22 fév. de 03:04 to 17:08
Iljushhenkons changed 78 translations in English on LinguaLeo Courses. Hide changes
  2. <ul> <li>*Your translation of "I saw your advert on a website."goes here*.</li> <li>*Your translation of "It looks really nice".goes here*</li> <li>*Your translation of "I think I'd like to come and have a look at it".goes here*</li> <li>*Your translation of "That shouldn't be too much of a problem."goes here*</li> <li>*Your translation of "When would be a good time to come and see it?"goes here*</li> <li>*Your translation of "That works for me."goes here*</li> </ul>
    <li>*Your translation of "I saw your advert on a website."goes here*.</li>  
    <li>*Your translation of "It looks really nice".goes here*</li>  
    <li>*Your translation of "I think I'd like to come and have a look at it".goes here*</li>  
    <li>*Your translation of "That shouldn't be too much of a problem."goes here*</li>  
    <li>*Your translation of "When would be a good time to come and see it?"goes here*</li>  
    <li>*Your translation of "That works for me."goes here*</li>  
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Put the words in the sentence in the correct order:
    Put the words in the sentence in the correct order:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Jane, come on, I'm waiting for you for half an hour. Where are you?<br> - Sorry, dear. I'm getting out of the subway, but here is a crowd of people standing in a line to the escalator.
    - Jane, come on, I'm waiting for you for half an hour. Where are you?<br>   
    - Sorry, dear. I'm getting out of the subway, but here is a crowd of people standing in a line to the escalator.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. “My roommate Jess left the apartment and took my keys!” Help me find her. She works in a bar in Manhattan!<br> - And how can I find him? There are hundreds of bars in Manhattan where it can be at the moment!
    My roommate Jess left the apartment and took my keys!” Help me find her. She works in a bar in Manhattan!<br>    
    - And how can I find him? There are hundreds of bars in Manhattan where it can be at the moment!
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Listen to the audio and enter the missing sentence:
    Listen to the audio and enter the missing sentence:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Am I allowed to smoke in this apartment? I smoke very often.<br> - Oh, sorry, but it's not allowed to smoke in this place, and there is a couple with a child here.
    - Am I allowed to smoke in this apartment? I smoke very often.<br>  
    - Oh, sorry, but it's not allowed to smoke in this place, and there is a couple with a child here.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Soon I will raise rental payments. Do you want to extend your contract for the next year? <br> - I guess I would like to think about it. I'm not sure I can afford it now - hard times at work.
    - Soon I will raise rental payments. Do you want to extend your contract for the next year? <br> 
    - I guess I would like to think about it. I'm not sure I can afford it now - hard times at work.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Honey, I've just booked a table at Marcelo. I'm waiting for you there at 18:00. <br> Mmm ... I'm not sure where this restaurant is located. What is the address?
    Honey, I've just booked a table at Marcelo. I'm waiting for you there at 18:00. <br> 
    Mmm ... I'm not sure where this restaurant is located. What is the address?
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    Select the continuation according to the video you watched earlier:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Can I cook in the kitchen? I am going to a culinary college and have to practice. <br> - Yes, sure! It won't be a big problem. Most tenants eat outside.
    - Can I cook in the kitchen? I am going to a culinary college and have to practice. <br> 
    - Yes, sure! It won't be a big problem. Most tenants eat outside.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Insert the missing phrases in the dialog:
    Insert the missing phrases in the dialog:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  1. - Can I cook in the kitchen? I am going to a culinary college and have to practice. <br> - Yes, sure! It won't be a big problem. Most tenants eat outside.
    - Can I cook in the kitchen? I am going to a culinary college and have to practice. <br> 
    - Yes, sure! It won't be a big problem. Most tenants eat outside.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Can I cook in the kitchen? I am going to a culinary college and have to practice. <br> - Yes, sure! It mustn't be a big problem. Most tenants eat outside.
    - Can I cook in the kitchen? I am going to a culinary college and have to practice. <br> 
    - Yes, sure! It mustn't be a big problem. Most tenants eat outside.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - What is the address? And how can I find you? <br> - You need to get out of the Caroline metro station and go left. I'll be waiting for you there. <br> - Great, it's not far from me. Getting to Caroline should not be a big problem. See you! <br> - See you later! Call me half an hour before you go.
    - What is the address? And how can I find you? <br> 
    - You need to get out of the Caroline metro station and go left. I'll be waiting for you there. <br> 
    - Great, it's not far from me. Getting to Caroline should not be a big problem. See you! <br> 
    - See you later! Call me half an hour before you go.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Enter the missing phrases in the dialog:
    Enter the missing phrases in the dialog:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Hello! I saw your ad on the site, is your bike still available? <br> - Oh, hi! Yes, did you like it? <br> - It looks very good, and the price is pretty acceptable! <br> - That's right, but fuel consumption is high, an average of 6 liters. <br> - It suits me, because I'm not going to use it as a permanent means of transportation. What time will it be convenient to come and take a look at it? <br> - Um ... I usually finish my work at 7 pm, and you can come at any time until midnight.
