- BothTheTwo
- Can
- Comparatives
- Could
- CouldHave
- Dates
- Ellipsis
- Emphases
- EveryEachAllWhole
- FewAFewALittle
- HalfPart
- Have
- HaveTo
- HowInterrogativePronouns
- Imperative
- ImpersonalForm
- Infinitive
- InterrogativeForm
- InterroNegativeForm
- Let
- Like
- LocateInTime
- ManyMuch
- May
- ModalPreterite
- MostAlmost
- Must
- Need
- Negation
- NOdN
- NoNone
- Ns
- Numbers
- OralExpressions
- OrdinalFractions
- OtherPerfectForms
- OtherTags
- Ought
- Own
- Partitives
- PassiveForm
- PassiveFormOfPhrasalVerbs
- PassiveFormWithDoubleComplements
- PastConditional
- PastParticiple
- PastPerfect
- PossessivePronouns
- PrepositionOfTime
- PrepositionsOfPlace
- PrepositionsOfRelation
- PresentConditional
- PresentContinuous
- PresentPerfect
- Preterit
- PreteriteContinuous
- QuestionTags
- Quite
- ReciprocalPronouns
- ReflexivePronouns
- Several
- Shall
- Should
- ShouldHave
- SimplePresent
- So
- SoAnaphoric
- SomeAny
- SomexxxAnyxxs
- Subjunctive
- Superlatives
- ThereIs
- ThisThat
- UsedToBeUsedTo
- Verbing
- WhInterrogativePronouns
- Whxxxever
- Will
- ZeroOnePronouns
- ./Fleex/Resources/Shared/GrammaticalNotionsNames.resx. Added 18 new segments and no segments obsoleted.
Added 9 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
Added 1 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
Added 1 new segments
and no segments obsoleted.
New segments:
- ./Fleex/Resources/Views/VideoEntry/DisplayVideoEntry.cshtml.resx. No new segments and no segments obsoleted.
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