    - Hello! I saw your ad on the site, is your bike still available? <br> 
    - Oh, hi! Yes, did you like it? <br> 
    - It looks very good, and the price is pretty acceptable! <br> 
    - That's right, but fuel consumption is high, an average of 6 liters. <br> 
    - It suits me, because I'm not going to use it as a permanent means of transportation. What time will it be convenient to come and take a look at it? <br> 
    - Um ... I usually finish my work at 7 pm, and you can come at any time until midnight.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Am I allowed to play music loudly and practice playing the piano? <br> - It won't be a big problem. The walls are thick and the neighbors are old and deaf.
    - Am I allowed to play music loudly and practice playing the piano? <br> 
    - It won't be a big problem. The walls are thick and the neighbors are old and deaf.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> <h3 class="rule-title"> Phrasal verbs are recommended to memorize in several ways: </h3> <h3 class="rule-title"> 1. Use memorable context: </h3> <div class="rule-example"> <div class="rule-example-content"> <div class="media-img acenter"> <img src="//contentcdn.lingualeo.com/uploads/upimages/1cb001061dc7debe0b5134e3aa94bf9680dbd044.jpg" alt="Course 39 ex 36977"> </div> <!-- Если есть фраза в примере --> <div class="rule-example-body"> <div class="rule-phrase"> <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no"> *Your translating of"Pay attention and stop goofing off!"goes here* </h2> <em class="example-trans"> Be attentive and stop taking time off work! </em> </div> </div> <!-- Конец блока фразы в примере --> </div> </div> <h3 class="rule-title"> 2. Learn verbs in the same subject (for example, about money): </h3> <div class="rule-example"> <div class="rule-example-content"> <div class="media-img acenter"> <img src="//contentcdn.lingualeo.com/uploads/upimages/2c0ac118bbeddebc2a5b26998debb044b094c4b8.jpg" alt="course 395 ex 36977-2"> </div> <!-- Если есть фраза в примере --> <div class="rule-example-body"> <div class="rule-phrase"> <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no"> - *Your translating of"Can I borrow $100?"goes here*</h2> <em class="example-trans"> *Your translating of"Can I borrow $ 100 from you?"goes here*</em> <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no">- *Your translating of"I promise I will pay you back tomorrow!"goes here*</h2> <em class="example-trans"> I promise to give you tomorrow!</em> </div> </div> <!-- Конец блока фразы в примере --> </div> </div> <h3 class="rule-title"> 3. Learn verbs with the same main verb or preposition / adverb: </h3> <div class="rule-example"> <div class="rule-example-content"> <div class="media-img acenter"> <img src="//contentcdn.lingualeo.com/uploads/upimages/0237cb1f7e981745c07ed48b10059784aeebbc44.jpg" alt="course 395 ex 36977-3"> </div> <!-- Если есть фраза в примере --> <div class="rule-example-body"> <div class="rule-phrase"> <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no">His secret was <b>brought to light</b> by journalists, and that really <b>brought him down</b>.</h2> <em class="example-trans">The journalists revealed his secret and this upset him greatly.</em> </div> </div> <!-- Конец блока фразы в примере --> </div> </div> <h3 class="rule-title"> <p align="justify">For greater efficiency, we decided to choose a video where two points are combined: the use of context with verbs of the same subject. </h3> </dd> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    Phrasal verbs are recommended to memorize in several ways:   </h3>  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    1. Use memorable context:     </h3>  
        <div class="rule-example">  
            <div class="rule-example-content">  
                <div class="media-img acenter">  
                    <img src="//contentcdn.lingualeo.com/uploads/upimages/1cb001061dc7debe0b5134e3aa94bf9680dbd044.jpg" alt="Course 39 ex 36977">  
                <!-- Если есть фраза в примере -->  
                <div class="rule-example-body">  
                    <div class="rule-phrase">  
                        <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no"> *Your translating of"Pay attention and stop goofing off!"goes here*                   </h2>  
                        <em class="example-trans"> Be attentive and stop taking time off work!                    </em>  
                <!-- Конец блока фразы в примере -->  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    2. Learn verbs in the same subject (for example, about money):    </h3>  
        <div class="rule-example">  
            <div class="rule-example-content">  
                <div class="media-img acenter">  
                    <img src="//contentcdn.lingualeo.com/uploads/upimages/2c0ac118bbeddebc2a5b26998debb044b094c4b8.jpg" alt="course 395 ex 36977-2">  
                <!-- Если есть фраза в примере -->  
                <div class="rule-example-body">  
                    <div class="rule-phrase">  
                        <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no"> - *Your translating of"Can I borrow $100?"goes here*</h2>  
                        <em class="example-trans"> *Your translating of"Can I borrow $ 100 from you?"goes here*</em>  
                        <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no">- *Your translating of"I promise I will pay you back tomorrow!"goes here*</h2>  
                        <em class="example-trans"> I promise to give you tomorrow!</em>  
                <!-- Конец блока фразы в примере -->  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    3. Learn verbs with the same main verb or preposition / adverb:    </h3>  
        <div class="rule-example">  
            <div class="rule-example-content">  
                <div class="media-img acenter">  
                    <img src="//contentcdn.lingualeo.com/uploads/upimages/0237cb1f7e981745c07ed48b10059784aeebbc44.jpg" alt="course 395 ex 36977-3">  
                <!-- Если есть фраза в примере -->  
                <div class="rule-example-body">  
                    <div class="rule-phrase">  
                        <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no">His secret was <b>brought to light</b> by journalists, and that really <b>brought him down</b>.</h2>  
                        <em class="example-trans">The journalists revealed his secret and this upset him greatly.</em>  
                <!-- Конец блока фразы в примере -->  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    <p align="justify">For greater efficiency, we decided to choose a video where two points are combined: the use of context with verbs of the same subject. 
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. On the eve of the new year, I paid off all my debts and bought a present for my wife.
    On the eve of the new year, I paid off all my debts and bought a present for my wife.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. I've lost my job and we will have to live on an unemployment benefits for some time.
    I've lost my job and we will have to live on an unemployment benefits for some time.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. After receiving education, students are required to return a loan issued at one percent per annum.
    After receiving education, students are required to return a loan issued at one percent per annum.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. We headed to an amusement park after everyone had forked out at $ 45.
    We headed to an amusement park after everyone had forked out at $ 45.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. No one can survive in Hong Kong for a salary of less than five thousand dollars a month.
    No one can survive in Hong Kong for a salary of less than five thousand dollars a month.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Did you pay the electricity bill already? <br> - I put aside some money, and tomorrow I will pay.
    - Did you pay the electricity bill already? <br> 
    - I put aside some money, and tomorrow I will pay.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Despite the fact that we both work, our salary is barely enough to live in this city.
    Despite the fact that we both work, our salary is barely enough to live in this city.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. I save some money every month to buy a house near our lake.
    I save some money every month to buy a house near our lake.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. The new iPhone will be available soon. I put aside $ 700 and give up on it.
    The new iPhone will be available soon. I put aside $ 700 and give up on it.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. How much does the company expect to spend on solving the problem?
    How much does the company expect to spend on solving the problem?
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. We need to get rid of old books and other things.
    We need to get rid of old books and other things.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. I have been saving money for almost five years to leave my parent’s house and buy my own apartment.
    I have been saving money for almost five years to leave my parents house and buy my own apartment.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. My friends could also own some land and buildings and take loans in banks.
    My friends could also own some land and buildings and take loans in banks.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. To buy my first Ferrari, I had to save money for almost ten years.
    To buy my first Ferrari, I had to save money for almost ten years.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. To organize a wedding near the ocean, I had to fork out, but I did not regret about it.
    To organize a wedding near the ocean, I had to fork out, but I did not regret about it.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> <h3 class="rule-title"> Посмотрите на таблицу фразовых глаголов и выполните упражнения: <ul style="max-width: 400px;"> <li><b>*Your translation of "pay sth/sb back"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "get by sth"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "scrape by (on sth)"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "save sth up"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "put sth aside"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "cough sth up"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "shell sth out"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "fork sth over"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "dip into sth"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "break into sth"goes here*</b> <li><b>*Your translation of "pay sth/sb off"goes here* </b> <li><b>*Your translation of "get rid of"goes here* </b> <li><b>*Your translation of "take out"goes here*</b> </ul> </h3> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    Посмотрите на таблицу фразовых глаголов и выполните упражнения:  
    <ul style="max-width: 400px;">  
    <li><b>*Your translation of "pay sth/sb back"goes here*</b>  
    <li><b>*Your translation of "get by sth"goes here*</b>  
    <li><b>*Your translation of "scrape by (on sth)"goes here*</b>  
    <li><b>*Your translation of "save sth up"goes here*</b>   
    <li><b>*Your translation of "put sth aside"goes here*</b>    
    <li><b>*Your translation of "cough sth up"goes here*</b>  
    <li><b>*Your translation of "shell sth out"goes here*</b>  
    <li><b>*Your translation of "fork sth over"goes here*</b>   
    <li><b>*Your translation of "dip into sth"goes here*</b>    
    <li><b>*Your translation of "break into sth"goes here*</b>    
    <li><b>*Your translation of "pay sth/sb off"goes here* </b>  
    <li><b>*Your translation of "get rid of"goes here* </b>   
    <li><b>*Your translation of "take out"goes here*</b>   
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Find the translation for the words:
    Find the translation for the words:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example"> <h3 class="rule-title"> <p align="сenter">As mentioned in the last lesson, phrasal verbs can be memorized effectively in several ways. <br> Today we will combine the use of context with phrasal verbs, in which the main verb is back.</p> </h3> <div class="rule-example"> <div class="rule-example-content"> <div class="media-img acenter"> <img src="//contentcdn.lingualeo.com/uploads/upimages/d46140ed088ed558fb183d07461033763dda7d79.jpg" alt="course 395 ex 36978"> </div> <!-- Если есть фраза в примере --> <div class="rule-example-body"> <div class="rule-phrase"> <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no">A good partner will always back you up in good and hard times. </h2> <em class="example-trans">A good partner will always cover you in good and bad times. </em> </div> </div> <!-- Конец блока фразы в примере --> </div> </div> </dd>
    <dd class="course-rule rule-case-example">  
        <h3 class="rule-title">  
    <p align="сenter">As mentioned in the last lesson, phrasal verbs can be memorized effectively in several ways. <br> 
    Today we will combine the use of context with phrasal verbs, in which the main verb is back.</p>  
        <div class="rule-example">  
            <div class="rule-example-content">  
                <div class="media-img acenter">  
                    <img src="//contentcdn.lingualeo.com/uploads/upimages/d46140ed088ed558fb183d07461033763dda7d79.jpg" alt="course 395 ex 36978">  
                <!-- Если есть фраза в примере -->  
                <div class="rule-example-body">  
                    <div class="rule-phrase">  
                        <h2 class="example-phrase" translate="no">A good partner will always back you up in good and hard times. </h2>  
                        <em class="example-trans">A good partner will always cover you in good and bad times. </em>  
                <!-- Конец блока фразы в примере -->  
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. If you work at a computer every day, then you should back up important files daily.
    If you work at a computer every day, then you should back up important files daily.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. I didn't pass my driving test because I hit a car that was parked nearby.
    I didn't pass my driving test because I hit a car that was parked nearby.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
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    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
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    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
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    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
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    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. Choose the correct answer:
    Choose the correct answer:
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. I have been driving for over ten years, but I still need help when I return it back. This is such a shame.
    I have been driving for over ten years, but I still need help when I return it back. This is such a shame.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. When Daenerys Targaryen flew on the back of her dragon, all her enemies retreated.
    When Daenerys Targaryen flew on the back of her dragon, all her enemies retreated.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. No member of the American Democratic Party supported Trump’s candidacy for the role of president.
    No member of the American Democratic Party supported Trumps candidacy for the role of president.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Are you sure he won't back down from the deal? <br> - Oh, I know that he will never reconsider his position until he reaches his goal.
    - Are you sure he won't back down from the deal? <br> 
    - Oh, I know that he will never reconsider his position until he reaches his goal.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  1. - Are you sure he won't back down from the deal? <br> - Oh, I know that he will never reconsider his position until he reaches his goal.
    - Are you sure he won't back down from the deal? <br> 
    - Oh, I know that he will never reconsider his position until he reaches his goal.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - Are you sure he won't back down from the deal? <br> - Oh, I know that he will never reconsider his position until he achieves his goal.
    - Are you sure he won't back down from the deal? <br> 
    - Oh, I know that he will never reconsider his position until he achieves his goal.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. If neither side wants to back down, we will not be able to reach a consensus.
    If neither side wants to back down, we will not be able to reach a consensus.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. The photographer dropped his camera in the sea and started crying when he realized that he hadn’t backed up his pictures.
    The photographer dropped his camera in the sea and started crying when he realized that he hadnt backed up his pictures.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. I was going to marry Taylor Swift, but at the last moment she went back down and said no.
    I was going to marry Taylor Swift, but at the last moment she went back down and said no.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. My father took the fireworks box and told us to calm down and move away.
    My father took the fireworks box and told us to calm down and move away.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. All your dreams will come true if you never stop and continue to move towards your goal.
    All your dreams will come true if you never stop and continue to move towards your goal.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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  2. - If I ask for more money, will you support me? <br> - Without a doubt.
    - If I ask for more money, will you support me? <br> 
    - Without a doubt.
    modifié par Iljushhenkons .
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22 fév. de 03:04 to 17:08